February 2020 Minutes L&A Cttee

Minutes of Leisure & Amenities Meeting for Cherry Willingham Parish Council held at 7.00pm on 17th February 2020 in the Millennium Hall

Present: Cllr Robinson (Chair of Leisure & Amenities Committee), Cllr Burge, Cllr Houghton, Cllr Bates, Cllr Brylewski – arrived at 7.03pm Christine Hodgson - RFO

Jude Sparks – Minute taker.

Absent: None

Meeting commenced at 7.02pm

1.     Apologies, welcomes and attendance, including accepting apologies and the reason for absence where given.

None received.

2.     Member’s declaration of interest, gifts and hospitality.

None received.

3.      To receive the notes of the meeting held on 28th January 2020 and sign as a true record.

The Committee RESOLVED unanimously to accept the notes as a true record. PROPOSED Cllr Bates, SECONDED Cllr Houghton.

Burial Ground:

4.       To receive an update on matters relating to the replacement or repairing of the damaged fence and provision of the new gate and agree suppliers/contractors as necessary.

  • Cllr Robinson advised having viewed the fence it now urgently requires to be repaired or replaced. She also commented that in 2010 CWPC had resolved to replace the fence and had agreed the sum of £2000 to do so but work had never commenced.
  • Following discussions on the quotes received the Committee RESOLVED unanimously to ask Full Council to accept the quote from Knights & Son for £1898. Work will include saving the current fence, replacing a further 5 fence panels and the installation of a gate made from Spruce. PROPOSED Cllr Robinson, SECONDED Cllr Burge. 
  • New paving will also need to be installed on both sides of the gate and most will be reclaimed.  Committee also RESOLVED unanimously to ask Full Council to agree payment of up to £500 for this work to be completed. PROPOSED Cllr Robinson, SECONDED Cllr Burge. 

The RFO stated that although this work was originally intended to be completed in the 2020/21 financial year, due to the urgency there was enough funds for work to commence in the 2019/20 financial year. Cllr Brylewski to contact Knights & Son to agree start date for the work.

Laburnum Drive Playing Field:

5.        To consider quotes for replacement surface work on the roundabout and agree a contractor.

  • Cllr Robinson advised she had checked and measured the surface depth and could confirm it is currently 40mm thick.  She had previously given the measurements to the clerk and it had been calculated that it covers an area of 38 square metres. 
  • Following discussions on the quotes received the Committee RESOLVED unanimously to ask Full Council to accept the quote from Sovereign Play for £3690. Work will involve replacing the current surface with a new 40mm thick surface using the existing edging. PROPOSED Cllr Robinson, SECONDED Cllr Houghton. 

Cllr Houghton suggested that the Primary School should be advised when the work is to commence. RFO to contact Sovereign Play to agree start date for the work and to contact the Primary School.

6.   To confirm the date and time of the site meeting at the Bowls Club.

Cllr Brylewski to contact Bowls Club to arrange meeting for 6th April 2020 to coincide with the Playing Field visit.
Meeting closed at 7.16pm.