January 2022 Minutes F&GP Cttee
Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Finance and General Purposes Committee, held on Thursday 6th January 2022 at 10am.
Present: Cllr Jenny Robinson (Chairman), Cllr Trahearn (Vice Chair)
Cllr Brylewski, Cllr Bridgwood, Cllr Burge, Cllr Fleetwood and Cllr Barry Robinson
Christine Hodgson (RFO) and Gill Shaw (Parish Clerk)
No Members of the Public were in Attendance
Meeting started at 10.00am
1. To resolve to receive any apologies and accept reasons for absence.
There were no absences.
2. Declarations of Interest: To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.
Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared.
To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.
3. To receive the notes of the Finance and General Purposes Committee Meeting, held on 4th November 2021 and to approve as Minutes.
It was RESOLVED to approve the Minutes and they were duly signed.
4. To receive a review by the RFO of the Council’s Expenditure Year to Date against the Budget for the current financial year.
This document was available prior to the meeting.*
There had been some savings but also some increases in the budgeted amounts, all of the significant increases had been previously agreed. It was possible that only a small amount may need to come from balances at the end of the financial year.
5. To discuss the Grass Cutting tenders and recommend a contractor for appointment subject to referral to Full Council for approval.
Three tenders had been invited but only one had been received which was from the present contractors. Their quotation represented an overall increase of 3.77%. The council had been generally happy with the work done by them.
It was RESOLVED to recommend the quote from Glendale to the Full Council for approval.
ACTION: Councillors to inform the RFO whenever they see the grass had been cut to enable her to keep a record.
6. To agree the final Budget for 2022-2023 subject to referral to Full Council for approval.
The estimated budget of £88,000 had been submitted to WLDC and their response had not yet been received. Due to concerns about the percentage increase from last year, the RFO had prepared a revised budget of £84,100. Following a detailed explanation of the adjustments, each councillor gave their opinion. It was agreed that any overspend on the community shelter budget of £3,500 would come out of the VIC’s budget for extra flashing speed signs.
It was RESOLVED to agree the revised budget and recommend it to Full Council (1 against).
7. To consider the rate fixing (Precept) for 2022-2023 subject to referral to Full Council for approval.*
It was RESOLVED to accept the precept of £84,100 and to recommend it to Full Council (1 against). This would result in a Band D property local council tax increase from £54.81 per year to £60.24 a year (+9.91%).
ACTION: To put an explanation of the precept and justification of the increase in the Cherry News
8. To consider moving funds from HSBC Current Account to Nationwide Savings Account to afford maximum protection under the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, Subject to Full Council approval-RFO
The RFO recommended that the council’s funds be distributed between the two accounts which would afford better protection under the scheme.
It was RESOLVED to recommend to the full council that £14,000 be transferred from HSBC to Nationwide.
ACTION: RFO to review the Financial Regulations for the next meeting.
9. To receive an update from the RFO regarding the HSBC Current account:
a) Mandate to add Cllr Trahearn as a cheque signatory
The bank had confirmed that the mandate had been completed on the 14th December 2021. Cllrs Brylewski, Fleetwood. Trahearn and J Robinson were now the authorised signatories. This would be reviewed annually.
b) Bank charges that now apply
It was noted that the bank were now charging fees.
10. To consider any Grant Applications from village groups.
None received.
ACTION: Information on the availability of grants to be published in the Cherry News.
11. To receive a report from the Internal Auditor and implement any recommendations including considering any new policies that have been created as a result,subject to Full Council approval.*
This document had been made available prior to the meeting.
The report was very thorough and very useful. Several policies and minor procedure changes had been recommended.
ACTION: The Clerk and RFO to draft the suggested policies and Cllr Trahearn would review them prior to the next meeting.
It was RESOLVED to receive the report
12. Matters for report and future agenda items.
13. To confirm a date for the next meeting.
Monday 11th April 2022 at 7pm
*Additional documents available from the clerk
**Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of Council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting.
