GDPR - General Data Protection Regulations (Service) Consent to hold Contact Information

General Data Protection Regulations (Service) Consent to hold Contact Information

I agree that I have read and understand Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Privacy Notice. I agree by signing below that the Council may process my personal information for providing information and corresponding with me.

I agree that Cherry Willingham Parish Council can keep my contact information data for an undisclosed time or until I request its removal. 

I have the right to request modification on the information that you keep on record.

I have the right to withdraw my consent and request that my details are removed from your database.




Date of birth if under 18


Parental/Guardian Consent for any data processing activity






Telephone No.


Email Address















For office use only:

Guidance Notes Data Sharing Checklist – systematic data sharing
Scenario: You want to enter into an agreement to share personal data on an ongoing basis is this form relevant and the sharing justified? Read the below:

Key points to consider:
What is the sharing meant to achieve?
Have you assessed the potential benefits and risks to individuals and/or society of sharing or not sharing?
•    Is the sharing proportionate to the issue you are addressing?
•    Could the objective be achieved without sharing personal data?

Do you have the power to share?
Key points to consider:
•    The type of organisation you work for.
•    Any relevant functions or powers of your organisation.
•    The nature of the information you have been asked to share (for example was it given in confidence?).
•    Any legal obligation to share information (for example a statutory requirement or a court order).

If you decide to share
It is good practice to have a data sharing agreement in place.
As well as considering the key points above, your data sharing agreement should cover the following issues:

•    What information needs to be shared?
•    •The organisations that will be involved.
•    What you need to tell people about the data sharing and how you will communicate that information.
•    Measures to ensure adequate security is in place to protect the data.
•    What arrangements need to be in place to provide individuals with access to their personal data if they request it?
•    Agreed common retention periods for the data.
•    Processes to ensure secure deletion takes place.
