November 2022 Agenda CF Cttee

Cherry Willingham Parish Council

The Millennium Hall, 16 High Street, Cherry Willingham, Lincoln, LN3 4AQ

Email: Tel: 01522 753398

Chair of the Cherry Fields Committee TBC

Clerk and RFO: Jude Sparks


A meeting of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Cherry Fields Committee will be held on Tuesday 1st November at 7pm at The Millennium Hall.  Members of the Public are welcome to attend.



  1. To appoint a minute taker for the meeting
  2. To receive apologies to the Clerk
  3. Declarations of Interest: To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.  Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared. To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.
  4. To receive the notes of CFC meeting held on 5th September 2022 and to agree for them to be signed as a true record.
  5. To receive a report on maintenance and project work undertaken since the last meeting (NH/BR)
  6. To receive a report on Expenditure v Budget year to date (NH)
  7. To receive a report on any grant applications including LCC Wildlife Grant and Wickes and agree any further actions accordingly (HM)
  8. To discuss any feedback from the Autumn Parish Meeting
  9. To discuss and agree the project and maintenance budget requests for 2023/2024 (NH)
  10. To receive a report on the raising of the water level in the lagoon and agree any further actions required (AG)
  11. To receive a report on progress with disposing of the cut hay in Cherry Pastures (BR)
  12. To receive an update on the deployment of the recently purchased gate opening time signs (BR)
  13. To receive any update regarding routine safety inspections (JT/AB)
  14. To review the programme of works for the forthcoming months and agree associated expenditure (NH/BR)
  15. To receive any information relating to the purchase of the mulch mower and strimmer and agree expenditure as required (NH/BR)
  16. To receive an update on any matters relating to the roe deer sculpture and the offer of further sculptures (BR)
  17. To receive any update regarding donations of benches and resolve on the actions needed accordingly
  18. To receive an update on a request from a resident to place beehives on Cherry Fields (BR)
  19. To consider an enquiry about a visitor bringing battery powered radio-controlled model tanks etc to the site and agree any actions required (BR)
  20. To note that Full Council resolved that CFC should run a Community Picnic on either 1st July or 8th July 2023 and agree any actions required
  21. To receive a report on ways of enabling visitors to Cherry Fields to make donations and agree any actions accordingly (JT)
  22. To note the use of Cherry Fields for a Christmas themed trail by the churches between 9th and 20th December
  23. To receive brief reports from members on actions/issues arising since last meeting and resolve actions required (if not itemised on agenda above and dealt with already):
    1. Health and Safety (AG/NH/BR)
    2. Grants (HM)
    3. Ditch maintenance (AG)
    4. Pond maintenance (NH/BR)
    5. General path/track and site maintenance (BR/NH)
    6. Grass Cutting (NH/BR)
    7. Woodland and Meadow Project (NH)
    8. Orchard (NH)
    9. Dog exercise area and off lead strip
    10. Bike Track (BR)
    11. Car Park and Gate-opening and closing (BR)
    12. Oasis
  24. General: Any other matters to report for inclusion in the next agenda
  25. To agree the date of the next meeting





Signed……………………………………….Cllr J Robinson (Chair of Cherry Field Committee) on behalf of the Clerk