October 2020 Minutes

Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council held at 7.30pm on 20th October 2020 held at the Reepham and Cherry Willingham Village Hall

Present: Cllrs Brylewski, Fleetwood, Baker, Palmer, Mellor, Bates, Scott, Trahearn, Burge, Bucke, Robinson & Longley.

Gill Shaw (Clerk to the Council), Christine Hodgson (RFO & Assistant to Clerk) and Jude Sparks (Minute taker).

No members of the public or District Councillors in attendance. The meeting commenced at 7.30pm

Apologies, welcomes and attendance, including accepting apologies and the reason for absence where given.

Cllr Houghton – Concerns over parish council meetings during Covid-19 pandemic. RESOLVED unanimously to accept reason for non-attendance. PROPOSED Cllr Brylewski, SECONDED Cllr Fleetwood.

Member’s disclosure of pecuniary interests:


To receive reports from outside bodies, including the Police, District and County Councillors (if any) and agree actions as required.

  • The Chair confirmed that copies of the Police report had been distributed to all councillors.
  • Cllr Fleetwood in his role as County Councillor advised that the bridleway between Cherry Willingham and Greetwell has been closed as a horse has been injured on the bridge. It is anticipated that a new bridge should be open on 14th January 2021.
  • There is still a possibility that the East-West bypass may be opened before Xmas, although the recent news that 4 workers have tested positive for Covid-19 may have an impact.

Chair’s report

Following the last Full Council meeting the Chair proffered a statement (copy attached) to answer some of the criticisms that had been levied.

  • Items requested for inclusion on the agenda on the Code of Conduct and Policies & Procedures could not be included as the proposals were not sufficiently specific to enable their inclusion.
  • The request that the Chair stop all work on Cherry Fields could not be authorised as the Chair is not legally permitted to make independent decisions on behalf of the Council as an individual unless Council has previously resolved for her to do so.
  • Cherry Fields as an item needs to be discussed initially by the VIC and their meeting, which was due to be held before the Full Council meeting on 20th October, has now been rearranged for Wednesday 21st October.
  • The Chair offered her apologies to Cllr Palmer for the fact that her integrity had been questioned at the meeting held on 22nd September 2020.
  • The Chair also offered her apologies to all councillors for the way the meeting on 22nd September had been handled. She advised that going forward all meetings would be held in accordance with Standing Orders.
  • The Chair reiterated that the parish council is a team working for the benefit of all parishioners and although her ability to undertake her role has been questioned she felt it important to stress that ‘what you see is what you get’ and she will continue to strive to achieve the best results.
  • With the potential rise of Covid-19 within Lincolnshire the Covid-19 Voluntary Group is ready to return to action when required.

Following the statement by the Chair Cllr Burge made a statement (copy to be kept on file).

It was noted that according to the Code of Conduct shouting out in meetings is not permitted and in addition, as a result of the issues surrounding a lack of Clerk and Covid-19, some decisions have been agreed by Council to be passed to the Chair, the Vice-Chair and the RFO.

Cllr Fleetwood stated his alignment with the comments raised by Cllr Burge and advised that he frequently feels not included in the decision-making process of the Council and that he considers that there is little communication between him and the Chair.

To receive the notes of the Council meeting held on 22nd September 2020 and agree for them to be signed as a true record.ouncil RESOLVED to accept the notes as a true record on the proviso that item 2020-18 v) following the comment by Cllr Robinson be amended to include the wording ‘Other councillor’s also made comments namely, ‘ploughing it up or some sort of chemical if allotments were agreed to be sited there in the future’ . PROPOSED Cllr Burge, SECONDED Cllr Fleetwood. All in favour bar Cllr Longley who ABSTAINED. (Clerk to ACTION)

Cllr Baker commented that all councillor’s should ensure that the draft notes that are sent to all by the Clerk should be read and any amendments suggested before the Full Council meeting in order that Full Council only needs to accept them as a true record.

Cllr Fleetwood advised that due to time restraints he can not always read council paperwork immediately it is sent. Cllr Robinson asked it to be noted that given his previous comments of not feeling included in council decisions she has difficulty reconciling his statements.

Financial matters.

i)   To receive the schedule of receipts and payments for September 2020. RESOLVED to receive and accept schedule of receipts and payments for September 2020.

All agreed bar I against

ii)   To receive the bank reconciliation for the quarter ending September 2020. RESOLVED  unanimously  to  receive  the  bank  reconciliation  for  the  quarter  ending September 2020. PROPOSED Cllr Fleetwood, SECONDED Cllr Trahearn. Cllr Fleetwood also passed his thanks to the RFO for the work done.

iii)   To retrospectively seek approval for the purchase of seeds for Cherry Fields. The RFO apologised and stated that an error had occurred in the purchase of the seeds as a resolution should have been sought for expenditure over £1000 and it hadn’t been. 
An earlier resolution had granted total expenditure for Cherry Fields of over £1000 so the seed purchase was within that but specific retrospective authority for the purchase of seeds was required. RESOLVED unanimously to grant retrospective approval for the purchase of seeds for Cherry Fields. PROPOSED Cllr Robinson, SECONDED Cllr Palmer.

