July 2022 DRAFT Minutes F&GP Cttee

Cherry Willingham Parish Council

Minutes of Finance & General Purposes Committee for Cherry Willingham Parish Council held at 6.45pm on 18th July 2022 held at The Vine, Cherry Willingham

Present: Cllr J Robinson (Chair of Finance & General Purposes Committee), Cllr J Trahearn, Cllr B Robinson, Cllr V Houghton, Cllr Andy Burge Cllr Ian Lacy

Meeting commenced at 6.45pm

Absent: Cllr T Bridgwood

Mrs J A Sparks– Clerk/RFO to the Council.

1.   Approve a minute taker. RESOLVED unanimously to appoint Cllr Lacy.
2.   Apologies, welcomes and attendance, including to accept apologies and the reasons for absence, where given.

Cllr T Bridgwood – RESOLVED unanimously to accept reason for non-attendance. 

3.     Declaration of interest: To record declarations of interest by any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below. To note dispensations given to any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below:

Dispensation granted to Cllr B Robinson for agenda item 1g is noted.

Cllr J Robinson declared a prejudicial interest in item 1g and stated she would ask the committee to appoint another chair for this item.

4.     To receive the notes of the Finance & General Purposes Committee meeting held on 11th April 2022 and agree for them to be signed as a true record.

The Committee RESOLVED unanimously to accept the notes as a true record and they were duly signed.

5.   Financial Matters

a.   Review of first quarter Income/Expenditure against Budget.

The chair thanked the Clerk and the outgoing RFO for their work. No issues were raised.

b.   Review of the Bank Reconciliation at the end of June 2021.

No issues were raised.

c.   To consider & approve the £250 grant application received from Cherry Willingham and Reepham Scout and Guide Group. 

RESOLVED unanimously to make this donation. (Action – The Clerk)

d.   Receive an update on the Community Gazebo.

The gazebo belongs to the Community partnership but the Parish Council has held the associated funds, currently £160.85.

RESOLVED unanimously that the Council should set up an earmarked fund within its accounting system. (Action – The Clerk)

e.   Receive CIL report and approve Chair to sign.

The Committee unanimously gave their APPROVAL.

f.   Receive a report from District Councillor Welburn on the fund held on behalf of the Heritage Society.

Cllr Welburn suggested that the £485 held by the Council on behalf of the defunct Heritage Society be transferred to WLDC’s proposed Community Heritage Centre once it is established. The remaining members of the `Heritage Society would have to give their approval. The report was NOTED.

g.   Review and agree the change of rate paid for use of tractors to between £10-£15 per hour.

Having previously declared an interest, Cllr Jenny Robinson stepped down as chair and left the room. The committee unanimously appointed Cllr Trahern as chair 

Cllr B Robinson (with previous dispensation) gave a report, answered questions and then left the room. 

RESOLVED unanimously to increase the payment for tractor usage to £10 per hour, to be reviewed in 2 years. (Action-Clerk)

Cllrs J and B Robinson re-joined the meeting

RESOLVED unanimously to re-appoint Cllr J Robinson as Chair

h.   Note recommendations from the Internal Auditor on the 2021/22 audit in relation to policies required.

The report was NOTED. (ACTION – the Clerk to consider the suggestions (in conjunction with relevant Cllrs))

i.   Review and approve up to 10 hours per month for Mrs Hodgson to provide assistance to the Clerk/RFO.

RESOLVED unanimously to ask Mrs Hodgson in a self-employed capacity for up to 10hrs per month, the situation to be reviewed by the committee at their next meeting in 3 months.

j.   Consider & approve a request to EON Next to refund the credit balance in the account, currently shown as £622.95. 

RESOLVED unanimously to request the refund. (ACTION – the Clerk)

k.   Consider and approve separate Exclusive Rights of Burial cost to £30. Clerk had provided a report and recommended acceptance of a separate cost. 

RESOLVED unanimously to defer this matter until the annual review of the burial fees.

5.     To confirm a date for the next meeting. - late October: date to be confirmed.

Meeting closed at 7.20 pm.