January 2020 DRAFT Minutes Planning Cttee (24th)

Minutes of the meeting of Cherry Willingham Parish Council Planning Committee held on Friday 24th January at 1.30pm 

Present:   Cllrs Bates, Brylewski, Houghton, Palmer (vice-chair), Robinson and Scott

1.   To elect a Chairman

Cllr Palmer was elected Chairman for this meeting

2.   Apologies, including to accept these and the reason for absence, where given.  Cllr Longley was absent

3.   Members declaration of interest, gifts and hospitality.

Cllr Houghton informed the committee that she knew the applicant for the Planning application 140425

4.   To receive the notes of the Planning Committee held on the 17th January 2020 and agree to sign as a true record

5.   Bleak Farm:  Mr Roe spoke to the committee about the refused planning and resubmitting the application.  It was suggested by members that Plot 3’s garage  be moved to the rear of the property to alleviate the issue of reversing out onto the road by the bus stop.

It was agreed that the Parish would ask for the application to be called-in so that it would be heard by WLDC Planning Committee and not decided by an Officer:-

Cllr Palmer

It was also agreed that Heritage officer be contacted:- Cllr Brylewski

Mr Roe inform the Committee that the larger of the trees at the front would be removed in the next few weeks as it was rotten.  The other one would be topped as it was rotting and had only a few years of life left.

6.   To consider applications submitted for comment

140425  64 Croft Lane LN3 4JP  Planning application for a porch to front/side elevation

OBSERVATIONS:  material and style not in keeping with the rest of the building or street scene which is on a main route into the village.

7.   Cllr Trahearn has been booked onto the WL Planning course in November.  Cllrs Palmer and Robinson were interested in the March and May courses but there is only one place available at the moment.

8.   To confirm the date of the next meeting:  As required

Meeting closed at 1.55pm