February 2021 Minutes Planning Cttee
Minutes of the Cherry Willingham Planning Committee, held remotely, on Friday 26th February 2021, at 10.00am
Present: Position Vacant (Chairman) Cllr Palmer (Vice-Chairman), Cllr Brylewski, Cllr Bates, Cllr Robinson, Cllr Scott, Cllr Trahearn, Cllr Lacy, Gill Shaw (Parish Clerk)
No Members of the Public were in Attendance
1. To Elect a Chairman
Cllr Palmer was unanimously elected as Chairman.
2. To Resolve, Receive and Accept Reasons for Absence
An apology had been received from Cllr Houghton and was duly accepted
3. Disclosure of Interest, in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider Requests for Dispensation and Disclosure of any Gifts and Hospitality.
4. To Receive the Notes of the Planning Committee held on 22nd January 2021 and Approve as Minutes.
It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes from the last meeting.
5. To Consider Planning Applications Submitted for Comment:
a) Ref:142117 - The old airfield Reepham
A cross-section diagram was now available in relation to the footpath along Fiskerton Road. The Witham Valley Access Project had already written to West Lindsey District Council(WLDC) requesting the footpath should be turned into a cycleway with a suitable surface.
It was RESOLVED by all for the Parish Council to repeat the request to WLDC for a cycleway
ACTION: Clerk to write to West Lindsey District Council
b) Ref no:142185- 9 St. Marks (revised plan)
No objections were made
c) Ref no:142379 - land between 19 and 21, 23, 25 High Street
Following a discussion on this application it was noted that this was more in keeping with the village than the previous application. The archaeological importance of the site was noted and that the developer should be responsible for moving the existing bench sited at the entrance to the development, possibly to Green Lane
No objections were made
d) Any other applications received.
Ref no:142436 - 12 Croft Lane. Cllr Brylewski declared an interest. No objections were made
6. Any Matters for Report and Notice of Items to be Included in the Next Agenda
● Work had been stopped by WLDC on the new development at 23 High Street but it was still continuing.
ACTION: Clerk to inform the Planning Enforcement Department at West Lindsey District Council and to get their comments.
● 17 Fiskerton Road. Whilst the car had been removed, there was now a motorhome. Concerns were raised as to the untidy site and it was noted that it had been an issue for many years.
ACTION: Clerk to notify WLDC
● Bleak Farm. Concerns were raised about the untidiness of the site, and the security of the house and fencing. Trespassers had been seen on the site and this had been reported to the police.
ACTION: The Clerk to write to the developers with the Council's concerns
7. To Confirm the Date of Next Meeting.