September 2019 Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of Cherry Willingham Parish Council held on 23rd September 2019 in the Millennium Hall at 7.30pm

Present : Cllrs Brylewski (Chair) Allen,Baker,Bates,Burge,Fleetwood,Houghton,Mellor,Palmer,Robinson,Scott and C Hodgson (RFO and Assistant Clerk)

1 Apologies, welcomes and attendance, including to accept apologies and the reasons for absence where given.

Apologies received from Cllr Bucke (other engagement) and Longley (travel delays) and District Cllrs Welburn,Darcel and Hill (other engagements)

2019/52  Members' disclosure of pecuniary interests.

Cllr Brylewski has received a gift of wine and chocolates.

Cllr Robinson declared a possible conflict of interest under item 59 e ii)

2019/53. To receive reports from outside bodies, including the Police, District and County Councillors (if any)

D/Cllr Fleetwood gave a verbal update on the Eastern Bypass in addition to his written reports

2019/54 Chairman's remarks

The chairman thanked Cllr Burge for painting the Millennium Hall and Cllr Mellor - installation of new heating in Millennium Hall.

She also thanked Cllrs Mellor,Houghton,Robinson and Palmer for their help in manning the office with especial thanks to the latter. Thanks also to Christine for extra hours worked.

The new Clerk starts work on 1st October and on Friday 4th it is planned that Chairs of committees come to meet her in the office.

Cllr Baker has set everyone up with a specific G-mail address for council business and the Chair reminded everyone to use it and respond to invitations.

The plan to have a Projector has been superceded by a plan to purchase a TV and many thanks were given to District Cllrs for their CIF contributions.

The chairman concluded by asking everyone to continue to be proactive in the village where their presence has been welcomed.

2019/55. To receive the notes of the Council meeting held on 13th August 2019 and agree for them to be signed as a true record.

It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes as a true record and they were duly signed.

2019/56 To receive the Receipts and Payment for July and August (attached)

The Receipts & Payments Schedule was received and It was RESOLVED to accept it.

2019/57 To discuss running a photography competition in the village and agree any actions as required (JR)

Cllr Robinson suggested the PC hold a photographic competition in 2020 with a theme of Village Life. This was agreed in principal with more details to be provided by Cllr Robinson at a later date

2019/58 To decide upon the Agenda and format of the Autumn Parish Meeting on 28th October

The headings and timings of the Agenda were discussed and agreed ACTION Cllr Palmer and Clerk to finalise.

We may need to purchase a microphone due to the difficulties encountered at the last meeting, ACTION Cllr Brylewski to investigate

2019/59 To receive reports and recommendations (if any) concerning the business of the Council and its Committees, Sub-Committees etc and agree any actions accordingly:

a)   Finance and General Purpose (F&GP) :Chair Cllr Brylewski

Next meeting will be on 30/10/2019

i)   To consider whether to acquire a new debit card in the name of the RFO

It was RESOLVED to apply for a new Debit Card in the name of the RFO. No purchases will be made using it without authorisation from the Chairman or Vice Chairman of Council ACTION RFO to complete application

ii)   To consider changes to payment approval/ process

It was RESOLVED to continue with the current system whereby Invoices are approved by the Chairman or Vice Chairman before payment by the RFO. The Clerk will not be involved in authorising invoices

b)   Planning Matters: Chair Cllr Houghton

i)   To receive a report on any recent planning applications

The Planning Committee met prior to this meeting and Cllr Houghton reported that there had been 2 applications and whilst neither had met with any objection there was a suggestion to alter a roof style on one ACTION Cllr Houghton to enter comments on WL Web page

In addition Cllr Houghton advised that there is an upcoming Training session at Reepham on Planning and that 5 Cllrs are to attend.

ii)   To approve actions, if required, of the Planning Committee

It was RESOLVED to approve the actions of the Planning Committee

c)   Employment Committee : Chair Cllr Palmer

Cllr Palmer reported that the new clerk- Leticia Cooper will start work on 1st October

d)   Village Improvement Committee (VIC) Chair: Cllr Fleetwood

i)   To approve the change of funding received from CIF donations by D/Cllrs from that of Projector and Screen to a wide screen TV

It was RESOLVED to approve the change of purchase from Projector to TV using the CIF grants from District Cllrs.

Cllr Fleetwood reported that it would be Cllr Burge who will lead the Speedwatch project going forward.

It was reported that the Probation Service continue to work in the village. There will be new Christmas Lights on the Trees on the Parade and it is proposed to decorate the Millennium Hall externally with artificial trees.

He also reported that repairs to the gates to the play areas had been done within budget.

e)   Leisure and Amenities Committee (L&A) Chair: Cllr Robinson

i)   To establish who will be responsible for Playground Inspections going forward

Monthly Playground Inspections to continue to be completed by Cllr Brylewski for the time being.

Cllr Robinson left the room

ii)   To review the system of fuel expense claims in respect of Cherry Fields

It was RESOLVED to continue with the existing system

Cllr Robinson returned

f)   Parish Council WebSite : Cllr Baker Update on the PC Website

Cllr Baker outlined the various changes and improvements made to the website

g) Clerk’s report, any correspondence and approve actions as required
i) A letter has been received from WLDC inviting community organisations to express any interest in the purchase of the land currently used as allotments on High Street . It was discussed by Cllrs and agreed that there is no interest at this time therefore it was RESOLVED ( 9 votes for and 2 abstentions) to take no action

ii)   the Annual Insurance is due for renewal and it was RESOLVED to accept the recommendation of the Insurance Brokers and to move to Axa on a 3 year Long Term Agreement. ACTION Clerk to implement

10 To resolve to move into closed session in accordance with the PUBLIC BODIES (ADMISSION TO MEETINGS) ACT 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed.

It was RESOLVED to move into Closed Session and members of public withdrew

2019/60 To discuss and agree any action on the Chairmanship of Committees and Conflict of Interests

In order to eliminate any possible conflict of interest it was RESOLVED to move the responsibilities for Cherry Fields to the Village Improvement Committee

Meeting closed at 8.47pm

Date of next meeting 21 October2019 at 7.30pm agenda items by noon on Friday 11th October with the agenda on Monday 14th October 2019

Christine Hodgson -RFO and Assistant Clerk