November 2022 Minutes F&GPS
Minutes of Finance & General Purposes Committee for Cherry Willingham Parish Council held at 7pm
0n 14th November 2022 held at The Millennium Hall, Cherry Willingham
Present: Cllr J Robinson (Chair of Finance & General Purposes Committee), Cllr J Trahearn, Cllr B Robinson, Cllr V Houghton, Cllr Andy Burge, Cllr T Bridgwood, Cllr I Lacy
Mrs J A Sparks– Clerk/RFO to the Council
Meeting commenced at 7pm
Absent: None
1. Apologies, welcomes and attendance, including to accept apologies and the reasons for absence, where given.
2. Declaration of interest: To record declarations of interest by any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below. To note dispensations given to any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below:
Cllr J Robinson declared a personal interest in item 12 as she has volunteered to help at the Warm Hub.
3. To receive the notes of the Finance & General Purposes Committee meeting held on 18th July 2022 and agree for them to be signed as a true record.
The Committee RESOLVED unanimously to accept the notes as a true record and they were duly signed.
4. To receive a review by the RFO of the Council’s Expenditure Year to Date against the Budget for the current financial year.
The RFO provided a review.
5. To review all provisional budget amounts for the next financial year, i.e 2023-2024 and agree or amend as necessary for referral to Full Council.
i) Cllr Lacy to seek comparable staffing cost figures from Nettleham and Saxilby with figures presented to FCM by January to assist with approving the final precept figure.
ii) Cllr Lacy confirmed that the proposed staffing budget figure will be reviewed and adjusted if necessary, following the Government’s Autumn budget which is due on 17th November.
iii) It was RESOLVED a recommendation will be made to Full Council that for 2023-2024 the burial ground maintenance including grass cutting will be deducted from burial ground fees. 5 voted for and 2 voted against the motion.
iv) It was RESOLVED unanimously that a recommendation will be made to Full Council that the Millennium Hall be closed on a Monday & Friday to reduce costs, to be reviewed in 6 months.
Cllr Houghton left at 8.30pm
v) It was RESOLVED unanimously that a recommendation will be made to Full Council that the proposed budget for 2023-24 be as per Annex A.
6. To consider and approve Grass cutting contract for 2023-2024.
i) It was RESOLVED unanimously that a recommendation will be made to Full Council to accept the tender from Tender 1 at a cost of £13840.
7. To receive CIL update
The RFO advised that currently there is £4760.90 in the CIL fund. Cllr Bridgwood explained why the Planning Committee wished to oversee the funds and make recommendations for its use and it was noted that this is to be discussed further at the next FCM. It was RESOLVED unanimously that the F&GPS Committee would endorse the recommendation from the Planning Committee for the sum of £800 to be given to the Village Improvement Committee.
8. To consider rate fixing for the Precept for 2023-2024 subject to referral to Full Council.
It was RESOLVED unanimously that a recommendation will be made to Full Council for a precept of £105,000 for 2023-24.
9. To consider & approve joining the Allotment Society at a cost of £50 per year if required.
It was RESOLVED unanimously to follow the recommendation from the Allotment Task & Finish Group not to join the Allotment Society at this time.
10. To consider and approve grant application to IGAS Energy Community Fund.
It was RESOLVED unanimously that the application should be considered by the Leisure & Amenities Committee and that they should make an application.
11. To consider and approve new burial ground fees.
It was RESOLVED unanimously that a recommendation will be made to Full Council that the new burial fees should be as per Annex B.
It was RESOLVED unanimously to suspend Standing Orders in order to complete the items on the agenda.
12. To consider any Grant Applications from village groups and any pre-grant application.
i) It was RESOLVED that a recommendation will be made to Full Council to approve the application from the Cherry Willingham PCC Church Hall for the sum of £250 towards the cost of running a ‘Warm Hub’ over the winter. 6 voted for and 1 abstained.
ii) Enquiry received regarding funding the publication of a history book. Clerk to contact DCllr Welburn regarding the Heritage Fund. (ACTION -Clerk)
13. To review and approve LGPS Employer Discretions Policy.
The Clerk advised that this is a mandatory part of West Yorkshire Pension Fund membership. It was RESOLVED unanimously that a recommendation be made to Full Council to approve the policy.
14. To consider and approve new Tanfaine lease holder.
The Clerk advised that there had only been one applicant who expressed a wish to be considered as a tenant. It was RESOLVED unanimously that a recommendation will be made to Full Council to approve the applicant as an additional tenant for Tanfaine for up to 7 horses and to amend the lease to state:
- 6.2 – Payment by Standing Order only.
- 13.3 – And shall not be held responsible for any third party claims.
15. Matters for report and future agenda items.
None mentioned
16. To confirm a date for the next meeting.
It was confirmed that the next meeting will be held at 7pm in the Millennium Hall on 18th January subject to Full Council approving the FCM for 23rd January.
Meeting closed at 9.31pm.