March 2020 Minutes Planning Cttee

Minutes of the Meeting of Cherry Willingham Parish Council Planning Committee held on 12 March 2020, at 6.15pm in The Millennium Hall, 16 High Street, Cherry Willingham, Lincoln LN3 4AQ

Present: Cllrs. Brylewski, Bates, Longley, Mellor, Palmer and Trahearn

1.   To Elect a Chairman

Maureen Palmer was elected the Chairman for this meeting

2.   To Resolve to Receive and Accept Reasons for Absence

Apologies Cllr. Houghton. Absent Cllrs. Scott and Robinson.

3.   Disclosure of Interest in Accordance with the Requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to Consider Requests for Dispensation and Disclosure of any Gifts and Hospitality


4.   To Receive the notes of the Planning Committee held on 14th January 2020 a approve as Minutes.

It was agreed to approve the minutes from the last meeting.

5.   To Consider Applications Submitted for Comment:

Planning Application: 140643 - Petworth, Fiskerton Road: Change of Use

Mr. Heathcroft had made comments regarding the application. He stated he had contacted West Lindsey District Council and said Kisimul should have known they needed planning permission.

The Parish Council had made enquiries about the application. The point was made that this was a retrospective application. No comments were made about the application.

Comments on the application for 64 Croft Lane were sent in to West Lindsey District Council, but were not received by them.

ACTION: Email to be sent to West Lindsey District Council Planning Department to investigate.

6.   Any Matters for Report and Notice of Items to be included in the next Agenda


7.   To Confirm the date of the next meeting.

30 March 2020, at 6:30 pm.