February 2019 Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of Cherry Willingham Parish Council held at 7.30pm on Monday 18th February 2019 in the Millennium Hall

Present: Cllrs Baker, Brylewski, Bucke, Fleetwood, Houghton, Mellor, Moore, Palmer, D/Cllr Darcel, D/Cllr Welburn, Mrs M Vail (clerk), Mrs C Hodgson (RFO), one member of the public. Absent: Cllrs Alcock, Beattie, Bloomfield

There was no public representation.  Meeting started at 7.30pm.

2018/100 Apologies and welcomes; including to accept apologies and the reasons for absence where given:

Apologies were received from:  Cllrs Allen (family matters), Bates (away), Longley, Robinson (family matters), Mr MJ Tomlinson (RFO) (holiday).  It was RESOLVED to accept the apologies and reasons where given.

2018/101 Members’ disclosure of pecuniary interests: None.

2018/102 To receive any reports from outside bodies, including the Police, District and County Councillors and agree actions as required:

There was no police report.

Reports from D/Cllrs Palmer and Welburn, and C/Cllr Fleetwood had previously been circulated. D/Cllr Darcel reported on issues raised by residents at a recent meeting he had attended, to include:

  • C/Cllr Richard Davies had confirmed that more serious potholes would be fixed, and that Church Lane and High Street were now on LCC’s resurfacing programme
  • The Church Lane pavement had been reported by a resident to LCC
  • Overgrown hedge (noted that this was in a back garden and so a private matter between residents)
  • The building site at 17 Fiskerton Road (noted that each time WLDC have tried to move matters along more work takes place; thus matters are operated within the law and WLDC can’t take action).
  • Fern Grove parking on grass verge (noted that CWPC are currently working in conjunction with the primary school to address this; also that LCC have recently confirmed that they will not be progressing CWPC’s request for more bollards on this corner)
  • Street lights being switched off at midnight (noted that this is an LCC matter)
  • Reduced funding for the Usher Gallery. (noted that this is an LCC matter, and that there is a Heritage Consultation in progress so concerned resident should respond to LCC via that).

Noted that overhanging tree on St Simons Drive has been resolved.

2018/103 Chairman’s remarks:

Formal training of 8 Community Speed Watch volunteers has recently taken place; with an informal equipment familiarisation session due; after which the scheme can get underway.

There are now 4 volunteer litter pickers; and the message about litter is getting out.  Cllr Fleetwood is putting litter signs up; although a number of these are being removed by person(s) unknown.

Office work is ongoing; and the Village Improvement Committee is looking to engage cleaners to carry out a deep clean of the Hall.

2018/104 To receive the notes of the Council meeting held on 21st January 2019 and agree for them to be signed as a true record:

It was RESOLVED that the notes were a true record and they were duly signed.

2018/105 To receive the schedule of receipts and payments for January 2019:

A VAT amount for the fridge has not been entered on the schedule as the VAT invoice has not yet been received. (Note: VAT invoice has subsequently arrived and shows VAT for the fridge as £12.50). It was RESOLVED to accept the schedule of receipts and payments. The RFO was thanked.

2018/106 For information only: To receive reports and recommendations (if any) concerning the business of the Council and its Committees, Sub-committees etc, and agree any actions accordingly:

a)    Finance & General Purposes (F&GP) – Chair: Cllr Brylewski

The scheduled date of 4th March 2019 for the next meeting is likely to be changed.

b)    Village Improvement Committee (VIC) – Chair: Cllr Fleetwood

The Christmas lights and Christmas window competition had both been extremely well received. The next VIC meeting is scheduled for 28th February.
c)    Leisure & Amenities Committee (L&A) – Chair: Cllr Robinson

Three members of the public had posted on Facebook that a bench was being removed recently from Laburnum Drive Play Area. This was a bona fide parish council job and, in future, advance notice of such jobs shall be given on Facebook to advise residents.

The January 2019 full council meeting had approved purchase of three springer play items; for which some money would be reallocated from the VIC’s budget.

d)    Planning matters – Chair: Cllr Moore

i)    To receive a report on recent planning applications:

138854: 41 Larkin Avenue: application to vary conditions 4 and 5 of planning permission 135529 granted 3 Feb 2017 – reduce length of existing hedge, increase timber fencing and amend driveway design and material:  no objections

138914: 1 Heathcroft: two storey side extension. no objections  138930: 99 Waterford Lane: single storey rear extension: no objections

ii)    To approve the actions of the Planning Committee:

It was RESOLVED to approve the actions of the Planning Committee.

The Neighbourhood Plan is to be presented to WLDC at its meeting on 4th March 2019 for formal adoption; this being the final stage of the process. It was RESOLVED to approve the purchase of four bound colour copies of the Plan.  Action: clerk.

It was RESOLVED that Cllrs Brylewski and Moore attend the WLDC meeting to present the Plan.

2018/107 To consider other matters relating to the work of the Council:

i)    To appoint Cllr Bucke to one or more committees:

It was RESOLVED to appoint Cllr Bucke to the Employment and Village Improvement Committees.

ii)    To review the 7pm start time of the January 2019 full council meeting: Confirmed that a 7pm start date would apply to just the January meeting due to the potential for bad weather at this time of year. This will require formal approval at the May Annual Meeting when meetings are scheduled for the forthcoming year.

iii)    To resolve on whether to join LALC’s 2019/20 Annual Training Scheme at £130 + VAT:

The subscription covers attendance for any number of Councillors/the Clerk/RFO at all training  events at no further cost, other than a charge of £9 (19/20 Fees) per person at all-day sessions to cover provision of lunch and light refreshments. Training charges in 2019/2020 for those not subscribing to the Annual Training Scheme will be £12.50 per delegate for any attendance at a part day, and £28.50 per delegate for an all-day event (this includes refreshments & lunch).

After consideration, it was RESOLVED not to join the LALC 2019/20 Annual Training Scheme; but to encourage new councillors as a result of the May 2019 elections to attend courses; with a review of the situation in 2020.

2018/108 To note any formal correspondences received and agree actions as appropriate:

None received.

2018/109 Councillor’s matters for report/notice of items to be included in the March 2019 agenda:

To review and agree, as required, on matters relating to the April Annual Parish Council.

2018/110 To resolve to move into closed session in accordance with the PUBLIC BODIES (ADMISSION TO MEETINGS) ACT 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed in relation to the following matters:

It was RESOLVED to move into closed session in accordance with the PUBLIC BODIES (ADMISSION TO MEETINGS) ACT 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed in relation to the following matters.

D/Cllrs Darcel and Welburn,  and the member of the public, all left the meeting at 8.11pm. The clerk left the meeting at 8.12pm.

2018/111 Employment Committee – Chair: Cllr Palmer: To receive an update on staff employment matters and resolve on any required action to be taken, to include:

i.    To receive a report of the meeting held on 30th January and resolve upon any recommendations arising from that meeting:

An update on staffing matters was given.    Mrs Michelle Vail – Parish Clerk