September 2020 DRAFT Minutes L&A Cttee

Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Leisure &Amenities Committee held in The Vine Centre on Monday 7th September 2020, at 7:30 pm.

Present: Cllr Robinson (Chairman), Cllr Brylewski  (Vice Chairman), Cllr Burge, Cllr Bates, Cllr Houghton ,Cllr Trahearn and Christine Hodgson (RFO and Assistant to Clerk)

There were no members of the public in attendance

1.   Apologies for absence

All in attendance except for Cllr David Leader who has now resigned as a Councillor.

2.   Councillor’s Declarations of Interest, Gifts and Hospitality


3.   Minutes of the Leisure and Amenities Committee Meeting held on 6th July 2020 to be agreed and signed as a true record.

Proposed by Cllr Brylewski, Seconded by Cllr Bates and Unanimously agreed to accept the Minutes as a true record and they were duly signed.

Burial ground

4.   Burial Ground maintenance

4.1.   To receive a report on work undertaken since the last meeting (SB)

Tree work has been completed. 

4.2.   To note any further planned work (SB)

A competitive quote to treat the fence had been received and as agreed at the previous meeting the Contractor was given the go ahead. Work is currently in progress. A quote has also been received to improve the access to the pathway and subject to confirmation that the quote of £255 includes shuttering and aggregate it was agreed that his quote should be accepted. Proposed Cllr Trahearn, Seconded Cllr Burge and Unanimously accepted. ACTION Clerk to speak to the Contractor and do a Purchase Order.

4.3.   To agree any further maintenance required, including accepting quotes where applicable

It was reported that there is a need to keep the Burial Ground weeded (at least 3 times a year) and the hedges trimmed at least twice a year. Last year the work was done by the Probation Service but due to current restrictions is was unlikely this would happen this year. ACTION Clerk to seek a quote from the Grass Cutting Contractors and to add it on to the schedule for next year.   

4.4.   To discuss the Burial Ground budget for 21/22 and agree as applicable

It was agreed that the Maintenance Budget should be kept at the same level.

Estimate Burial Fees at £1000 (income).

The Project would be to purchase some Row Markers. ACTION  RFO to obtain a quote from a stonemason.

Laburnum Drive Playing Field and St Paul’s Play area

5.   Play equipment (both sites)

5.1.   To review the re-opening of the play equipment and agree any further actions required

The Parks are being used regularly and no issues have been reported. Permanent signs are now in place.

The Motor Cycle ride is still waiting to be repaired. ACTION Cllr Brylewski to chase up.

It was reported that a gate is in need of being painted (Fern Grove).

It was also suggested that some recently painted equipment is showing signs of flaking ACTION Cllr Brylewski to investigate.

5.2.   To review the arrangements for the inspection of play equipment and agree any actions as necessary

Members had seen the monthly inspection sheets and were generally unhappy with the presentation and the lack of detail shown. It was suggested that a Company who repair the equipment should not be the same as the one that does the inspections due to a possible conflict of interest.  

ACTION Clerk to arrange a joint meeting with the Inspector and Cllr Robinson and another member of the Committee.

6.   Litter Bins

6.1.   To note the installation of the new litter bin in the Cherry Tree Inn Car Park

The new litter bin was installed by Cllr David Leader. The Chairman expressed her Gratitude.   

6.2.   To review arrangements for the emptying of bins and agree any actions

WLDC are now emptying the new bin as part of their regular schedule.

7.   Tree Cutting Laburnum Drive Playing Field

7.1.   To receive a report on the tree work on the Laburnum Drive Playing Field (SB)

Cllr Brylewski reported that the Tree work had been completed to a good standard.

8.   Maintenance work (both sites)

8.1.   To receive a report on work undertaken since last meeting (SB)

Cllr Brylewski reported that it had been necessary to authorise an urgent repair to the basket swing which she had done in conjunction with the RFO. The cost was £90.

8.2.   To receive a report on expenditure to date (CH)

The RFO had provided a spread sheet for members to view.

8.3.   To consider a maintenance programme for the next three years and agree any actions, including accepting quotes where applicable

It was reported that the swings need replacing at Laburnum and also a safety surface at St Pauls was needed before the bad weather sets in. The safety surface at Laburnum also needs replacing in due course. Cllr Brylewski had obtained 3 quotes and had an on-site meeting with one of the contractors (Sovereign) who had previously laid a safety surface in 2019. 

Cllr Brylewski proposed that members look at establishing a 3-year maintenance programme and to agree in principal to use Sovereign as the preferred Contractor provided that their quotes seemed reasonable i.e. thereby suspending the Financial regulation requirement of obtaining 3 quotes for work over £1000. This change would need to be put to the Financial and General Purposes Committee and to Full Council.

Members considered all 3 quotes and agreed to proceed with Sovereign for the Swings at £732 and also for the Wetpour at £2154 plus Heras- type fencing £490 plus whatever additional costs were needed ACTION RFO to query whether an overnight container is necessary and also the quoted cost of £369 seems excessive for water supply. 

Proposed  Cllr Burge, Seconded Cllr Bates- Unanimously agreed.

The Chairman expressed her thanks to Cllr Brylewski for her time and effort in obtaining the quotes.             

8.4.   To receive an update on the possible employment of a maintenance person and discuss accordingly.

At present the Council is using a local Contractor for some jobs and it would be hoped that this would negate the need to employ someone.

9.   The Leisure and Amenities Committee Budget

9.1.   To discuss the maintenance and project budgets for 2021/2022 and agree as applicable

Members discussed the budget and put forward various amounts to the RFO including a Project Budget of £5000 to cover the cost of a safety surface at St Pauls and also a Maintenance budget of £3500 (as now).

10.   Laburnum Drive Playing Field Regular Use Policy

10.1 To review the Laburnum Drive Playing Field Regular User Policy in the light of the COVID-19 situation

Members agreed that there needs to be an inclusion under Section 2 Rights to include 

“All the above rights are necessarily subject to any restrictions imposed by the National or Local Government and the Governing Bodies of the appropriate sport”

ACTION- Clerk to re-write and send to the various users

11.   Items for Report or Inclusion in the Next Agenda

Cricket Club Compound
Fence painting at Burial Ground
Grass Cutting at Burial Ground

12.   To Confirm the Date of Next Meeting

November 9th at 7.30pm at The Vine