April 2019 Minutes
Minutes of the Meeting of Cherry Willingham Parish Council held at 7.30pm on Monday 8th April 2019 in the Millennium Hall
Present: Cllrs Baker, Bates, Brylewski, Houghton, Mellor, Moore, Robinson, Mrs M Vail (Clerk), Mrs C Hodgson (RFO), Mr MJ Tomlinson, and one member of the public. Absent: Cllr Longley
The resident asked when grass cutting was due to start, and was advised that it had begun on 8th April. Meeting started at 7.31pm.
2018/125 Apologies and welcomes; including to accept apologies and the reasons for absence where given. Apologies were received from: Cllrs Alcock (work), Allen (childcare), Bucke (funeral), Fleetwood (WLDC), Palmer (WLDC), D/Cllr Darcel (WLDC), and D/Cllr Welburn (WLDC). It was RESOLVED to accept the apologies and reasons for absence.
2018/126 Members’ disclosure of pecuniary interests: None.
2018/127 To receive any reports from outside bodies, including the Police, District and County Councillors and agree actions as required:
There had been no police report supplied this month.
Written reports had been circulated from the County and District Councillors. In addition, D/Cllrs Palmer and Welburn had thanked the Parish Council for its work during this term of office, and wished good luck to those standing in the forthcoming elections.
2018/128 Chairman’s remarks.
Community Speed Watch is going very well; with a number of speeding vehicles having been recorded. Most residents appear positive about the implementation of this scheme in the village.
School Watch seems to be having a positive effect regarding cars parking illegally on the zig zag lines. Cllrs Bates and Brylewski have attended on a number of occasions to help enforce matters.
The Co-op has been advised about the rubbish from shops behind their premises, as well as an abandoned car which the police are aware of and which will shortly be removed. Cllr Brylewski is to meet with the Co Op Director later this week.
A card and gift have been delivered to Cllr Frank Beattie who has stepped down from the council.
2018/129 To receive the notes of the Council meeting held on 18th March 2019 and agree for them to be signed as a true record:
It was RESOLVED that the notes were a true record and they were duly signed.
2018/130 To receive both the schedule of receipts and payments for March 2019 and the bank reconciliation to 31st March 2019
Noted that 1) a sizable credit has been received from Anglian Water in respect of an overcharge; and 2) grant money towards the cost of the High Street bus shelter is still to be received. It was RESOLVED to accept the schedule of receipts and payments. The bank reconciliation was received.
2018/131 For information only: To receive reports and recommendations (if any) concerning the business of the Council and its Committees, Sub-committees etc, and agree any actions accordingly:
a) Finance & General Purposes (F&GP) – Chair: Cllr Brylewski:
i. To note and receive a brief explanation of accounts snapshot as of 29th March 2019
ii. As required: receive/consider any papers, reports, recommendations from RFO
It was noted that receipts for the year 2018/19 totalled £91,700; and payments for the year 2018/19 totalled
£89,800. The £2383 remaining unspent from planned expenditure will be added to balances.
An overview of the provided ‘Snap shot – Net Expenditure Summary Sheet’ was then provided to include:
Under Running Costs heading:
- Burial ground surplus of £2742 is to go into the burial ground fund as per the Council’s previously expressed wishes; and confirmed that this fund is earmarked for burial ground improvements only.
- village upkeep greatly underspent; including savings of £3000 due to a very dry 2018 summer; hence fewer grass cuts.
- Litter picking savings are over £2,000.
- General maintenance savings of £2500.
- Governance costs have increased due to retaining an HR advisor, as have salary payments
- Playing fields on track
- LCC income of £1000 had not been included in the original budgeting
Under Projects heading:
- Neighbourhood Plan expenses increased by £1000
- Playing field balances are now spent
- Grants to village groups underspent by £300
- noted that Cherry Fields has its own heading here; but under the Running Costs heading Cherry Fields is not mentioned, although it’s maintenance expenditure is included under the heading Playing Fields.
Action: RFO
- Outstanding amount on the loan is £203,068.
