October 2020 Minutes VIC
Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Village Improvement Committee held at The Vine Centre, The Parade, Cherry Willingham, Lincoln on Wednesday 21st October 2020, at 2.00pm.
Present: Cllr Fleetwood (Chairman), Cllr Bucke, Cllr Bates, Cllr Brylewski, Cllr Burge, Cllr Mellor, Cllr Palmer, RFO-Christine Hodgson, Clerk-Gill Shaw
Cllr Longley and District Cllr Anne Welburn were present as observers.
Cllr Fleetwood stated that he invited District Cllr Anne Welburn to the meeting to provide background information regarding Cherry Fields, and also Tanfaine issues. District Cllr Anne Welburn had been the Chairman to the Parish Council prior to the current Chairman, and in addition, had been the previous Chairman of the VIC Committee. District Cllr Anne Welburn therefore commanded a wealth of knowledge with regard to both issues.
1. To resolve to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence.
2. Disclosure of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider requests for dispensation and disclosure of any gifts or hospitality.
3. To receive the notes of the Village Improvement Committee Meeting held on 9th September 2020 and approve as Minutes
It was unanimously agreed to accept the Minutes as a true record and they were duly signed.
4. To report upon the Cherry Fields Management Group Meeting on 13th October 2020 and consider if any further actions are required
The Minutes of their meeting had been circulated to all members of The Parish Council.
Cllr Fleetwood reported that Planning Permission was granted on 15th October 2020 to The Oasis with very few conditions.
Cllr Welburn clarified that the historic Village Management Committee Meeting set out the Councils long, medium and short term intentions for the land and that it would be funded from grants.
The Minutes of the CFMG contains a request that the VIC Agenda include a standing item to report on their detailed Minutes and requested future dates of VIC meetings.
Cllr Brylewski gave praise to CFMG for how detailed their Minutes are and gave many examples of their good management.
ACTION – Clerk to inform them
Discussion on the Top Field which is currently being developed. Originally the long -term plan was for car park and allotments. Council previously agreed that the Top Field should be for allotments and dog off-lead exercise area. At last October's Village Meeting the plans for a Wildflower Meadow were agreed by the Public with a show of hands and this was in the minutes of that meeting. At the subsequent Full Council meeting this was not on the agenda and so was not ratified by Full Council.
Presently Cllr Bates attends CFMG meetings on behalf of the Council and he reports back to VIC. Cllr Fleetwood stated that he had previously been an appointee a couple of years ago, but had attended a meeting where the Chairman of CFMG had said that he had been replaced by Cllr Bates and he could remain in future but not as a Parish Council representative. Cllr Brylewski clarified that she attends the CFMG meeting, when invited, in her capacity as Chair of CWPC. Standing Orders state that up to 3 councillors can be on their committee. Councillors on the committee must clarify as to whether they are there as Councillors or not.
Concerns were raised that CFMG are making decisions without consultation and ratifications by the Parish Council. The correct procedure should be CFMG Minutes to go to the VIC and then to Full Council. All CFMG items including proposals should go through the VIC Committee. It was proposed that 2 Councillors be appointed to be on the CFMG committee to give a clear line of communication.
The Councillors on the CFMG as members should not have voting rights on Financial proposals and Projects relating to Cherry Fields.
I. Full Council to retrospectively ratify the decision to create a Wildflower Meadow
II. Put in place that future meetings are in the correct order and that future plans to be discussed/amended at VIC meetings and then go to Full Council
III. Two Volunteers need to be appointed on to the CFMG committee at the next Full Council meeting.
Reference to item 6 in CFMG Minutes, steps and pathway access to riverbank and the old village sign be sited there as a welcome to the village. The proposed project to improve access to the top of the bank by steps and ramp needs permissions from the Environment Agency (EA). Suggested cost could be £50 for permissions and £400 to £500 for materials. Future grass cutting of the bank could be done by Cherry Fields volunteers as the EA would have difficulty in cutting the grass around the steps.
CFMG are asking VIC to consider it as a separate project and allow a budget next year.
It was pointed out by D/Cllr Welburn that there may be future difficulties as that area is let out and historically the tenant was to receive payment to allow the bridge to be built.
The river banks are not Council land and are the responsibility of the EA. Cllr Fleetwood highlighted his involvement with the EA RFCC which deals with flood defences and management.
ACTION To bring back to the next VIC meeting after first establishing whether the Environment Agency and the Tenant has been contacted as to whether such a project could go ahead. ACTION – Cllr Fleetwood and Clerk to contact CFMG
With reference to CFMG Minute re Cherry Fields Budget (item 8 on their agenda). It was agreed to put forward the request of £2500 as per their original 3 year plan for the Project. This to be used for cultivation, rolling and woodland planting in Cherry Pastures.
Also the request for £3500 as a Maintenance Budget was agreed for 2021-22 as it was pointed out that they now have a much larger area to maintain.
There was a discussion about one of their volunteers who claims for petrol every 6 months. Cllr Mellor asked why volunteers were claiming for fuel to travel to the site which had not been previously agreed. Unanimously agreed that volunteers can not claim fuel.
ACTION Clerk to inform CFMG of this decision
The clearing out of the ditches was due to be done earlier this year but due to adverse weather conditions it was not done and the money allocated had gone back into the general reserves.
The proposed budgets figures were unanimously agreed except for the volunteer’s petrol which should be excluded.
