November 2024 F & GP Minutes


Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s 

Finance & General Purposes Committee held on Monday 4th November 2024 at 19:00 in the Millennium Hall.

Chair of the Committee Cllr A Burge

Vice-Chair of the Committee Cllr M Palmer

Clerk - Mrs L Clinkscales      RFO Mrs C Hodgson


Present: Cllr A Burge - Chairman, Cllr R Houghton, Cllr K Mellor, Cllr R Pitchford, Cllr J Robinson

Mrs L Clinskcales - Clerk, Mrs C Hodgson - RFO, and Miss K Sinclair - RFO


  1. To note and record apologies and absences.

Cllr M Palmer, Cllr S Bates, Cllr J Trahearn.


  1. To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.

Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared

To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below



  1. To receive notes of the F&GP Committee Meeting held on the 8th July 2024 and approve as Minutes.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the minutes from the 8th July 2024 as a true record.




  1. To receive the End of Quarter Summary from the RFO and review Income and Expenditure and Variances from Budget.Consider any budget changes to recommend to Full Council.

The RFO gave an overview and highlighted some areas where there appears to be variances from the budget. Notable variances below budget included : Grass Cutting,Parish Events, Monthly Playground Inspections. Possible spending above Budget: Office Equipment. Income from Land Rents could be reduced due to changes in grazing tenants.There were some Projects which are no longer needed and this will result in savings against budget however there was some uncertainty around costs associated with consultation and upgrading the Neighbourhood Plan and it is hoped more clarity will be available at the next meeting in January 2025.

Overall it was agreed the amount to be taken from Balances would be less than anticipated. 


  1. To consider quotes for the contract to supply electricity to Millennium Hall and resolve to either renew with E-On Next or appoint a new provider, subject to Full Council approval.

There were options from E-On Next for one, two and three year fixed price deals. It was RESOLVED unanimously to continue with E-on Next on a 2 year Fixed Business Plan.

ACTION - RFO to contact E-On Next.


  1. To consider the Grass Cutting tenders for the village for the 25/26 season and recommend a contractor to Full Council. Invitations to tender were sent to Glendale,Continental Landscapes,Tudor Ground maintenance and Dyne Group.    There had only been one tender submitted which was our existing contractor. The increase in price was approximately 5%. If all cutting was done to the maximum in the specification the total cost would amount to £15,352. It was RESOLVED unanimously to recommend to Full Council that the current contractor- Glendale, be reappointed.


  1. To review the Provisional Budget including suggested new projects for the financial year 1/4/25 to 31/3/26.  Subject to Full Council approval.

The document was reviewed and various changes made. There was uncertainty around the fees that will be needed to upgrade the Neighbourhood Plan. It was agreed to include £500 for Election Fees in the Budget and in addition to recommend to Full Council to move £5000 from the General Fund in Balances to a new Earmarked Fund to use in the case of a contested election. The Provisional Budget amounted to £121,836 and it was RESOLVED unanimously to recommend it to Full Council for approval with further changes to be considered at the next meeting in January.  


  1. To consider Rate Fixing for raising a Precept for 25/26 subject to Full Council approval. WLDC requires an estimate by 22/11/24 and the final claim form by 24/1/25. 

It was RESOLVED unanimously to recommend to Full Council an Estimated Precept of £105,000 which produces an estimated Council tax increase of 2.94%.  


  1. To receive an update on CIL income and expenditure.

The RFO had produced a document showing all income and expenditure since 2019. There is currently £8843.26 in the Earmarked Fund. Any income not spent within a 5 year period will be reclaimed by WLDC therefore the income received in October 2022 needs to be used by 2027. 


  1. To accept the Terms of Engagement from LALC as provider of the Internal Auditor for the current financial year.

It was RESOLVED unanimously to accept the terms to enable an Internal Auditor to be provided by LALC.

ACTION - RFO to sign and forward the form to LALC


  1. To authorise the RFO - C. Hodgson, to sign the and submit a grant application to FCC Communities Foundation to apply for funding for an Aerial Runway. 

It was RESOLVED unanimously to authorise C Hodgson, the RFO, to sign and submit the application.


  1. To authorise the use of £1602.74 from the Earmarked Fund “Income from Parish Events” as a Third Party Contribution in the above grant application- subject to Full Council approval.

            It was RESOLVED unanimously to recommend to Full Council that the Earmarked Fund be 

            used for this expenditure if the Grant is successful.



  1. To approve new Terms of Reference and rename the Fundraising Committee to Events and Fundraising Committee.

Item Deferred. ACTION Clerk and Admin Assistant to prepare the document for the next meeting in January.


  1. Matters to report for inclusion in the next agenda.    


Meeting Closed: 8:40   



Cllr A Burge - Chairman Date