November 2021 Minutes Planning Cttee

Minutes of the Cherry Willingham Planning Committee, Held on Monday 21st November  2021 at 7pm at The Millennium Hall

Present: Cllr Bridgwood (Chairman), Cllr Lacy (Vice Chair), Cllr Brylewski, Cllr Bates and Cllr Scott 

Gill Shaw (Parish Clerk).

No members of the public were present.

1.   Welcome and to resolve to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence.

Cllr Trahearn had sent apologies as she was on holiday and Cllr Houghton had work commitments.

It was RESOLVED to accept their apologies and reasons for absence.

2.   Members' disclosure of pecuniary interests.


3.   To receive notes of the last meeting held on 20th September 2021 and agree for them to be signed as a true record.

It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes and they were duly signed.

4.   To consider applications submitted for comment

a)   Application Reference No:143811 - removal of reserved matters at the Marina Development.

The committee supported the application but made the following comments:

No report from Highways.

Suggestion that they have a right turn lane when approaching the development from Lincoln.

There was concern that windows would, in future, be added to the back of the 3 storey houses causing overlooking issues.  It was suggested that there should be a restrictive covenant.

Also a restrictive covenant relating to the maximum height of the fencing. 

A pedestrian crossing was a necessity near the entrance on Fiskerton Road.

Fiskerton Road should have its 40mph speed limit reduced to 30mph down to Waterford Lane.

Ensure that all residents are members of a Trust to look after the open spaces.

The developers to consider using some cladding panels to vary the design of some houses as well as brick and render to reflect the variety of design within the village.

To consider having double yellow lines to enforce the policy of no on-road parking, the committee thought that double yellow lines at the entrance were a necessity. It would also increase the safety of cyclists.

b)   Any other applications received. 


5.   To receive an update on any progress relating to the development of Land off Rudgard Avenue.

No other documents had been submitted, possibly due to on-going boundary disputes with adjoining houses.

6.   To review the Local Plan Consultation document in relation to the Cherry Willingham Neighbourhood Plan and agree any actions.

Little Cherry had been given small village status.  No new developments had been submitted.  The Local Plan Consultation had closed in August but the committee needed to look at how it relates to the Neighbourhood Plan eg. Self build plots available on all developments to increase variety.

7.   Any matter for report and notice of items to be included in the next agenda.

Bleak Farm, High Street and the plot on Fiskerton Road.

Clerk to contact the developers of Bleak Farm to report trespassers and to lodge another complaint to WLDC about the plot on Fiskerton Road.

8.   To confirm the date of the next meeting

To be confirmed.