May 2021 Minutes CF Cttee
Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Cherry Fields Committee held at Cherry Fields on Friday 14th May 2021 at 10.30 am.
Present: Cllr J Robinson, Cllr Bridgwood, Cllr Burge, Cllr B. Robinson and Cllr Trahearn.
Clerk: Gill Shaw
Members of the public: Alan Garner, Helen McCowen and Nigel Hooper.
Prior to the start of the meeting, Cllr J Robinson asked Cllr Burge to explain what personal interest she had in Cherry Fields which he had referred to in his recent email to all Parish Councillors. Cllr Burge explained that others had expressed a concern to him about the Chairman of the Parish Council also being elected to the Chair of the Cherry Fields Committee. Cllr Bridgewood explained that there was a due procedure if any councillor needed to declare an interest at any time but he could see no conflict of interest in this instance. Cllr Burge then stated that he knew of no personal interests that Cllr J Robinson had and subsequently he offered to retract his statement in writing. However, he stated that he still had concerns about any conflict of interest with the election of the Council Chairman to Chair of this committee. Cllr Burge was asked in future to make sure he had the correct information and evidence to support any future statements.
1. Apologies.
2. To elect a Chairman.
Cllr Trahearn nominated Cllr J Robinson who duly accepted the nomination. This was seconded by Cllr B. Robinson and it was RESOLVED (4 votes to 1) to elect Cllr J. Robinson to be the committee Chairman
3. To receive the nominations of non-councillors for co-option and agree co-option.
It was unanimously RESOLVED to accept the nomination by Cllr J. Robinson of 4 members: Helen McCowan, Alan Garner, Nigel Hooper and David Leonard (not present) who all had relevant experience and knowledge which would be helpful to the committee.
It was unanimously RESOLVED to co-opt Helen McCowan, Alan Garner, Nigel Hooper and David Leonard.
ACTION: Clerk to send the appropriate documents to the co-opted members
Co-opted members Helen McCowan, Alan Garner and Nigel Hooper joined the meeting at this point.
4. To elect a Vice-chairman
Cllr Trahearn nominated Nigle Hooper who duly accepted the nomination. This was seconded by Cllr B. Robinson and it was RESOLVED unanimously to elect Nigel Hooper to be Vice-chairman.
5. Declarations of interest.
6. To receive the minutes of the meeting of Cherry Fields Management Group held on 5th May.
It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes as a true record.
7. To appoint a councillor on the committee to represent the CFC on the Finance and General Purpose Committee.
It was RESOLVED (1 against) to appoint Cllr B. Robinson to represent the CFC on the Finance and General Purpose Committee.
8. To appoint a committee member to keep an overview of expenditure and approve expenses claims before they are submitted to the RFO.
It was RESOLVED to appoint Nigel Hooper to overview expenditure.
9. To discuss the revised draft Open Space Policy, including the issue of barbecues and resolve on any changes and actions required.
The provision of a dedicated site for barbecues and the possibility of extra litter was discussed. It was agreed to create a dedicated area near the lagoon with the provision of slabs for users of disposable BBQ’s with the possibility of providing a permanent BBQ in the future. Signage should be installed indicating where the permissible area was located.
It was RESOLVED that the Open Space Policy was to be amended to allow Barbecues ‘in authorised designated areas only’.
ACTION: members to identify a suitable site and use existing materials to create a BBQ area.
10. To agree to enter Cherry Fields to the Lincs Environmental Awards 2021 and resolve on any actions required.
An application to this had previously been prepared but never submitted as the Awards scheme was cancelled. The criteria has now changed and the Award is primarily for ‘new developments’. The first prize was for £4,000 and, as Cherry Fields was not a new development, nor had a project to this value, it was suggested that an application be submitted for rewilding Tanfaine. It was felt that the application would be viewed favourably as the council had a good record in using funding as shown at Cherry Fields.
It was RESOLVED to offer to prepare a Tanfaine application for the award to the Village Improvement Committee and Full Council.
ACTION: Clerk to put on the June VIC agenda and June Full Council.
11. To agree date of next meeting.
It was agree that the next meeting would be held on the 12th July at 7pm