January 2019 Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of Cherry Willingham Parish Council held at 7.00pm on Monday 21st January 2019 in the Millennium Hall

Present: Cllrs Allen, Baker, Bates (arrived at 7.16pm), Beattie (arrived at 7.17pm), Brylewski, Houghton, Longley, Mellor, Moore, Robinson, Mrs M Vail (clerk), Mr MJ Tomlinson (RFO), and one member of the public (arrived at 7.58pm)

Absent:  Cllr Bloomfield Meeting started at 7.02pm.

2018/88 Apologies, welcomes and attendance, including to accept apologies and the reasons for absence where given:

New Member, Cllr Rebecca Allen, was welcomed.

It was RESOLVED to accept the following apologies and reasons for absence:

Cllr Alcock (work), Cllr Bucke (family matters), Cllr Fleetwood (at WLDC), Cllr Palmer (at WLDC), Mrs C Hodgson (Assistant to Clerk and to RFO), D/Cllr Welburn (at WLDC) and D/Cllr Darcel (at WLDC).

2018/89 Members’ disclosure of pecuniary interests:

Cllr Robinson declared a pecuniary interest in respect of item 7 c i (minute 2018/94 c i below) as her husband is a volunteer who may claim expenses. Cllr Robinson will leave the room at the appropriate point in the meeting.

2018/90 To receive any reports from outside bodies, including the Police, District and County Councillors and agree actions as required:

Reports had been circulated from the police, District and County Councillors.

2018/91 Chairman’s remarks:

Introductions were made for the benefit of new Member, Cllr Allen.

The chairman thanked D/Cllr Palmer for a £300 CIF grant towards Xmas lighting, and D/Cllr Welburn for a £150 CIF grant towards items for the Millennium Hall.  Positive comments had been received about the Xmas lighting; and it was hoped to purchase more lights from D/Cllr Palmer’s unspent grant money to extend the lighting in 2019.

2018/92 To receive the notes of the Council meeting held on 19th November 2018 and agree for them to be signed as a true record:

It was RESOLVED that the notes were a true record and they were duly signed.

2018/93 To receive the schedule of receipts and payments for Nov and Dec 2018; and bank reconciliation:

Both the schedule of receipts and payments; and the bank reconciliation were received.

A refund is expected against a water bill (bill amount was £290.65) as the wrong meter had been read.

As at 31st December 2018; receipts stand at £90,000, payments stand at £65,000, the cash balance is £17,024; and the Nationwide account has £60,000 balances.

The RFO reported that figures were where he expected; but that reserve funds may need to be dipped into slightly by financial year end.

2018/94 For information only: To receive reports and recommendations (if any) concerning the business of the Council and its Committees, Sub-committees etc, and agree any actions accordingly:

a)   Finance & General Purposes (F&GP) – Chair: Cllr Brylewski:

Nothing to report.

b)   Village Improvement Committee (VIC) – Chair: Cllr Fleetwood

i)   To approve the Community Speed Watch risk assessment:
Fixed advisory signs are to be placed strategically around the village in hotspots where the hand held speed radar devices will be used; and these locations have been inspected and signed off as suitable by the Community Speed Watch Coordinator (of Lincs Road Safety Partnership).  A police-led training session for the volunteers will take place on 14th February 2019 after which the scheme is ready to begin.  With one minor amendment, it was RESOLVED to approve the CWS risk assessment. Action: clerk.

ii)   To resolve on Emergency Plan matters as follows (Cllr Bates):

a)   approve the revised Emergency Plan:

Cllr Bates and the clerk had undertaken an initial update of the plan; and Cllr Bates is due to speak to both schools (being major evacuation points) in February. Insurance cover, which will be an annex to the plan, is provided for volunteers through CWPC’s insurance policy.

b)   appoint a deputy Community Emergency Coordinator:

It was RESOLVED to appoint Cllr Fleetwood as deputy. Action: clerk

c)   approve a budget in case of need:

Item to be deferred until the Plan has progressed to the point where this can be considered.

Action: VIC to discuss further at appropriate time.

c)   Leisure & Amenities Committee (L&A) – Chair: Cllr Robinson

i)   To agree a standard rate for paying expenses incurred by volunteers using large machinery on behalf of the council:

At 7.22pm, Cllr Robinson left the room due to her pecuniary interest in this item.  After due consideration it was RESOLVED that, in principle, the council agree to this proposal; with the provisos that 1) payment of such expenses must come from the CFMG budget; 2) the Cherry Fields Management Group’s H&S policy should be legally compliant but with a light touch; 3) the situation be reviewed in 6 months; and 4) volunteers must complete a timesheet with specific required information: Action: RFO to create timesheet

Cllr Robinson returned to the room at 7.36pm.

Cllr Robinson then provided the following clarifications: 1) that volunteers come under CWPC’s H&S policy (note: which is currently under review with Cllr Palmer in process of establishing what other parish councils do); 2) CFMG has an ongoing risk assessment; as well as ones for specific events. 3) volunteers have to be personally insured; and that her husband has his own insurance.  Action: CFMG to provide the clerk with copies of the volunteers’ insurance.

Action: CFMG

ii)   To approve a recommendation that three springer play items be purchased in 2019/20 financial year at a much discounted cost of £6493.77 + VAT.

