April 2024 F & GP Minutes

Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s 

Finance & General Purposes Committee  held on Tuesday 16th April 2024 at 19:00 in the Millennium

Chair of the F&GP Committee Cllr Burge

Vice-Chair of the F&GP Committee Cllr Palmer


Present: Cllr Burge, Cllr Palmer, Cllr J Robinson, Cllr Houghton, Cllr Trahearn, Cllr Mellor.


  1. To note and record apologies and absences.

Apologies received, Cllr Fleetwood.


  1.  To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.

Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared

To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.



  1. To receive notes of the F&GP Committee Meeting held on the 9th January 2024 and approve as Minutes.

RESOLVED unanimously to accept the F&GP minutes as a true record,


           YEAR END ACCOUNTS (item 4-7)


  1. To note the Bank Reconciliation as at 31/3/2024. 

The committee noted the year end closing balances in all of the accounts. 

  1. To receive the year end summary from the RFO and review Income and Expenditure and Variances from Budget. Recommend that Full Council adopt the documents as the Year End Accounts.

The Summary was received and it was noted that an additional £10,695 will be added to Balances due to various savings against budget, and income received, as fully detailed on the Year End documents. It was RESOLVED unanimously to recommend the Year End documents to Full Council to be approved as the Year End Accounts.                                              (Action -FC)

  1. To review the allocation of Balances and recommend the new Balance Sheet to Full Council 

The RFO explained that the allocation of balances separates out the income from Burial Fees (less grass cutting at the Burial Ground) resulting in the General Fund becoming £60,794 and the Earmarked Fund for Burial Ground becoming £35,039. This method had been adopted in previous years. Other Earmarked Funds were noted.

It was RESOLVED unanimously to recommend the Balance Sheet to Full Council for adoption                                .                                                                                                                  (Action -FC)

  1. To review and accept the Asset Register as at 31/3/2024 subject to Full Council approval.

The Asset register had been reviewed and after an amendment regarding one less Tommie it was  RESOLVED to recommend acceptance to Full Council.                            (Action -FC)


  1. To resolve to approve the amendments to the 2024/25 budget .Subject to Full Council approval.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the budget with the suggested amendments to FC. 

                                                                                                                  (Action -FC)

  1. Review Financial Policies and resolve to recommend any changes to Full Council :    

    1. Financial Regulations. Following receipt of the Precept the RFO requests a resolution to authorise the one- off transfer of £95,000 from HSBC Current Account to HSBC Savings Account.(under 5.5 b the maximum amount permitted is £10,000) Subject to Full Council approval. 

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the RFO to bank transfer the required amount to the advised accounts for better interest.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Finance Regulations with the suggested amendments and to present to FC. To note that there is due to be an updated version.

(Action - FC)

  1. Risk Management Policy.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Risk Management Policy and to present to FC.    

(Action - FC)

  1. Accounting Procedures 

Deferred until the next finance meeting, with the level of amendments required.    

(Action - RFO & Clerk)

  1. Expenses Policy.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Expenses Policy and to present to FC.

(Action - FC)

  1. Grant Guidelines for Applicants.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Grants Guidelines and to present to FC.

(Action - FC)

  1. Procurement Policy.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Procurement Policy and to present it to FC.

(Action - FC)

  1. Asset Management Policy.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Asset Management Policy with the suggested amendments and to present to FC.

(Action - FC)    


  1. To note and approve the list of due payments which arise on a regular basis (as described in 5.6 of  Financial Regulations)

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the list of payments.


  1.  To note and approve the use of Direct Debits in respect of payments.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the DD. the Clerk to research sim costs for the CWPC mobile.

(Action - Clerk)


  1. To consider any changes to Burial Fees, Playing Field User Fees and Millennium Hall hiring fees for 2024/2025.

RESOLVED unanimously to increase the Playing Field User fee by £5 annually in line with the agreement, and to keep the hourly hire rate unchanged for Millenium Hall.

It was agreed the Allotment Sub-committee/ VIC will review the allotment fees in October of this year and the L&A Committee will review the Burial Ground Fees in November this year.


  1. To note and approve the CIL report for submission to WLDC.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve and take to FC

(Action - FC)

  1.  Matters to report for inclusion in the next agenda.

Nothing at this present time.


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Chair of F&GP Cllr Burge                                Date