September 2021 Minutes CF Cttee
Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Cherry Fields Committee held at The Millennium Hall on Wednesday 8th September 2021 at 7pm.
Present: Cllr J Robinson (Chair), Cllr Andy Burge,
Cllr Trahearn, Helen McCowan, David Leonard Alan Gardner and Nigel Hooper.
Gill Shaw - Clerk
1. Welcome and resolve to receive apologies received by the Clerk and accept reasons for absence.
Apologies had been received from Cllr B Robinson who was ill and Cllr Bridgwood who had a previous appointment.
It was RESOLVED to accept the apologies.
2. Members' disclosure of pecuniary interests.
3. To receive the notes of the CFC meeting held on 8th September 2021 and to agree for them to be signed as a true record.
It was RESOLVED (one abstention) to agree them, subject to 3 amendments to item 12, item 13 and to item 15f. The notes were duly signed.
4. To receive a report on maintenance and project work undertaken since the last meeting.(NH/BR)
Comprehensive notes were distributed prior to the meeting. * Confirmation had been received from the LCC Tree scheme, Woodland Trust and the Conservation TCV that all the trees applied for had been approved. Thanks were given to the volunteers involved in the preparation of the mats and pegs. Work was continuing on the scramble trail and removing old mats. The wildflower meadow had been cut ready for baling, the lagoon boardwalk had been completed using mainly recycled materials. The mulch in the car park had been donated and would be used to mulch the orchard.
Thanks were given to all the volunteers and supervisors.
5. To note the additional sum of £500 granted from the Parish Council from balances towards the cost of maintenance, including equipment hire.
6. To receive a report on Expenditure v Budget year to date(NH)
The Maintenance budget statement was circulated prior to the meeting. * Another grass cut may be needed. The pump may not need to be hired to facilitate repairs, as the pond in the SE corner now has too much water in it due to the recent heavy rain. The cost of baling of the meadow was unknown. The pathways were being repaired using the grant from the Parish Council of £500.
There was a query on the account received from the Draining Board for the dyke flailing which was higher than quoted. The budget allocated was £770 and Alan Gardner offered to donate a sum to cover any shortfall. However, this was still being negotiated and it was hoped that the original quote of £770 would be honoured.
The Project budget statement was circulated prior to the meeting. * The dog exercise area is on hold until the Parish Council decides on the provision of allotments. The present balance of £223 may be used for the purchase of a vehicle access gate for the dog exercise area.
Thanks were given to Nigel Hooper for all his work.
7. To receive a report on the Co-op grant application (HM)
Confirmation had been received that the application had gone to the next stage where people vote. However, there were a lot of applications this year, so any amount granted would be small.
8. To receive an update on the purchase of posts, gates, tree planting accessories and tree stock.(NH)
After comparing prices and delivery charges, Knights were competitive so a purchase order was raised for 2 pedestrian gates, 4 gate posts and necessary metal work. Tree planting accessories e.g. stakes, tree deer protection tubes and the second half of the tree stock was to be ordered from the balance of Cherry Pastures woodlands budget.
It was RESOLVED to spend up to the value of £950 on the purchase of the remaining tree planting accessories and tree stock required for the next tree planting event.
9. To review the remaining programme of works for the forthcoming months, including hiring a pedestrian flail mower to clear weed growth between last year's trees prior to next year's spraying and arrangements for tree planting events. (NH/BR)
The path repairs were due to start and a digger and Wacker plate were needed. Some tree thinning was needed this year and the felled trees would be left in place to encourage wildlife. Some trees were suffering from disease and summer droughts. Cherry Fields pasture was very fertile and a flail mower was needed to cut the weeds and also the remaining part of the wildflower meadow. Willow branches in the hedgerow had to be removed.
It was RESOLVED to approve the programme of works*.
Two community planting days had been advertised on the 20th and 27th November 9am to 3pm.
ACTION: Cllr J Robinson will contact the tree planting volunteers and also arrange with the school for their participation during the week beginning Monday 22nd. Also to suggest they bring spades, wear suitable footwear, arrange their own risk assessment and to be adequately supervised.
10. To receive an update on the Community Orchard (NH)
The donors would be offered the opportunity to plant their tree.
It was RESOLVED to receive the update.
11. To receive an update on the application to the Environment Agency re improvements to the River bank access (NH)
No progress to report.
12. To discuss and agree any actions in relation to the residents survey results as applicable to this committee.
More bins and signage had been requested and also speed signs and concerns about pedestrians crossing the road. Both recent surveys showed a high percentage of people using Cherry Fields.
13. To receive a update on signs for ‘Warning Pedestrians crossing’ on Fiskerton Road near the entrance to Cherry Fields and the signpost on the embankment and agree any actions. (HM)
A 3 arm sign (Lincoln, Fiskerton and Cherry Willingham) on the embankments had been requested from Chris Marsh (Senior Countryside Officer LCC) and a positive reply was received.
ACTION: Helen McCowan to send photo of existing wooden signs, with a request that a similar sign be placed on the river embankment, together with an estimate of the cost to Chris Marsh to ascertain whether it would be paid for by LCC.
No progress had been made with the ‘Warning Pedestrians crossing’ signs. The new speed sign posts could possibly be used.
ACTION: HM to contact Highways to enquire about the process of applying for and costings for 2 warning signs and brown tourist signs.
14. To consider enquiring about the cost of an extra Dog bin to be placed near the Delph or Culvert Bridge (BR)
WLDC would do a survey of the site to ascertain whether it would be feasible to put up a dog bin. A councillor would attend the survey if possible.
15. To finalise the Maintenance and Project Budgets for 2022-2023 and agree as applicable.
An amount of £4,500 was to be put forward for the maintenance budget. Under Project Funding an amount of £3,000 was to be put forward and Grants would be applied for where appropriate.
It was RESOLVED to request a Maintenance Budget of £4,500 and to request a project development budget of £3,000.
16. To discuss holding a Community Picnic in 2022 and consider dates.
Following the success of this year’s picnic it was agreed to arrange a Jubilee Picnic next year on the 16th July with a backup date in September. Local businesses and entertainers needed to be booked now.
- Nigel Hooper to contact the local brewery and ice-cream vendor
- Trevor Bridgwood to arrange the display of motorcycles
- Clerk to put to Full Council.
17. To receive brief reports from members on actions/issues arising since last meeting and resolve actions required (if not itemised on agenda above and dealt with already):
a. Health and Safety (AG/NH/BR)
Nothing to report.
b. Grants (HM)
c. Ditch maintenance (AG)
Previously discussed.
d. General path/track and site maintenance (BR/NH)
Previously discussed.
e. Grass Cutting (NH/BR)
Possibly one more cut needed.
f. Woodland and Meadow Project (NH)
The meadow had been cut but was not of a quality to sell. It would be baled, stacked and left to rot down. The idea of using it in the future for Biomass was to be investigated.
g. Dog exercise area and off lead strip
Previously discussed.
h. Bike Track (BR)
Ruts to be filled in.
i. Car Park and Gate-opening and closing (BR)
A team of volunteers open and close the gates. The Oasis visitors would display a notice that they know the gate code and can exit if the gate was closed.
j. Oasis
The Council had voted not to accept the YMCA proposal.
1. To agree the date of next meeting.
Wednesday 5th January 2022 at 7pm in the Millennium Hall.