Cherry Fields Committee Agenda June 2024


Cherry Willingham Parish Council The Millennium Hall, 16 High Street, Cherry Willingham, Lincoln LN3 4AQChair of the Council: Cllr Andrew Burge Clerk Loo Clinkscales RFO: Christine Hodgson Chair of the Committee: TBC & Vice-chair: TBCThe next meeting of the Cherry Fields Committee will be held in the Millennium Hall on Monday 3rd June 2024 at 2pm. It is expected that all members will make every effort to attend. Any member not able to attend should pass their apologies to either the Chair of the Committee or the Clerk. Prior to the start of the meeting a public forum will ordinarily, of no more than 15 minutes, be held. The public may address the council on current matters or issues that may become future agenda items. Audio recording notice*- Please note that this meeting may be recorded to assist in accurate minute taking only Agenda 1. To appoint a minute taker for the meeting. 2. To elect a Chair. 3. To receive the nominations of non-councillors for co-option and agree co-option. 4. To elect a Vice-chair. 5. To note and record apologies and absences. 6. To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declaredTo note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. 7. To receive notes of the Cherry Fields Committee Meeting held on Monday 8th April 2024 and approve as Minutes. 8. To appoint a Councillor to represent the Cherry Fields Committee on the Finance and General Purposes Committee. 9. To appoint a committee member to keep an overview of expenditure, including expenses claims before they are submitted to the RFO. 10. To appoint a minute taker for future meetings. 11. To receive a report on work undertaken since the last meeting. (NH/BR) 12. To receive a report on Expenditure v Budget. (NH) 13. To review any matters arising from recent H & S inspections and agree any actions required. 14. To receive any update on the use of the events area for a wedding party and agree any actions required. (BR) 15. To review plans for the Community Picnic July 2024 and agree any actions required, including to approve the expenditure of £295+VAT for the hire of two events toilets and one accessible toilet from Lincs Loos. 16. To review the programme of works for the forthcoming months and agree associated expenditure. (NH/BR) 17. To discuss the proposed Zip Wire project and agree any actions required. (NH/BR) 18. To receive any update on matters relating to the roe deer and future sculptures and agree any actions required. 19. To receive brief reports from members on actions/issues arising since last meeting and resolve actions required (if not itemised on agenda above and dealt with already): a) Health and Safety (AG/NH/BR) b) Grants (HM) c) Dyke maintenance (AG) d) Pond maintenance (NH/BR) e) General path/track and site maintenance (BR/NH) f) Grass Cutting (NH/BR) g) Woodland and Meadow Project (NH) h) Orchard (NH) i) Dog exercise area and off lead strip j) Bike Track (BR) k) Car Park and Gate-opening and closing (BR) l) Oasis (CB) 20. General: Any other matters to report for inclusion in the next agenda. 21. To confirm the dates of the next meetings. Signed………………………………….