May 2020 Minutes VIC
Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Village Hall Improvement Committee, held remotely using Google Meet, on Friday 29th May 2020, at 10am.
Present: Cllr Fleetwood (Chairman) Cllr Mellor (Vice-Chairman) Cllr Bates, Cllr Brylewski, Cllr Burge, Cllr Palmer, Cathy Doggett (Parish Clerk)
(Cllr Bates did loose connection for a couple of minutes at 10:07)
Two Members of the Public were in Attendance
05/20/1 Apologies for Absence
None received. However, Cllr Bucke was not present.
05/20/2 Councillors declarations of interest, gifts and hospitality
05/20/3 Minutes of the Village Improvement Committee Meeting, Held on 6th February 2020
The minutes from the last meeting were approved and it was agreed they would be signed, when it was possible to sign the actual paper document.
Proposed: Cllr Palmer, Seconded: Cllr Brylewski, All in Favour
Public Forum
1st Member of the Public
After previously consulting with Cllrs Brylewski, Fleetwood and Robinson, the member of the public suggested a regular landlord’s visit to check on the Oasis. Possibly once a year.
The Chairman acknowledged this and agreed with the concept of a meeting.
2nd Member of the Public
Thanked the Committee and stated that he supported the first member of the public’s work and that the caravan was a great asset.
The Chairman thanked this member of the public for his comments and stated that they would be taken on board.
Committee Meeting
05/20/4 The Oasis/Growing Plot
There was a discussion about the state of the Oasis. Several Councillors expressed their concern regarding sheds, the possible dangerous content of sheds, broken pipes and that the caravan was not in an acceptable position. There was concern regarding the state in which the Oasis would be left in if the tenant had to leave because of any organisational issues due to the current pandemic. The terms of the lease are being broken. It was agreed that a time limit should be placed on the submission of a planning application to West Lindsey District Council.
The Chairman stated that a further meeting would be needed to assess the tidiness of the site and the any portable structures. A further meeting would be needed if the first stage was upheld.
It was agreed that a 30 day deadline letter should be sent to the Worth Foundation because they had not registered a planning application at West Lindsey District Council and that they had broken the terms of their lease.
Proposed: Cllr Burge, Seconded: Cllr Palmer. All in Favour.
It was RESOLVED that a 30 day deadline letter be sent to the Worth Foundation.
05/20/6 Items for report, or for inclusion in the next agenda
Proposed subject for next meeting – the appropriateness of displaying bunting around the Village. (Cllr Bates)
05/20/6 Date of the next meeting
It was agreed that the next VIC Committee Meeting should be held in the first week of July.