Cherry Willingham 2020 Community Led Plan
At the Annual Parish Meeting in 2011, residents voted to develop a Community Led plan. A steering group of residents was established and over the next two years an extensive process of consultation took place, with the ideas presented being refined after each consultation. The final plan Cherry Willingham looking towards 2020: A Community-Led Vision was presented at the 2013 Annual Parish Meeting. The vision is summarised as follows:
“Building on all that is good about the village and community now, our vision is: to create a friendlier, greener, safer, healthier place to live; with enhanced facilities and services which meet the needs of all residents; supported by a volunteering community, vibrant voluntary organisations and partnerships and strong relationships with other agencies whether statutory or charitable.”
The full plan can be read here
An Implementation & Monitoring Group was established to oversee the outworking of the plan; this role was later taken on by the Parish Council. A thorough review was undertaken during Autumn 2020. The Council was proud to record that considerable progress had been made in many areas, the most significant being the subsequent production of the Neighbourhood Plan (a legal planning document) and the purchase and development of Cherry Fields. The Parish Council is committed to continuing work on achieving the aspirations of the village as expressed in the Cherry Willingham 2020 plan.