June 2020 DRAFT Minutes Planning Cttee

Minutes of the Cherry Willingham Planning Committee, held remotely using Google Meet, on Friday 26 June 2020, at 10:30 am.

Present: Position Vacant (Chairman) Cllr Palmer (Vice-Chairman) Cllr Bates, Cllr Brylewski, Cllr Houghton, Cllr Robinson, Cllr Scott, Cllr Trahearn, Cathy Doggett (Parish Clerk)

No Members of the Public were in Attendance

1.   To Elect a Chairman

Cllr Palmer was elected as Chairman.

Proposed: Cllr Brylewski. Seconded: Cllr Robinson. All in Favour.

2.   To Resolve, Receive and Accept Reasons for Absence

Cllr Longley was absent. No reason for absence was given. 

3.   Disclosure of Interest, in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider Requests for Dispensation and Disclosure of any Gifts and Hospitality. 


4.   To Receive the Notes of the Planning Committee held on 12 March 2020 and Approve as Minutes. 

It was agreed to approve the minutes from the last meeting. Proposed: Cllr Scott. Seconded: Cllr Trahearn. All in Favour.

5.    To Consider Planning Applications Submitted for Comment: 

141164: 45 Waterford Lane

The increased hazard of the proposed garage, which would be two metres in front of other properties (43 and 47) was discussed. Visibility when reversing out of the drive would be reduced on a bend already known to have produced accidents in the past.

10:40 am: Contact was lost for Cllr Scott.

It was thought that the foundations of the building would be very close to, and might affect, the natural spring which runs through the eastern side of the property and disappears into a culvert.

No further planning applications had been sent to the Parish Council.

ACTION:  Clerk to email West Lindsey District Council, sending an observation regarding the garage and natural spring as a matter of urgency.
6.    Community Improvement Levies Fund (CILs)
How best to spend this fund will be discussed at the next meeting

7.   Feedback

5 St Luke’s Close

Work had stopped at this address. The Nail Bar/Beauty Salon had not applied for planning permission.

23 High Street

Although work had been stopped by West Lindsey District Council, it appeared that some work may still have been progressing.

ACTION: Committee Members to take photographs when possible.

Bleak Farm 

Planning permission had been refused. Cllrs were disappointed that not all statements had been read out at the West Lindsey Planning Committee Meeting.

ACTION: Cllr Brylewski was to write to West Lindsey Planning Department to request clarification of what West Lindsey District Council wanted to see in a planning application for this land.

One suggestion was to build a set of modern day Alms houses for the elderly.

There were lessons learned from this application. The owner of the land could have been encouraged to give a presentation of the plans and that next time the Parish Council should seek to put in more technical references to the localised and neighbourhood plans and to provide photographs.

10:56 am: Cllr Scott’s connection returned and she reiterated the points made about the natural spring at 45 Waterford Lane.

8.   Any Matters for Report and Notice of Items to be Included in the Next Agenda

17 Fiskerton Road

This half built house was last reported to be in the hands of West Lindsey District Council.

ACTION: Clerk to send a letter to the Enforcement Agency of West Lindsey District Council requesting an update on this situation.
9.    To Confirm the Date of Next Meeting. 

As and when required.