January 2020 Minutes L&A Cttee

On 28th January 2020 in the Millennium Hall

Present: Cllr Robinson (Chair of Leisure & Amenities Committee), Cllr Brylewski, Cllr Burge, Cllr Houghton, Cllr Bates.

Jude Sparks – Minute taker.

Absent: None

Meeting commenced at 7.32pm

1.     Apologies, welcomes and attendance, including accepting apologies and the reason for absence where given.

None received.

2.     Member’s declaration of interest, gifts and hospitality.

None received.

3.      To receive the notes of the meeting held on 25th November 2019 and sign as a true record.

The Committee RESOLVED unanimously to accept the notes as a true record. PROPOSED Cllr Houghton, SECONDED Cllr Bates.

St Paul’s Play Area:

4.       To receive an update on painting of gate from Cllr Brylewski.

Cllr Brylewski confirmed that the sign has been put back on the gate but better weather is awaited before the gate can be painted.

5.        To receive an update on issues identified for action in the inspection on 31st December 2019 and agree any further actions as necessary:

a.   Grass and weeds along Rumble path and safety surface edges – there has been some progress but still work to be done.

b.   Locking mechanism for bin – a new locking mechanism has been sourced from the company that provided the bin. Cllr Robinson to confirm cost with company. RESOLVED unanimously to purchase providing cost does not exceed £20. PROPOSED Cllr Robinson, SECONDED Cllr Houghton.

c.   Painting of equipment (also at Laburnum Drive) – there has been some progress but still work to be done.

Laburnum Drive Playing Field:

6.   To receive an update on the litter bin to be replaced.

  • Cllr Brylewski advised that a replacement for the bin has not yet been researched. It was noted that the small bin has now disappeared. 
  • Cllr Robinson to source litter bin which will be sited on the grass. 

7.   To consider quotes for replacement surface work on the roundabout and agree a contractor.

  • 3 quotes have been received from - Wicksteed (£5160), Sovereign Play (£3690) and RTC (£2900).
  • Committee agreed that work needs to be completed this financial year but when the weather improves. 
  • Cllr Robinson to procure further information on precise details of quotes. Matter to be resolved at next L&A meeting. 

8.   To receive a report on the Playing Field users’ meeting held on 13th January 2020.

  • Cllr Brylewski advised that users representing football, cricket and bowls had attended the meeting. 
  • All clubs have agreed to pay £200 pa for use of the Field.
  • Issue with disintegrating fence that is behind the bowls club. Committee agreed to have a site visit at 6.30pm on Monday 6th April 2020 to inspect the fence, and to discuss further at the L&A meeting to be held at 7.30pm Monday 6th April 2020.
  • The bowls club are seeking funding and assistance to provide disabled access to the club via a ramp. Committee agreed that the Parish Council would be interested in their proposal. Cllr Brylewski to liaise to determine how the club can resolve the issue and what plans they may have to do so. Cllr Brylewski confirmed that she has already advised the club to seek funding.
  • The cricket club have confirmed that they are content to cut their own grass.

Burial Ground:

9.   To receive an update on matters relating to creation of second entrance and repairing or replacing the damaged fencing, including receiving any quotes, and agree actions as necessary.

  • 2 quotes have so far been received and the 3rd is due in shortly.
  • Due to the burial ground fencing being liable to fall down it was agreed that the work should be completed within the 2020-2021 financial year.
  • Committee agreed new gates should be of the ‘open’ version to ensure all activity can be viewed through them.
  • Possibility that fencing can be reused but with concrete posts. Cllr Brylewski to contact contractor and discuss further. 
  • Committee agreed that the 5 new paving slabs should be replaced by reclaimed ones and the new slabs placed nearer the gate. Cllrs Burge and Brylewski to arrange.
  • Committee to resolve at next meeting on 17th February 2020, by which time the last quote should be received.

10.   To consider maintenance issues and resolve as necessary.

The Stead bench has been repaired and the handyman has on his agenda to check and maintain the other benches.

11.   To discuss the future provision of a larger burial ground, including actions since last meeting.

  • Possibility that Tanfaine field, which is owned by CWPC, could be used as a future burial ground.
  • The clerk had established that Reepham’s burial ground belongs to the Parish Church. Cllr Robinson to discuss with Rev Penny Green what, if any, future plans they may have for Reepham’s burial ground.

12.   To consider resident’s comments regarding a Memorial Wall, raised at the Annual Parish Meeting in 2019.

Committee acknowledged this idea, although previously considered, had been abandoned due to lack of interest. As the previous plans are still held, Committee agreed to relook at the possibility of providing a wall. To be placed on the agenda for the Annual Parish Meeting to be held in May 2020.


13.   To receive an update on benches (burial ground and Laburnum Drive).

Cllr Brylewski advised that the handyman is repairing and repainting the benches where necessary. Cllr Brylewski to check with him exact expenditure costs for both sites.

14.   To receive updates on possible grant funding for new play equipment.

Cllr Brylewski advised that she has all the documentation but has not had opportunity to view it all. The Chair reminded the committee that they had agreed that renewal of the safety surfaces is more important at this time then purchasing new play equipment. Committee agreed to discuss further at future meeting.

15.   To receive an update on focus groups with Pembroke Academy, including matters of DBS checks for councillors involved.

  • Committee agreed to ask school ambassadors for input into what is required in the village.
  • Cllr Scott needs to obtain her DBS.
  • Cllr Houghton advised as councillors are acting as volunteers within the school the DBS should be at nil cost. However, the Committee agreed that CWPC will pay if needed.

16.   To consider costs for monthly playground inspections and contractor investigated and resolve as necessary.

  • It was noted that Play Maintain offer a repair and maintenance service,
  • Cllr Brylewski to contact EKM to clarify costings. It was RESOLVED unanimously that providing the cost for 2020-2021 does not exceed £760 pa EKM to be offered 1-year trial. PROPOSED Cllr Brylewski, SECONDED Cllr Burgess.
  • Cllr Brylewski to undertake January 2020 inspections and confirm if EKM can commence work in February 2020.

17.   To agree the provider of the annual playground inspection and make arrangements as necessary.

RESOLVED unanimously to have Play Inspections.co.uk undertake the inspections of the play areas and bike track this year at the cost of £100 per play area and £80 for the bike track. PROPOSED Cllr Houghton, SECONDED Cllr Burge.

Cllr Robinson to arrange accompanied visits to all sites. Mr Robinson to undertake bike track visit and Cllr Brylewski the playgrounds.

18.   To agree amendments to the list of Parish Council responsibilities, as outlined in CW news.

Committee agreed to view when the CW news is published. Cllr Robinson to resubmit responsibilities if there are any errors in those published.

Other considerations:

19.   Any other matters to report or for inclusion in the next agenda.

Cllr Houghton requested that the provision of closing gates at the Fern Grove entrance to Laburnum Drive playing field be included.

20.   To agree date of next meeting.

  • A 30-minute meeting is to be held on Monday 17th February 2020, prior to the Full Council meeting, at 7pm to discuss the quotes obtained for fencing and the Laburnum Drive Playing Field roundabout safety surfacing.
  • Site meeting to be arranged as above (6.30pm on Monday 6th April) with Committee meeting to be held in the Millennium Hall on Monday 6th April at 7.30pm.

Meeting closed at 9.07pm.