Additional springers have been requested by the public and these are approximately £3000 - £3500.  There is £4,000 set aside in the 2019/20 budget; but the shortfall will need to be taken from either balances (note: balances available to be used stand at £4348); or the L&A or VIC general budgets which are currently underspent.  It was RESOLVED to approve purchase of three springer play items in the 2019/20 financial year at a total discounted cost of £6493.77 with the balance of expenditure to be taken from the L&A budget. Action: clerk, RFO

iii)   To resolve on matters relating to the basket swing play item as follows:

a)   approve a recommendation to resurface under the basket swing within financial year 2018/19
b)   resolve on the preferred revised quote to resurface under the basket swing of either £4880 + VAT; or £5493.33 + VAT

The existing eco-tumble surfacing is in a poor state and requires replacement. L&A has previously approved making a recommendation to full council of £4600 + Vat based on a pre-site visit quote, however, the revised quotes are based on a recent site visit by the preferred contractor.  The cheaper quote allows for the creation of two pads to extend out to encompass just the legs; and the more expensive quote is to extend the surfacing along the length of each of the two longer sides, thus creating a larger rectangular surface also encompassing the legs.

It was RESOLVED to approve a recommendation to resurface under the basket swing within financial year 2018/19. Action: clerk

It was RESOLVED to approve the quote for £5493.33 + VAT; and to vire the additional monies required from the VIC maintenance budget. Action: clerk, RFO

d)   Planning matters – Chair: Cllr Moore

i)   To receive a report on recent planning applications:

A list of planning applications had been circulated, and a brief update was provided. Members were encouraged to view applications on WLDC’s website for full details.

  • 138740: Land adjacent and rear of 19 High Street: Outline planning application for the erection of up to 6no. residential dwellings - layout to be considered and not reserved for subsequent applications: Comments submitted to WLDC that this outline planning application is considered to be an improvement, but that CWPC has strong reservations on the viability of visitor parking and the resultant impact on Fern Grove.
  • 138762: Walk Farm, Green Lane: Application to vary conditions 2,3,9 and 10 of planning permission 133559 allowed on appeal 03 December 2017-amended plans.

Comments submitted to WLDC in respect of Highways matters.

  • 138761: 39 Waterford Lane:   Application for approval of reserved matters to erect 1no. dwelling- considering access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale- following outline planning permission 135831 granted 02 May 2017: Comments submitted to WLDC that there is a need for construction traffic not to impact onto the adjacent private drive.
  • 138765: 3 St Marks Avenue: Demolish detached garage and erect two storey and single storey extensions: No objections
  • 138789: 54 Rudgard Avenue: Erect two storey front extension and new dormer window:

No objections

  • 138766: Land adj 48 Hawthorn Avenue: Outline planning application to erect dwelling with garage, access to be considered and not reserved for subsequent applications: No objections.
  • 138892: 30 Hawthorn Road: Erect single storey detached garage and store: No objections
  • 138858: 11 Fiskerton Road: Erect single storey extension to rear: No objections

A resident had e-mailed regarding trees having been removed in respect of planning application 138431: 37 Church Lane.  Both the resident and the clerk had contacted WLDC for feedback but no response has been received to date.

ii.   To approve the actions of the Planning Committee:

It was RESOLVED to approve the actions of the Planning Committee.

iii.   To receive update on the Neighbourhood Plan:

The Plan has recently passed the referendum, and WLDC will consider it for adoption at a meeting on 4th March 2019.  False information had been in circulation that if residents voted against it that the Plan would prevent building off Rudgard Avenue.  To counteract this, factual information had been circulated to set the record straight.  There had been an 18.65% turnout, of which 83.65% were for, and 15.85% against.

Consideration now needs to be given to future monitoring.  Cllr Moore was thanked for his hard work on the Plan.

Action:  clerk to thank ex-Members Booth and Welburn.

iv.   To retrospectively approve an additional £200 for the services of the professional Neighbourhood Plan consultant in finalising the Plan ahead of the referendum:

It was RESOLVED to approve the additional £200.

2018/95 To consider other matters relating to the work of the Council:

i)   To adopt new model standing orders

These reflect all changes since the 2014 model standing orders; and the clerk has also incorporated all additions resolved upon in the intervening period by CWPC.  It was RESOLVED to adopt the new model Standing Orders. Action: clerk

ii)   To appoint Cllrs Allen and Bucke to one or more committees:

It was RESOLVED to appoint Cllr Allen to the L&A Committee.  Due to Cllr Bucke not being present, this item to be revisited at the next meeting. Action: clerk

iii)   To approve purchase of the new edition of Charles Arnold Baker book at £110.99:

It was RESOLVED to approve this purchase. Action: clerk

iv)   To note receipt of two CIF grants totalling £450.00 for Xmas lights and assorted items for Millennium Hall, and approve purchase of the same:  Noted. Discussed above under Chairman’s Remarks.

2018/96 To note any formal correspondences received and agree actions as appropriate:

i)   LCC - Lincoln Transport Strategy Stakeholder Workshop dates:

It was RESOLVED that Cllr Moore attend on behalf of CWPC.

ii)   WLDC - Elections May 2019 - Briefing session on 25th Feb: Noted.

iii)   WLDC – Recharge of election costs when calculating the 2019 parish council precept:

Confirmed that CWPC had chosen not to budget for election costs.

The CW Scouts and Guides had written thanking the council for its grant to them of £250.

2018/97 Councillor’s matters for report/notice of items to be included in the February 2019 agenda:  Agenda item: LALC Annual Training Scheme

2018/98 To resolve to move into closed session in accordance with the PUBLIC BODIES (ADMISSION TO MEETINGS) ACT 1960 in relation to the following matters.

It was RESOLVED to move into closed session due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed. The member of the public left the meeting at 8.14pm.  The clerk left the meeting at 8.15pm.

2018/99 Employment Committee – Chair: Cllr Palmer: To receive an update on staff employment matters and resolve on any required action to be taken, to include:

i)   To receive a report of the meeting held on 16th January and resolve upon any recommendations arising from that meeting:

An update on staffing matters was provided.
The meeting was closed at 8 25pm Mrs Michelle Vail – Parish Clerk