May 2021 Minutes Planning Cttee
Minutes of the Cherry Willingham Planning Committee, held on Friday 21st May 2021 at 7.30pm
Present: Position Vacant (Chairman) Cllr Brylewski, Cllr Bates, Cllr Houghton, Cllr Bridgwood, Cllr Trahearn, Cllr Lacy, Gill Shaw (Parish Clerk)
No Members of the Public were in Attendance.
1) To Elect a Chairman.
Cllr Houghton nominated Cllr Bridgwood who accepted and it was seconded by Cllr Brylewski.
It was RESOLVED to elect Cllr Bridgwood as Chairman.
Cllr Bridgwood duly became the Chairman of the Planning Committee and took over the meeting.
2) To Elect a Vice-chairman.
Cllr Houghton nominated Cllr Lacy who accepted and it was seconded by Cllr Brylewski.
It was RESOLVED to elect Cllr Lacy as Vice-Chairman.
3) To Elect a member for the Finance and General Purpose Committee.
Cllr Trahearn nominated Cllr Bridgwood and it was seconded by Cllr Houghton.
It was RESOLVED to elect Cllr Bridgwood to represent the Planning Committee on the Finance and General Purpose Committee.
4) Welcome and to resolve to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence.
It was RESOLVED to accept apologies from Cllr Scott.
5) Members' disclosure of pecuniary interests.
Cllr Houghton declared an interest in the application for Rudgard Avenue.
6) To receive notes of the last meeting held on 26th February 2021 and agree for them to be signed as a true record.
It was RESOLVED to agree the minutes of the meeting on the 26th February 2021 as a true record and they were duly signed.
7) To consider applications submitted for comment
a) Application Reference No: 142874: 144 house on land to the north of Rudgard Avenue. (Public consultation to be held at the Parish Annual Meeting on 21st June 2021)
A report had been prepared by Nigel Hooper who was a local planning expert, which was available to Councillor prior to the meeting. Comments had been made by local residents online and to councillors. Points discussed were as follows:
● The access point was not suitable, another access should be made via the airfield,
● Highways had asked for an extension for further investigation.
● The density proposed was not acceptable
● Insufficient parking
● Access for emergency services
● Against the Neighborhood plan
● Above the allocation of new housing for the village
● No bungalows
● Twice the number of houses that are on Rudgard Avenue
● Congestion on Lady Meers which is a previous development of Taylor Lindsey.
● Village needs larger properties.
● Neighbourhood plan was 40 houses
● Increased demand on local amenities
● No provision for cyclists
● No provision for the demand for home working/study
● Three phases planned
● Concerns about ‘green environment’/Lincolnshire's proposal to go carbon neutral by 2030
● Locally many houses being extended, so demand for bigger houses and people want to stay in the village
Whilst the principle of the application was accepted, the density, provision of village amenities and access were not acceptable. Principally, it was not in accordance with the Neighbourhood Plan.
ACTION: Cllr Brylewski to arrange an informal meeting with Taylor Lindsey to discuss the Parish Councils views.
ACTION: Cllr Bridgwood to contact Nigel Hooper and prepare a joint document.
b) Any other applications received.
No comments on:
● 20 Midholm - 143010 - conversion of existing garage and erection of new garage.
● 48 Hawthorn Road - 142897 - erection 1 dwelling with garage.
● 2 Hawthorn Road - 142780 - removal of garage conversion and conservatory and erect side extension.
8) Any matter for report and notice of items to be included in the next agenda
● Rudgard development
● Bleak Farm
9) To confirm the date of the next meeting
Monday 28th June at 7pm at the Millennium Hall.