April 2019 Agenda F&GP Cttee
The Millennium Hall, 16 High Street, Cherry Willingham, Lincoln LN3 4AQ
Chairman of the Council: Cllr Sharron Brylewski
Clerk to the Council: Mrs Michelle Vail
A meeting of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Finance & General Purposes Committee will be held in the Millennium Hall on Tuesday 16th April 2019 at 7.30pm. It is expected that all members will make every effort to attend. Any member not able to attend, however, should pass on their apologies to the Chair/clerk.
1. Apologies
2. Member’s declarations of interest, gifts and hospitality
3. Minutes of the meeting held on 30th October 2018 to be signed as a true record
4. To receive a brief review of the Council’s Finances for the year 2018/19
5. To consider a recommendation from the Leisure and Amenities Committee that an additional £782 expenditure be approved to allow purchase of three springer play items at a much discounted price
6. To consider grant applications received from village organisations
7. To note that all policies pertinent to this committee have been reviewed and updated accordingly
8. Items for report, or for inclusion in next agenda.
9. Date of next meeting
Mrs Michelle Vail
Parish Clerk