September 2020 DRAFT Minutes VIC
Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Village Improvement Committee held at The Vine Centre, The Parade, Cherry Willingham, Lincoln on Wednesday 9th September 2020, at 10.00am.
Present: Cllr Fleetwood (Chairman) , Cllr Mellor (Vice Chairman) , Cllr Bates , Cllr Brylewski , Cllr Burge , Cllr Palmer , RFO and Assistant to Clerk – Christine Hodgson.
2 Members of the Public were present.
In Public Forum an individual spoke of the work being done at the Oasis and thanked Cllrs for visiting the site on 4th September. She specifically requested that the Parish Council address any issues regarding the Lease to the National Director of Worth Unlimited. She requested that any local issues be directed to Alison Merryman at the Oasis with specific details. It was reported that some residents had asked for community events to be held at the site and these may be considered but joint discussion would be needed between Worth and the Parish Council.
1. To resolve to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence.
Cllr Buck was not able to attend due to ill health
2. Disclosure of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider requests for dispensation and disclosure of any gifts or hospitality.
3. To receive the notes of the Village Improvement Committee Meeting, held on 13th August 2020 and approve as Minutes.
It was Unanimously agreed to accept the Minutes as a true record and they were duly signed
4. To report upon the meeting held with Worth Unlimited at the Oasis on 4th September 2020.
Cllr Fleetwood had extended the kind invitation to the whole Council so that there might be a clear understanding of what was happening at the Oasis after Worth Unlimited had invited the Council to visit. 3 x groups of Cllrs were taken round the site by volunteers. Good information was given on the current use by the Oasis project. Cllrs were told of how the volunteers were educating young people and these views are shared by CWPC.
The Chairman commented that there was noted improvement since the last visit.
There followed a lengthy discussion concerning the perception that some people in the village think that the Parish Council is against the work at the Oasis- which is not true. It was suggested that the Parish Council should seek a public apology from Worth and acknowledgement that both parties are working together to ensure the future of the project. This issue needs to be put to Full Council before any action is taken.
It was agreed that future projects need to be identified and communicated.
The Chairman concluded that an improvement in communication was need by both parties.
5. To report upon the Cherry Fields Management Group (CFMG) Meeting on 1st September
The Minutes of the meeting had been circulated. Cllr Bates gave a brief overview.
The issue of allotments was mentioned and this will be fully discussed at Full Council.
It was Unanimously agreed that there must be agreement from VIC/ Full Council before any actions are taken by CFMG and this should be put in writing. It was agreed that a letter be sent to CFMG
ACTION- Clerk in conjunction with VIC Chairman
6. Items in Progress: to consider and agree any action as appropriate:
a. Update on the Emergency Plan
Cllr Mellor reported that work was still in progress and she will meet with
Cllrs Bates and Burge to finalise
b. Update on litter picking & St Pauls play area litter
Cllr Fleetwood reported that he had now been litter picking at St Pauls and emptying the bin for over 2 years. The bin is still unsecure even though the Council had purchased a new lock. Volunteer litter pickers are still working in the village.
c. Update on public access to Millennium Hall
The RFO reported that the only group using the Hall at present are the Digital Champions and this is by appointment only.
d. Tan Fane field entrances
Cllr Fleetwood reported that the Glendale are working on improving the previous access points for pedestrians today. The roadside and the hedge were also to be cut to improve pedestrian safety in this area.
e. Millennium Hall Improvements
It was Unanimously agreed to accept the quote from B&Q for a new unit with Integrated fridge and replacement doors for the existing unit. The cost is £656.00 + VAT. This is from the Project Budget of £2000. In addition it was agreed that a loft type ladder be purchased to access the mezzanine floor.
It was suggested that the fitting of the new units may be done by volunteers.
7. Community Speed watch:
a. Update on Speed watch activities
Cllr Burge reported that 223 sessions had been completed. There will also be a Police presence going forward.
b. Update on application to LCC Highways to potentially install speed gates
Cllrs Fleetwood and Burge have been assessing potential sites and taking measurements. ACTION Cllr Fleetwood to approach LCC for permission at various locations.
c. Update on the purchase of new equipment to share with North Greetwell
This matter in is hand ACTION RFO to make purchases and assess final cost.
8. Update on Probation Service Individuals Work
Cllr Brylewski reported that because of the constraints in place at present there was not enough suitable work for CWPC to put forward. However it was possible that the Oasis may be able to utilise this resource and as a joint venture with CWPC this could be a possible solution. This matter is currently with the Oasis team to take forward.
9. Update on Railway Barriers
Cllr Fleetwood reported that he had arranged for Sir Edward Leigh MP to visit the site and Cllr Brylewski also joined them recently. A video recording was taken. Sir Edward Leigh has agreed to contact Network Rail at a senior level and request that 4 skirted barriers be installed.
10. Consider the need to replace the Village Sign on Waterford Lane and approve any expenditure.-SB
Cllr Brylewski reported that the village sign had been looked at by a villager with artistic skills and he has agreed to paint a new sign at no cost (except for materials).
Cllrs agreed in principal to this and will make a selection from his drawings.
11. Update on Little Cherry Notice Board order-RFO
The Noticeboard is now in situ and Cllr Burge has assisted the contractor with the installation.
12. Update on Dog and Litter Bins SB
It had been agreed by the RFO and Cllr Brylewski to order an additional dog bin for the entrance to Cherry Fields and to leave the existing bin at Larkin Avenue. It was Unanimously agreed to retrospectively approve the expenditure of £150.
As regards the bins on The Parade Cllr Brylewski reported that the Co-op have replaced all of their bins recently and there were now 6 in total including the CWPC one.
We will consider replacing our bin when its condition has deteriorated further
13. To review the maintenance schedule for Lady Meers Pond and associated costs. SB
Cllrs were shown a schedule of works and costings from the conservationist specialist contractors who normally do the maintenance work. It was considered that some of the quotes seemed excessive. ACTION Cllrs Fleetwood and Brylewski to meet with the contractor at the next visit to discuss cost. ACTION Clerk to investigate other possible contractors and get quotes (in November).
14. Budget
a. To receive a report on Expenditure v Budget ytd – RFO
The RFO had prepared a spread sheet with information as at end of August
b. To discuss the Maintenance and Project Budgets for 2021-2022 and agree as applicable
There was discussion about possible Projects for the 2021-22. Cllr Burge is to look at costings for Speed gates, Cllr Bates to look at costings for a Bandstand/Covered structure for the Parade area and a new Flag Pole.
Allowance should be made for a Christmas Tree and new lights.
15. Holding Items
The footpath between Green Lane and Hawthorn Road
Cllr Fleetwood gave an update and suggested a letter needs to be sent to the owners of the field at the bottom of Waterford Lane to request better access for pedestrians.
ACTION Cllr Fleetwood and Clerk
16. Matters for report and future agenda items
Village and Seasonal Celebrations
17. To confirm a date for the next meeting
Wednesday 14th October at The Vine at 2pm