A full report will be given to the upcoming F&GP Committee meeting; and final accounts will be presented to the May full council meeting.
b) Village Improvement Committee (VIC) – Chair: Cllr Fleetwood:
i) Consider suggestion for advisory flyers for vehicles parked on pavements/verges: The objective is to raise the awareness of drivers of cars blocking pavements, and that this could be trialled to help assist with ease of grass cutting. The wording will require careful consideration. It was RESOLVED to approve expenditure up to £50 on the printing of flyers.
Action: Cllr Brylewski/Clerk.
c) Leisure & Amenities Committee (L&A) – Chair: Cllr Robinson
i) As required: to consider any recommendations arising from meeting held 1st April 2019
The minutes of both this meeting and of the CFMG meeting have been circulated. Site visits had taken place on 1st April, and all Members who had attended were thanked. An agenda item on the Public Space Protection Order in relation to Cherry Fields will be on the May agenda.
L&A recommend the approval of an additional £782 to allow three springer play items to be placed within one rectangular wetpour pad; as this will reduce both maintenance requirements and tripping hazards. It was RESOLVED that Members, in principle, agreed to the additional £782 expenditure, and that this matter should be formally agreed at the forthcoming F&GP Committee meeting.
Action: F&GP to give consideration.
d) Planning matters – Chair: Cllr Moore
i) To receive a report on recent planning applications:
139206: Land between 19 and 21,23,25 High Street: erect 1no. dwelling: CWPC’s Planning Committee support the development based on the design presented
139014: Frankley 20 Hawthorn Road: Amended: Fencing and new access added to application: CWPC’s
Planning Committee object to the amendment
ii) To approve the actions of the Planning Committee: It was RESOLVED to approve the actions of the Planning Committee. 2018/132 To consider other matters relating to the work of the Council:
a) To approve the rescheduling of the May Annual Meeting to Tuesday 14 May 2019:
It was RESOLVED to approve this item.
b) To approve the rescheduling of the Annual Parish meeting to Tuesday 21 May 2019:
It was RESOLVED to approve this item.
c) To agree on any matters relating to the Annual Parish Meeting:
A draft agenda was considered and amended; and councillors were assigned to speak on individual sections (note: only planning matters still to be allocated to a Member). It was suggested that a speaker be invited to update residents on the Marina plans; and confirmed that the school’s sound equipment will be used. Due to change of date, it was RESOLVED to purchase new date flaps for the advertising banners at a cost of £50 + VAT. It was further RESOLVED to authorise expenditure up to £150 + VAT to allow purchase of stakes and a cross bar to properly support the banners once erected.
Action: Clerk
d) To approve purchase of P50 fire extinguisher:
Both Cllrs Houghton and Moore declared an interest due to business connections with the company in question. The P50 extinguisher replaces the two existing extinguishers; and requires no servicing for 10 years, thereby saving money (Note: the 2018 service of the existing extinguishers cost £ 29.95 + VAT. Note: an annual, logged inspection of the P50 by CWPC is required). It was RESOLVED to approve expenditure of £100 + VAT for one P50 extinguisher, and £29.00 + VAT on a red stand.
Action: Clerk
2018/133 To note any formal correspondences received and agree actions as appropriate:
LCC have invited parish councils to send one councillor representative on a tour of the Lincoln Eastern Bypass works. It was RESOLVED that Cllr Brylewski attend.
2018/134 Councillor’s matters for report/notice of items to be included in the May 2019 agenda:
Agenda item: To approve matters in relation to the Public Space Protection Order at Cherry Fields
2018/135 To resolve to move into closed session in accordance with the PUBLIC BODIES (ADMISSION TO MEETINGS) ACT 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed in relation to the following matters.
It was RESOLVED to move into closed session in accordance with the PUBLIC BODIES (ADMISSION TO MEETINGS) ACT 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed.
The resident and Mr MJ Tomlinson left the meeting at 8.19pm.
2018/136 To consider any applications received for the Stead Award 2019:
Following consideration, it was RESOLVED that Mr Alan Drakes receive the award for 2019.
Action: Clerk
2018/137 Employment Committee – Chair: Cllr Palmer:
a) To receive an update on staff employment matters and resolve on any required action:
An update on staffing matters was given.
Cllr Moore, who will be stepping down as a councillor, was thanked for his invaluable services to the Council.
Meeting ended at 8.24pm
Mrs Michelle Vail – Parish Clerk