November 2020 Minutes Planning Cttee

Minutes of the Cherry Willingham Planning Committee, held remotely using Google Meet, on Tuesday 10th November 2020, at 7.30pm

Present: Position Vacant (Chairman) Cllr Palmer (Vice-Chairman) Cllr Bates, Cllr Brylewski, Cllr Houghton, Cllr Robinson, Cllr Scott, Cllr Trahearn, Gill Shaw (Parish Clerk)

No Members of the Public were in Attendance

1.   To Elect a Chairman

Cllr Palmer was elected as Chairman.

Proposed: Cllr Brylewski. Seconded: Cllr Robinson. All in Favour.

2.   To Resolve, Receive and Accept Reasons for Absence

Cllr Longley was absent. No reason for absence was given.

3.   Disclosure of Interest, in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider Requests for Dispensation and Disclosure of any Gifts and Hospitality. 

Cllr Brylewski had received a watch anonymously

4.   To Receive the Notes of the Planning Committee held on 12 March 2020 and Approve as Minutes. 

It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes from the last meeting. 

5.   To Consider Planning Applications Submitted for Comment: 

a)   141798: 29 St. Matthews Close

The lack of on street parking, narrow entrance and the tight turning circle were discussed  together with concern of the impact on neighbours. It was noted that this is the 3rd application

ACTION - Clerk to raise comments with West Lindsey District Council

b)   141859: 20 Hawthorn Road

No objections were made

c)   No further planning applications had been sent to the Parish Council.

6.   Any Matters for Report and Notice of Items to be Included in the Next Agenda

5 St Lukes Close: concerns about the parking and a business is being run from a cabin in the garden

ACTION: Clerk to send a letter to the Enforcement Agency of West Lindsey District  

For more information and update

7.   To Confirm the Date of Next Meeting.