March 2022 Minutes Planning Cttee
Minutes of the Cherry Willingham Planning Committee,
Held on Monday 28th March 2022 at 7pm at The Millennium Hall
Present: Cllr Bridgwood (Chairman), Cllr Lacy (Vice Chair), Cllrs Bates, Brylewski, Houghton and Cllr Scott.
No members of the public were present.
Welcome and to resolve to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence.
Apologies had been received from Cllr Trahearn who was away.
It was RESOLVED to accept the apology and reason for absence.
Members' disclosure of pecuniary interests.
To receive notes of the last meeting held on 20th September 2021and agree for them to be signed as a true record.
It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes and they were duly signed.
To agree on the procedure on how planning applications are processed upon receipt by the Clerk.
Single applications to be sent by the clerk via email to all committee members. Comments should be returned to the Clerk and copied to all other members. Upon receipt, the Chairman will decide whether to call a meeting.
Multiple applications or justifiable concerns made about applications - Chair to decide if a meeting is required.
Quarterly meetings to be arranged to review decisions made by WLDC, consider the progress of major developments and the Local and Neighbourhood Plans. Also to discuss training and other relevant matters.
It was RESOLVED unanimously to adopt this procedure.
Review of Land Allocation for Cherry Willingham in Central Lincolnshire Local Plan Reg. 19 Consultation.
This contained only two large developments - land to the north of Rudgard Av and the Marina, both of which the Council was aware of. It did allow appropriate infilling.
It mentioned that the land on the Fiskerton Road, next to the substation, had problems with flooding. Also, the river side of Fiskerton Road towards Lincoln, was also prone to flooding (this area is outside of the village footprint). An area between Tanfaine and Moor Lane was also subject to flooding.
It was noted that the Council monitors the Allocation of Housing in order to ensure that Cherry Willingham does not over supply.
It was also noted that there was a lack of infrastructure development proposed for the Village.
It was RESOLVED unanimously to apply for Green Field status for Cherry Fields and Tanfaine.
ACTION: Cllr Bridgwood to check on any drainage problems for the proposed 9 new dwellings.
The application for development at Rudgard Avenue was discussed.
It was RESOLVED (1 abstention) that the Committee would send to WLDC the comments shown on the attached addendum.
The partly built house on Fiskerton Road - to encourage villagers to complain about the present state which presently resembled a scrap yard.
ACTION: The Neighbourhood Plan would need to be reviewed once the revised Local Plan was adopted.
Any matter for report and notice of items to be included in the next agenda.
Bleak Farm - Invite County Planning to attend to give advice on how to move this development forward
LALC training sessions for planners (Clerk to check dates)
It was agreed that the next meeting should be during the week beginning 27th June 2022.
Signed: ......……………………………………………………Date:.........................
Chairman of the Committee
*Additional documents available from the clerk
**Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of Council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting.
The Planning Committee of Cherry Willingham Parish Council accept in principle the development of the site but continue to have the following concerns regarding the request for the outline application to be accepted without further conditions.
1) There is a lack of clarity over the number of dwellings that will be permitted on the site.
The application is for “up to 144” which we consider to be too many, considering the shape and size of the site and the access form Rudgard Avenue.
HELAA appendix E gives a potential capacity of 116 dwellings.
The Draft Mid Lincolnshire Local Plan Review, currently out to consultation and the most recent figure given, states 97 dwellings as the potential for the site.
We consider that the situation should be clarified by the WLDC Planning Committee and an upper limit for the number of dwellings should be set in line with the current Local Plan Review consultation. An approximately 33% reduction in the developer's original application to 97 dwellings would considerably lessen the concerns mentioned above.
2) The more recent documents submitted with the application are from Anglian Water and relate to the capacity at Reepham recycling works and the risk of downstream flooding. We understand the developers plans for drainage have been revised and that Anglian water will be obliged
to take appropriate mitigating actions. However we are concerned about the possibility of Anglian water’s mitigations not being in place by the time the dwellings are occupied.
3) Anglian Water also refer to the risk of surface water flooding which is not their responsibility. LCC and the Environment Agency also refer to this risk.
We consider that outline planning permission without conditions should not be granted unless WLDC planners are satisfied the risk has been adequately mitigated.
4) The NHS in its 2021 comments said there was a need to increase capacity at the surgery in the building. We consider that S106 money should be made available, although in view of the plans by the developer for phases 2 and 3 (which will be considerably larger) it would be
appropriate to consider if there might be a way to “roll up” infrastructure resources for all 3 phases, which would result in economies of scale and better value for money.