CFMG minutes made mention of unsightly Heras type fencing which belongs to the Council is on the Oasis plot. Cllr Brylewski confirmed that one of CFMG had requested that it not be taken away as he would use it. It needs to be taken from Worth Unlimited tenancy plot to be used on Cherry Fields.
ACTION: The CFMG volunteer who asked to use the fencing can borrow it to use on Cherry Fields.
5. Items in Progress: to consider and agree any action as appropriate
a) Update on the Resilience Community Plan
It was agreed that Cllr Brylewski and Cllr Mellor will finish the Plan
b) Update on litter picking and St Pauls play area litter
There was a good litter pick last weekend and the rubbish has now been taken away. There are 2 new volunteers.
c) Millennium Hall Improvements
A ladder has been purchased to gain access to the storage area above the office and toilet. An electrician’s quote had been requested to move a socket but there had been no reply to date.
6. Community Speed Watch
a) Update on Speed watch activities
244 sessions
50111 vehicles
1340 reported
2nd complaint about supposed hiding in a hedge on Croft Lane. Suggested that the sign be situated further away.
Cllr Burge confirmed that he will remain on Speed Watch but will consider fewer sessions as daylight hours are diminishing.
Cllr Fleetwood gave thanks to Cllr Burge for all his work in this field.
b) Update on application to LCC Highways to potentially install speed gates
Cllr Fleetwood to meet representatives on site to discuss erecting the gates at the speed limit signs
c) Update on the purchase of new equipment to share with North Greetwell
Equipment has now been purchased and Greetwell had contributed 50%.
The original speed radar gun is no longer working ACTION Cllr Fleetwood to arrange for its repair if possible
7. To consider the Tenancy Agreement for Tanfaine Field especially Public Access
It was reported that the tenant of Tanfaine field had called into the Millennium Hall and had a discussion with Cllr Brylewski and the RFO. He was annoyed that the Council had arranged for the roadside hedge to be cut without contacting him first. Cllr Brylewskii and the RFO both apologised on behalf of the Council. A discussion then followed about public access to the field. Concerns were raised about the tenancy agreement.
D/Cllr Anne Welburn remembers an agreement being made with the tenant whereby he will leave a strip of land accessible for a permissive footpath.
Cllr Brylewski and the RFO can find no mention of this in the Tenancy Agreement. District Councillor Welburn stated that Correspondence and Solicitor’s letters should be on file in the Parish Office. Cllr Mellor and Cllr Brylewski have both reviewed the VIC and Full Council Minutes and had not found any reference to a permissive footpath.
ACTION – RFO- To draft a letter to the tenant detailing the PC requirements for Public Access.
8. To consider an application to put a vending trailer at The Parade.A request has been received to site a French Crepe trailer on the grass on the Parade. The C0 0P refused it to be in their carpark. The trailer was suggested to be a small car size trailer and not a large catering unit and would operate approx. every 6-8 weeks. There would be no charges or fees. There were no objections.
ACTION Update at next VIC meeting
9. Update on Dog and Litter Bins
Leisure and Amenities committee Agenda will include a damaged bin at St Pauls.
10. To update on the maintenance schedule for Lady Meers pond and associated costs.
Cllr Brylewski suggested that the council took back maintenance of the land and get it included in the grass cutting contract and take down the fencing to be reused around the pond.
ACTION – Further research needed
11. Budget
i. To receive a report on Expenditure v Budget Year To Date-RFO. Members received a spreadsheet detailing expenditure made ytd. It was identified that the Maintenance budget had capacity sufficient to purchase a replacement flag pole and fixings. ACTION Cllr Bates to obtain a quote to present at the next VIC meeting
ii. To discuss the Maintenance and Project Budgets for 2021-2022 and agree as applicable. Amounts were given to the RFO to build into the Provisional Budget which will be discussed at the Finance Meeting and then ratified by Full Council. The proposed Maintenance budget for Village Upkeep is £3500 and for the Millennium Hall is £1000. The Project budget requested is £6000 for Speed-gates on Fiskerton Road. Any Project expenditure for Allotments to come from Balances. The possible purchase of a Bandstand or similar structure was put on hold for now. Cllr Fleetwood stated that he would like to see a restraint in the Parish Precept charged in view of the on-going pandemic.
iii. To review the Grass Cutting Schedule for 2021-2022 and agree any changes before putting it out to tender. Members had copies of the current schedule and a note of cuts completed last year and this year to date. It was agreed to reduce the “up to” number of cuts under Verges and Open Spaces and under Village Hall/Tennis Club area to 15 thereby reducing the Grass Cutting budget which appears to have been overestimated for 2 years.
12. Holding Items: The Footpath between Green Lane and Hawthorn Road
Still a holding item
13. Village and seasonal celebrations
I. To arrange for volunteers to erect the Christmas Tree and consider if any new lights are needed
Lights will be brought out of storage next week. The tree is due on 23rd November. It was agreed to provide up to £300 for new lights. ACTION Cllr Brylewski and Cllr Burge to look at new lights
II. To consider what if any Celebrations can be planned
No Celebrations will be planned this year due to Covid19
14. Update on the Allotment Feasibility Group
The names of the new group were decided at Full Council. Cllr Fleetwood said he would lead the Group and the membership agreed was Cllr Fleetwood, Cllr Brylewski, Cllr Burge, Cllr Trahearn, Cllr B Robinson, Nigel Hooper and Helen McCowan
ACTION – Clerk and Chairman to set up a group to meet at The Millennium Hall next week. At the meeting decide who takes Minutes.
15. Matters for report and future agenda items
16. To confirm a date for the next meeting
To be decided