Allotment Minutes July 2023
Meeting of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s
Allotment Sub-Committee
held on Monday 10th July 2023 at 7.00pm at the Millennium Hall
Present: Cllr Bridgwood (Chair), Cllr Brylewski (Vice-Chair), Cllr Mrs Burge, Cllr Mr Burge, Cllr Trahearn and Donna Townsend.
Meeting started at 7pm.
Eleven members of the public were present
Members of the public spoke requesting a water supply and it was explained as to why the funding and the logistics of this is difficult. Was suggested they are welcomed to come together as a group and join an allotment association and they were also within their rights to look at funding and grants themselves, our Councillors have also offered help with the filling of grant applications but the Parish was unable to do this for them.
Standing orders Suspended at 7:15pm
A notice board was requested, this is part of the council's future plans and has been noted.
Concerns of the security were expressed with there being a few thefts down at the allotments, the thefts no matter how small must be reported to the police and to the assistant clerk for monitoring. The council agreed they could help with an email to all allotment holders stating the importance of locking the gate behind them and all following the rules within the tenancy.
The untidiness of a few plots and not abiding by their tenancy agreement has expressed some upset, again the council will address this with the individual plot holders a note has been made.
Standing orders reinstated at 730pm
To appoint a minute taker
RESOLVED unanimously Assistant Clerk Loo Clinkscales was appointed as minute taker.
To appoint a chair of the sub-committee.
RESOLVED unanimously to elect Cllr T Bridgwood as the chair of the allotment sub-committee.
To appoint a vice chair of the sub-committee.
RESOLVED unanimously to elect Cllr S Brylewski as the vice-chair of the allotment sub-committee.
Apologies, welcomes and attendance, including to accept apologies and the reasons for absence, where given.
To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and consider any requests for dispensations in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or other interests as outlined in the Council’s Code of Conduct.
Donna Townsend is an allotment holder.
To discuss the notice of tenancy of plots 29 & 30 and agree to any actions that needs to be taken.
RESOLVED unanimously to offer the two plots to the next Cherry residents on the list..
It was also noted that there are a few plots in breach of their tenancy, with regards to keeping it tidy. it was agreed to email the plot holders asking them if they would tidy their areas. Plot 32,Plot 8, Plot 11, Plot 2, and Plot 4.
(Action - Ass Clerk)
To discuss an email received by plot 34 regarding her contract and agree to any action that is required.
RESOLVED unanimously to email the plot holders and refer them back to their tenancy agreement. (Action - Ass Clerk)
To discuss the issues with the security of the site and agree to any actions that are required.
RESOLVED unanimously to email all the allotment holders and stress the importance of the gate and closing it, as its within their tenancy the rules of responsibility of the security. (Action - Ass Clerk)
Townlands magazine.
RESOLVED unanimously that as much as this would benefit the Parish and the work the Councillors have put in this would also be a detriment for the allotment holders from a security aspect, and wouldn't promote anything within the right way. no further action.
Entrance access.
RESOLVED unanimously to put out to tender, as the money is still in the budget and with the winter months approaching once again this is something that would be beneficial sooner than later. (Action - Ass Clerk)
Produce show.
RESOLVED unanimously to attach this to the general email to allotment holders in hope to drum up some more interest. (Action - Ass Clerk)
Matters for report and future agenda items.
Grass sods, pile of turf.
To confirm a date for the next meeting.
7pm on the 4th September 2023.
Meeting closed at 8:12pm
Signed………………………………….Cllr Andrew Burge (original signed)