November 2020 Draft Minutes L&A Cttee

Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Leisure & Amenities

Committee held Virtually on Monday 9th November 2020, at 7:30 pm.

Present: Cllr Robinson (Chairman), Cllr Brylewski (Vice Chairman), Cllr Burge, Cllr Bates, Cllr Houghton, Cllr Trahearn and Christine Hodgson (RFO and Gill Shaw (Clerk)

There were no members of the public in attendance

1.   Apologies for absence

All in attendance

2.   Councillor Declarations of Interest, Gifts and Hospitality

Cllr Brylewski had received an anonymous gift of a watch

3.   Minutes of the Leisure and Amenities Committee Meeting held on 7th September 2020 to be agreed and signed as a true record

RESOLVED to accept the Minutes as a true record

4.   Laburnum Drive Playing Field and St Paul’s Play area 
i.   To receive an update in relation to the project and maintenance expenditure to date (RFO) The RFO highlighted

  • Playing fields and Play parks grass cutting budget is £4200 but only spent £1391 as at the end of September prediction full year of £2500

ACTION to look at changing future budgets

  • Monthly play park inspections - only £60 spend from the budget of £1,000. Year end prediction of £500
  • General maintenance - just over £2000 of the budget of £3,500 has been spent allowing the maintenance highlighted by EKM to proceed
  • Burial Ground

£579 has been spent of the budget of £1400 for grass cutting which is done every month. Prediction of £1200 by the year end, £640 has been spent of the budget of £1,000 for maintenance at the burial ground. However it is anticipated receiving only £495 for burial fees instead of the expected £1500

£4,000 Burial ground project of a new gate and path - prediction for year of £720

ii.   To consider authorising the additional expenditure of £407 to include the removal of existing rubber mulch prior to the resurfacing at St.Pauls.

Full Council has approved the additional amount. RESOLVED to pay the additional amount.

iii.   To consider and agree the maintenance budget request for 2021/2022 including amending the Grass Cutting schedule

RESOLVED to schedule up to 32 cuts on the playing fields/18 cuts on the play parks

ACTION monitored closely.

iv.   To consider items for projects in 2021/2022 and agree the budget request accordingly including a project to install some play equipment at St Pauls play area for children under 5 to have free unassisted play.

Discussion on the lack of creative play equipment at St Pauls allowing young children to play unassisted. More details needed to be obtained on durable equipment. RFO confirmed that any unspent project money can be transferred to another project if approved by Full Council

ACTION - Cllr Brylewski and Clerk to obtain more details and prices for durable equipment.

Agreed that the budget request to remain at £5000

v.   Update on Motorcycle ride (Cllr Brylewski) - Repaired and back in place

vi.   Update on recently painted equipment (Cllr Brylewski) - completed except the motorcycle ride.

The Fern Grove gate has not been painted yellow to help the visually impaired and no lock has been fitted to stop dogs getting in.

ACTION:  Clerk to check historical Minutes re lock/gate To go on the next Agenda.

ACTION - Clerk/RFO to get a quote from Mr Spring for painting the Fern Grove gate with paint we provide. RESOLVED to spend upto £100

RFO confirmed that we don't need to get other quotes if under £500 as it has been previously agreed by the council.

vii.   Update on monthly inspection reports (Cllr Brylewski)

It has been requested that the Inspector give more details on what is in an acceptable/unacceptable condition and why. No report has been received since the meeting.

ACTION: Clerk to chase up latest report

Presently Mr Morton is our qualified Inspector but he also repairs the equipment and this could cause a conflict. If he is retained to repair equipment, a new Inspector has to be found for the monthly inspection.

ACTION: Clerk to make enquiries of other local councils for names of Inspectors.

ACTION: Clerk to forward the next report, when received to all Councillors

viii.   Review arrangements for emptying the bins at both sites Bins are still overflowing.

ACTION: Clerk to ring Mr Smoothie regarding ensuring the bin is always emptied and to discuss the possibility of it being emptying twice a week

ACTION: All Councillors take any opportunity to monitor whether it is emptied and inform the Clerk

ix.   Update on Cricket club compound

This has been tidied up but the fencing needs erecting. The grass cutting from the cricket club still needs removing. A letter was sent to the club requesting them to remove the clippings and rubbish, taking into account their fees were waived this year.  It was noted that a skip can not go onto the field at present.

ACTION: Cllr Brylewski to get an update on progress

x.   To agree any actions needed regarding the maintenance and cleaning of safety surfaces at both sites

The Laburnum Drive surface is very slippery. It was suggested that Power Wash Companies and Window Cleaners be approached to clean.

ACTION: Clerk to find companies who could clean twice a year and get quotes. ACTION Cllr Robinson and Cllr Houghton to inspect the play surfaces and see if this is an urgent safety matter.

RESOLVED a budget of up to £500 to get the surfaces cleaned if necessary.

xi.   To consider the quotes from EKM as circulated in advance

a)   Maintenance work at Laburnum Drive and St Pauls

RESOLVED to accept the two maintenance items for a bump stop and arm. Sensory Boards at St Paul's need fixing down and treating.

ACTION: Cllr Burge will mend if possible

b)   Supply and fit a new gate at Laburnum Drive subject to Full Council approval This is not fit for purpose. As the quote is above the limit of £1000 it is to go to Full Council for approval

ACTION: Clerk to get two more quotes

5.   Burial Ground

i.   To receive an update in relation to the project and maintenance expenditure to date (RFO)

ACTION To go to Full Council to reallocate £2000 from Burial budget to maintenance budget for playing fields.

ii.   Update from RFO on Grave Marker

ACTION Research who supplied existing grave marker

iii.   To consider and agree the maintenance budget request for 2021/22 and agree the budget request accordingly

To stay at £500

iv.   To consider and agree the maintenance budget request for 2021/22 To keep at £1500

v.   Update on fence painting - all finished

ACTION Clerk to send letter of thanks

vi.   To receive a report on work undertaken since the last meeting Grass cutters to cut all vegetation back and this is to be monitored.

vii.   To note any further planned work

Hedges due to be cut and benches should be checked in the Spring

viii.   To agree and further maintenance required, including accepting quotes where applicable


6.   Items for Report or Inclusion in the Next Agenda


7.   To Confirm the Date of Next Meeting

January 4th 2021 at 7.00pm at The Vine Centre or Google Meet