Approved Budget 2021/2022 |
Actual as at end December 2021 i.e. after 9 months |
Potential Year End |
Notes on Approved Budget 21/22and any updates |
A |
Governance & Administration |
£ |
A1 |
Costs of employment (Salaries) |
18500 |
16864 |
23000 |
Salaries increased and budget re-calculated to be £24000 with £5500 to be available from balancies (JunFC 2021) |
A2 |
Stationery and office costs |
900 |
659 |
900 |
A3 |
Travel Expenses |
100 |
A4 |
Training & education |
1000 |
82 |
300 |
LALC £150 + CILCA (reg fee £410 + course £340) , Clerk not doing CILCA after all so will be under budget |
A5 |
LALC & other fees |
2500 |
1398 |
2100 |
C Moses 4 x £300 LALC £750+90 Data Prot £40 |
A6&A7 |
Internal & external audit fees |
700 |
363 |
650 |
A8 |
Insurance |
1250 |
1411 |
1411 |
Sums Insured reviwed October 21 -now over budget |
A9 |
Office furniture & equipment |
200 |
750 |
Most equipment fairly new so should not need to replace. Replace Clerks Lap Top - up to £750 (FC 19/4/21) |
A10 |
Telecoms |
210 |
133 |
190 |
Allow for slight increase |
A11 |
Bank interest and Bank Charges |
0 |
-36 |
Could drop even lower and possibility of bank charges coming, Bank charges apply as from 1/11/21 |
A12 |
Communication with residents and includes PC Meetings held externally due to Covid |
800 |
330 |
500 |
Assume some of the year will still have Covid restrictions and may need to hire premises.Agreed to hire the Vine for all FC Meetings |
A13 |
Parish Events |
1000 |
226 |
1000 |
Christmas and Summer Events |
A14 |
PWLB-Principal & Interest |
8795 |
8792 |
8795 |
Fixed |
A15 |
Election fees |
A20 |
Land rents etc |
-1400 |
-790 |
-1400 |
Tanfaine£1180 + Oasis £245 |
34555 |
29430 |
38196 |
B |
Playing Field/Play Areas |
Approved Budget 2021/2022 |
Notes on Approved Budget 21/22 and any updates |
B1 |
Grass cutting etc |
3000 |
2259 |
2500 |
B2 |
Monthly Inspections |
780 |
580 |
880 |
12 x 60 (allow for incr) increasing to £100 a month from Nov |
B3 |
External inspection |
220 |
190 |
190 |
B4 |
General maintenance |
4000 |
2821 |
4000 |
Budget increased to £4000 Sept 2021 |
Plus £500 Virement from Project O |
B5 |
Water charges |
183 |
Clubs will reimburse us |
B9 |
User contributions |
-820 |
-615 |
-615 |
4 x 205-will only be 3x as Cherry Colts have gone |
7180 |
5418 |
6955 |
C |
Cherry Fields |
Approved Budget 2021/2022 |
C1 |
Grass cutting |
1000 |
1112 |
1200 |
C2 |
General Maintenance |
2420 |
1241 |
2920 |
FC Approved £500 to come from Balances Sept 2021 as budget is likely to be exceeded |
C3 |
External Inspection - Bike Track |
80 |
75 |
75 |
3500 |
2428 |
4195 |
E |
Village Upkeep |
E1 |
Grass cutting |
8000 |
6537 |
7200 |
E1 |
Grass cutting (LCC Repay) |
-1800 |
-2140 |
-2140 |
Confirmed by LCC at £2140 |
E5 |
General maintenance |
3500 |
1125 |
3500 |
E7 |
Hire of gazebo |
9700 |
5522 |
8560 |
G |
Burial ground |
Approved Budget 2021/2022 |
Notes on Approved Budget 21/22 and any updates |
G1 |
Grass cutting |
1500 |
1105 |
1500 |
G5 |
Other maintenance |
1000 |
61 |
500 |
Contribution to paving not yet agreed |
G9 |
Burial Fees |
-1000 |
-2935 |
-2500 |
1500 |
-1769 |
-500 |
H |
Millennium Hall |
H1 |
Heat and light |
1200 |
811 |
1200 |
H2 |
Maintenance costs |
750 |
572 |
750 |
H4 |
Water |
210 |
131 |
210 |
H9 |
Lettings |
-50 |
-108 |
-125 |
Lettings now resumed |
2110 |
1407 |
2035 |
Totals |
£58,545 |
£42,436 |
£59,441 |
Approved Budget 2021/2022 |
Notes on Approved Budget 21/22 and any updates |
Cherry Fields |
C16 |
Community Orchard |
-2038 |
0 |
No Budget -Self funding |
C15 |
Cherry Fields |
2500 |
2803 |
2500 |
2nd Year of 3 year plan for Cherry Pastures. Agreed by VIC on 21st October 2020. LCC Grant obtained for £656 |
N6 |
Access to Witham Project |
1000 |
993 |
993 |
Pedestrian Access to Witham Bank |
M |
Playing Fields/Play Areas (L & A) |
M1 |
Resurfacing some areas |
5000 |
3380 |
£3380 quoted by Wicksteed |
N |
Village Amenities (VIC) |
N5 |
Village Improvements Projects |
6000 |
6450 |
Speed Signs £5500. Overspend for polls and straps approved by VIC and FC |
O |
Burial Ground (L & A) |
0 |
No longer needed.£500 moved to B4 (Virement) |
P |
Millennium Hall (VIC) |
P1 |
Improvements |
Q |
Other |
Q1 |
Grants to Village groups |
1000 |
0 |
No applications so far |
T1 |
Lady Meers Pond |
2160 |
3000 |
Pollarding needed? |
Totals - Special Projects |
15500 |
3918 |
16323 |
Totals - General Expend (above) |
£58,545 |
£42,436 |
£59,441 |
Grand Totals |
£74,045 |
£46,354 |
£75,764 |
£74,418 |