To receive reports and recommendations (if any) concerning the business of the Council and its Committees, Sub-committees etc, and agree any actions accordingly: (Note: queries from minutes please see the individual Chairs or members outside of the Full Council meeting to expedite the meeting.)

a)   Village Improvement Committee (VIC) – Chair: Cllr Fleetwood.
Cllr Fleetwood advised that as there had been no updates last week for the VIC it would be meeting on Wednesday 21st October.

b)   Planning matters – Chair: vacant, Vice-Chair Cllr Palmer

To receive an update on any other planning matters received since the last meeting.

  • No further applications received.
  • Cllr Palmer advised that evidence is required to prove that work is still ongoing at 5 St Luke’s Close.

c)   Employment Committee – Chair Cllr Palmer

  • Confirmed Clerks working hours are 8.30am-12 noon.
  • Clerk is to all attend relevant courses.
  • Reminded councillor’s that they may find attendance on courses useful.

d)   Leisure & Amenities Committee (L&A) – Chair: Cllr Robinson, Vice-Chair Cllr Brylewski.

  • No meeting held but a problem has occurred with the quote that had been accepted for Sovereign to replace the swings, safety surface and fencing as it does not include the removal of the rubber mulch. Although the Chair has negotiated a discount the new price including the removal of the mulch is now £4814.79, a cost of a further £407. Cllr Robinson confirmed this is still the lowest quote.
  • Overnight container and water supply will be required.
  • Cllr Robinson PROPOSED that Council allow the L&A to approve the payment at it’s meeting to be held on 9th November.

Council RESOLVED to allow the L&A to approve the payment at its meeting to be held on 9th November. PROPOSED Cllr Robinson, SECONDED Cllr Baker. All in favour bar Cllr’s Fleetwood & Burge who OBJECTED. (Cllr Robinson & Clerk to ACTION).

To receive an update on the setting up of an Allotment Feasibility Group – Cllr Fleetwood.

Cllr Fleetwood confirmed that membership of the Allotment Feasibility Group would consist of 3 members of the CFMG in addition to Cllr’s Fleetwood, Brylewski, Trahearn and Burge.

To consider other matters relating to work of the Council:

To consider the proposed changes to the Terms of Reference for the Committees and Sub-Committees. Cllr’s Brylewski and Palmer.

  • Cllr  Palmer  advised  that  at  this  time  no  specific  changes  were  being proposed however, it was hoped that all councillor’s have had the opportunity to read the re-drafted Terms of Reference (TOR’s) and will give any suggested recommendations in due course.
  • It was confirmed that the idea is to standardise the TOR’s and any proposed changes will be considered at a future meeting.
  • The Chair advised that a decision does not have to be made immediately.
  • Cllr Robinson suggested that it may be useful for each committee to view its own TOR’s and make appropriate recommendations. (Cllr Palmer & Cllr Brylewski to ACTION).

To review the review of CW2020: Vision for our Future Community-led plan – Cllr Robinson.

a) Progress - Cllr Robinson provided a history of the plan and advised it is a working document, initially produced in 2013, and the Council is now looking to see where it goes forward.

Cllr  Robinson  stated  that  the  Parish  Council  should  be  proud  of  its achievements, including the award of a Kite Mark for the Community led plan, and much of what parishioners had stated they wished for the parish had been achieved; including Speedwatch and litter picking.

The Neighbourhood plan was adopted in March 2019.

b) To agree the recommendation that the Council’s committees identify and take responsibility for those areas within their scope that need further work and formulate action plans to present to the Council.

RESOLVED unanimously to agree the recommendation that the Council’s committees identify and take responsibility for those areas within their scope that need further work and formulate action plans to present to the Council. PROPOSED Cllr Robinson, SECONDED Cllr Bucke.

Website & Technology – Cllr Baker and Cllr Trahearn

Update on the new Website.

  • Cllr Trahearn advised that LCC is in the process of moving the current parish council website onto a new content management system. Cllr Trahearn has moved a large part of the present content over to the new website and work is continuing to ensure it functions in accordance with all accessibility guidelines. She confirmed that there are a few teething issues but it is hoped they will be ironed out soon. The website address is: (Cllr Trahearn to provide)

Clerks matters to report including formal correspondence received.

  • Two residents have reported an issue with the pavement on Church Lane, opposite the Church. Clerk has reported it to Fix my Street.
  • Reverend Green has advised that due to current Covid-19 restrictions the Remembrance Service will be reduced to several short services on the steps of the church. Cllr Bates volunteered to attend to lay a wreath on behalf of the Parish Council.
  • It was RESOLVED unanimously for the RFO to arrange purchase of the wreath. PROPOSED Cllr Palmer, SECONDED Cllr Mellor (RFO to ACTION)


  • To consider any new councillor applications and to agree to co-opt if approved.
  • To receive an update on the Employment Committee meeting on 2nd September and approve any actions as necessary – this agenda item had been included in error and was not considered.
  • To receive an update on the Health & Safety policy.

RESOLVED unanimously that the Council move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed. PROPOSED Cllr Robinson, SECONDED Cllr Trahearn.

To confirm the date of the next parish council meeting.

  • Next meeting date is confirmed as 17th November 2020 at 7.30pm. Agenda items are required to be sent to the Clerk by Monday 9th November.

Meeting ended 8.47 pm.