September 2019 Minutes L&A Cttee

Minutes of the Meeting of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Leisure and Amenities Committee held in the Millennium Hall on Monday 9th Sept at 7.45pm

Present: Cllrs Allen (note taker from item 5), Bates, Brylewski, Burge, Houghton, Robinson (Chair)

1.   Apologies. None

2.   Members’ declarations of interest, gifts and hospitality. None

3.   To receive the notes of the Leisure & Amenities Committee meeting held on 1st July 2019 and agree for them to be signed as a true record. Agreed and signed.


4.   To receive clarification concerning handyman’s costings for maintaining burial ground benches and cleaning signs and play equipment and agree any actions as necessary. (Cllr Brylewski)

It was noted that regular maintenance jobs which were formerly assigned to a handyman have now been reassigned to the Probation service team for the time being, so clarification is no longer required.

Cllr Allen arrived.

5.   To review current situation regarding grass cutting, general maintenance and litter picking across all sites and agree any actions as necessary.

It was agreed that the probation service were doing great job on the bushes, kerbs etc. Ian's team are also continuing to litter pick. Grass cutting is satisfactory. No action necessary.

6.   To review Play Inspection records completed by Cllrs and agree on who will do this going forward.

Members of the Committee are doing monthly inspections. It was proposed that Cllr Brylewski do monthly inspections with Cllr Palmer (when she can).  Emergency actions to be fed back to the committee and actioned appropriately.  Clerk to let the committee know of any further dates available for training.

ACTIONS: Cllr Brylewski, Cllr Palmer, Clerk

St Paul’s Play area:

7.   To review the installation of the springers and the opening event. (Cllrs Brylewski and Allen) The event was well attended and well received. Around 50 local children and families attended. Cllr Allen reported Facebook marketing and posters were best tools to remind people of the event. Cllr Allen to send pictures for Clerk for records. N/B: One of the springers will be turned around and a sharp piece on the seesaw will be filed down by Cllr Burge. ACTIONS: Cllr Allen, Cllr Burge

8.   To agree any necessary actions regarding adjusting St Paul’s Play area gate and fitting a self- close mechanism or replacing the gate - see quotations from EKM and Wicksteed.

A self-closing gate mechanism and a new handle and stopper have been installed and other necessary adjustments have been made to the gate. Gate awaiting painting. ACTION: Cllr Brylewski to ensure painting takes place.

9.   To receive an update on purchasing and fitting a chainmail basketball hoop and agree any actions as necessary. (Cllrs Brylewski and Burge) Item deferred as the hoop doesn’t fit standard nets. Under further consideration.

10.   To receive an update concerning repairing eco-tumble surface and agree any actions as necessary. (Cllr Burge)

Cllr Burge and Cllr Fleetwood have levelled and backfilled the surface under the eco-tumble. Continue to monitor. ACTION: Cllr Brylewski to monitor when doing inspections.

11.   To consider and agree any other actions identified during the preceeding site visit.

Key areas identified in inspection carried out by Cllrs before the meeting today (09.09.19):

  • Edge of the rumble path need grass removing and weeding - probation will complete.
  • Grass encroaching on play surfaces – probation will complete.
  • Bin needs a new locking mechanism  - Cllr Bates to investigate. Authorised to spend up to £45.
  • Equipment needs painting – Cllr Brylewski to get quote on how much paint we need. Probation service to paint.
  • Rubber bolt covers needed for equipment at both sites. 30 needed.  Authorised to spend up to £25. Cllr Bates to investigate and purchase. ACTIONS: Cllr Brylewski, Bates, Fleetwood

Laburnum Drive Playing Field:

12.   To receive an update on replacing split springer motorcycle sleeve. (Cllr Bates)

Springer motorcycle sleeve refitted by Cllr Fleetwood and Cllr Burge.

13.   To agree any necessary actions regarding changing the car park gate so it opens inwards.

A contractor has fixed it so it opens inwards.

14.   To consider replacing the litter bin with a larger one and agree as necessary - see quotes. Litter Bin quotes received. Authorised to spend up to £250 for Buxton Litter Bin (including delivery and fittings). Clerk to order.  Installation TBC. 

15.   To note the procedures for rent review and increases according to Laburnum Drive Playing Field Regular Use Policy.

Regular Use Policy noted and rent review will take place March as per policy when committee will consider whether to increase by inflation or by £5.

Cherry Fields:

16.   To receive a verbal report of CFMG’s meeting held on the afternoon of  9th Sept, including Community Picnic review, and consider actions as necessary. (Cllrs Robinson and Bates)

Over 200 people attended the Cherry Fields picnic. Great turnout with lots of young people doing the bike trials. Cllr Bates spoke with a number of dog owners - potential for a dog club. CFMG intend to run another picnic in 2021, on the understanding there is a Village Gala in 2020.

Burial Ground:

17.   To receive an update on new wooden bench and replacement of Stead Memorial bench and agree any actions as necessary. (Cllr Brylewski)

Stead memorial bench has been removed as it is too damaged and the family don’t wish to replace it. A new wooden bench has been donated by another family. (Note: the council has had the offer of two more benches 1) at Laburnum 2) at the Gilbert’s Pond.)

18.   To receive an update on matters relating to creation of second entrance and agree actions as necessary. (Cllr Brylewski)

Cllr Brylewski is meeting the church representatives shortly to update and consult on plans.

Other considerations:

19.   Any other matters to report or for inclusion in the next agenda.

  • Budget.
  • FCC Environment Grant to be explored. Cllr Allen to take pictures of potential equipment and investigate.
  • Cllr Brylewski to explore other grant options.
  • Cllr Brylewski to explore holding focus groups with Pembroke Academy pupils.

20.   To confirm date for the next meeting.

Monday October 14th 7.30pm Millennium Hall.

Notes taken by Cllr Allen.
Formatted and issued by Cllr Robinson.
PP Mrs C. Hodgson (RFO and Assistant Clerk to Cherry Willingham Parish Council)