Allotments Sub-Committee Minutes July 2024
Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s
Allotment Sub- Committee held on Monday 22nd July 2024 at 19:00 in the Millennium
Chair of the Committee Cllr A Burge
Vice-Chair of the Committee Cllr B Robinson
Present Cllr A Burge,B Robinson, C Hughes, Mrs Burge, and D.Townsend
1, To appoint a minute taker
Cllr Mrs Burge Resolved unanimously
2,To elect a Chair
Cllr A Burge elected Resolved unanimously
3, To elect a Vice Chair
Cllr B Robinson elected Resolved unanimously
4, To note and record apologies and absences.
5, Declarations of interest. To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.
To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.
Cllr C Hughes and D.Townsend are allotment holders
6, To receive the minutes of the Allotment Sub-Committee meeting held on the 13TH May 2024 and agree for them to be signed as a true record.
Resolved unanimously
7, To elect co-opted members on to the Allotments sub-committee
To co-opt D.Townsend and S Jackson Resolved unanimously
8, To receive a report on any vacant or unkempt plots and approve any action required
Again plots 32,36 and 7 are unkempt, these are existing plot holders not new ones.
Checks need to be carried out and photos taken for comparison. Tenancy needs to be checked as we may need to serve notice.
9, To receive an update and resolve any actions in relation to the Allotment Association
Now members of the National Allotment Association Resolved unanimously
i,To discuss and resolve any necessary action regarding work to construct the single track
Allotment Association have formulated a plan for the above construction. Work will commence on 19th August to create a single track down the middle of the allotments, surplus soil to be deposited in the grass car park. Cllr A Burge to strim the car park w/c 5th August, CWPC warning signs to be borrowed, surplus crushed concrete left from Gilberts pond can be used, Cllr B Robinsons tractor to be used, copy of insurance document to be supplied. CWPC will allow overnight stay to protect equipment while construction is taking place. It was felt that a limit should be applied to the use of the road, Allotment Association to decide on limits. Lorries require CWPC approval prior before admission. To consider putting a 4” pipe under the road at the half way point for future French drain.
This plan was Resolved unanimously
10, To discuss and approve any necessary action relating to fencing the pond in
To date the pond has been partly fenced will be completed in the near future
11,To discuss and approve any necessary action grass cutting and strimming
1 metre perimeter of all allotments is the responsibility of the allotment holders, D.Rogers and Cllr A Burge to be asked to cut and strim the rest.
£50 to be requested for weed killer for the car park and around the telegraph poles, N.Hooper to be asked to carry this out Resolved unanimously
12, Items in progress
i, Notice board
Still to be installed, the old dog agility can be used in the interim
ii,Signage vehicles turning
Highways have been contacted re putting a sign up saying “no turning”
13, Matters for report and future agenda items
Review the condition of plots
Update on the track construction
14, To confirm a date of next meeting
17th September 2024 Millennium Hall at 7 pm