F&GP April 2024 Agenda
Cherry Willingham Parish Council
The Millennium Hall, 16 High Street, Cherry Willingham, Lincoln LN3 4AQ
Chair of the Council: Cllr Andrew Burge
Clerk Loo Clinkscales
RFO: Christine Hodgson
Chair of the Committee: Cllr Andy Burge & Vice-chair: Cllr M Palmer
The next meeting of the Finance and General Purposes Committee will be held in the Millennium Hall on
Tuesday 16 th of April 2024 at 7.00pm. It is expected that all members will make every effort to attend. Any
member not able to attend should pass their apologies to either the Chair of the Committee, Cllr A Burge or
the Clerk.
Prior to the start of the meeting a public forum will ordinarily, of no more than 15 minutes, be held. The
public may address the council on current matters or issues that may become future agenda items.
Audio recording notice*- Please note that this meeting may be recorded to assist in accurate minute
taking only
1. To note and record apologies and absences.
2. To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items
listed below.
Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared
To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed
3. To receive notes of the F&GP Committee Meeting held on the 9 th January 2024 and approve as
Minutes. 1.
4. To note the Bank Reconciliation as at 31/3/2024 2
5. To receive the year end summary from the RFO 3 and review Income and Expenditure and
Variances from Budget. Recommend that Full Council adopt the documents as the Year End
6. To review the allocation of Balances and recommend the new Balance Sheet to Full Council 6
7. To review and accept the Asset Register as at 31/3/2024 subject to Full Council approval.7
8. To resolve to approve the amendments to the 2024/25 budget .Subject to Full Council approval. 8
9. Review Financial Policies and resolve to recommend any changes to Full Council :
a. Financial Regulations.9 Following receipt of the Precept the RFO requests a resolution to
authorise the one- off transfer of £95,000 from HSBC Current Account to HSBC Savings
Account.(under 5.5 b the maximum amount permitted is £10,000) Subject to Full Council
b. Risk Management Policy 10
c. Accounting Procedures 11
d. Expenses Policy 12
e. Grant Guidelines for Applicants 13
f. Procurement Policy 14
g. Asset Management Policy 15
10. To note and approve the list of due payments which arise on a regular basis (as described in 5.6 of
Financial Regulations) 16
11. To note and approve the use of Direct Debits in respect of payments 17
12. To consider any changes to Burial Fees, Playing Field User Fees and Millennium Hall hiring fees for
13. To note and approve the CIL report for submission to WLDC.18
14. Matters to report for inclusion in the next agenda.
Christine Hodgson RFO 10/4/2024