August 2020 DRAFT Minutes VIC
Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Village Improvement Committee held at Reepham and Cherry Willingham Village Hall on Thursday 13th August at 7pm
Present: Cllr Fleetwood (Chairman) Cllr Mellor (Vice Chairman) Cllr Bates, Cllr Brylewski, Cllr Bucke, Cllr Burge, Cllr Palmer, RFO & Assistant Clerk Christine Hodgson and Volunteer administrator Gill……
Also in attendance was one member of the public.
1. To resolve to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence.
All Committee Members were present
2. Disclosure of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider requests for dispensation and disclosure of any gifts or hospitality.
3. To receive the notes of the Village Improvement Committee Meeting, held on 10 July 2020 and approve as Minutes.
It was Unanimously agreed to accept the Minutes as a true record and they were duly signed.
4. To report upon the meeting held with Worth Unlimited at the Oasis on 3 August 2020.
The Chairman reported that an informal meeting had been held at the Oasis site and he had circulated a recording of the meeting to members of the committee and the Worth Director.
It was noted that the site was much tidier although there was still no evidence of any valid planning application being made to WLDC and this was a cause for concern.
It was agreed that there needs to be better communication between the parties.
The Chairman reiterated that the Parish Council fully supports the work being done by Worth Unlimited/ Oasis and that the issue was in connection with breaches of the Tenancy Agreement.
It was Unanimously agreed to hold a formal meeting at the Oasis between the Village Hall Improvement Committee members and representatives of Worth Unlimited/Oasis during the first week of September to check on progress also to view the site to discuss what might be needed in relationship to tidiness.
ACTION- Clerk to arrange a meeting
5. Items in Progress: to consider and agree any action as appropriate:
a. Update on the Emergency Plan
Still on-going
b. Update on litter picking & St Pauls play area litter
Volunteer litter pickers are still active and there were some new recruits. It was generally felt that litter is a particular problem at this time.
c. Consider the Covid 19 Risk Assessment in respect of Millennium Hall and whether public access should be granted.
It was agreed that a maximum of 7 people could safely meet in the Millennium Hall. Any User Groups could hire/use the Hall subject to that stipulation and Covid 19 guidelines must be followed.
d. Tan Fane field entrances
The gaps at the end of the hedges which allow for public access at each end of the field beside the road have become overgrown. It was Unanimously agreed that a Contractor should be employed to clear the accesses.
ACTION Clerk to arrange
e. Update on Millennium Hall/Kitchen Units
It was Unanimously agreed that quotes be obtained to install Kitchen Units
ACTION- Clerk and Committee members
6. Community Speedwatch:
a. Update on Speedwatch activities
Cllr Burge gave an update on the number of sessions and vehicles recorded and he advised that there are now 16 volunteers.
He has made PCSO Jackie Parker aware of the adverse comments which have appeared on social media and she has informed the Road Safety Partnership.
The Chairman thanked Cllr Burge and the whole team for their good work.
b. Consider quotes for speed gates and agree spending from appropriate budget
It was pointed out by the RFO that there is currently no budget allowance to purchase speed gates in the current financial year and so Full Council would need to approve any decision to take funds from Balances.
Members discussed the locations where speed gates could be sited.
ACTION Cllrs Fleetwood and Burge to establish location details and measurements in order to apply to LCC Highways for permissions in the first instance.
c. Consider the purchase of new equipment to share with North Greetwell using the Cllr Initiative Fund from D/Cllr A Welburn
A total of £800 is available to spend on equipment for both Parishes to share.
ACTION Cllr Burge to identify the additional equipment and RFO to purchase.
d. Consider the Risk Assessment and agree on any updates relating to Covid 19
Cllr Burge confirmed that the Speedwatch Team are adhering to the Covid 19 precautions i.e. Distancing and Sanitising
ACTION Clerk to update Risk Assessment
7. To consider the possible provision of Allotments
There had been 13 E-mails from people expressing an interest following the CWPC entry in Cherry News.
Committee members discussed possible sites for allotments. The field known as Tan Fane was discounted but the field adjacent to the Cherry Fields Car Park and the Oasis was considered a possible option- the fixed 2 year tenancy agreement expires on 31st August 2020. Some of the issues which need to be considered are Parking, Water Supply, Size of Plots, Creation of tracks and Administration. The workload involved in a feasibility study is such that it was Unanimously agreed to carry this forward to Full Council to consider setting up a sub-committee.
8. Update on Probation Service Individuals Work
Cllr Brylewski reported that she and Cllrs Palmer and Trahearn had a recent meeting with a manager and supervisor from the Probation Service. There are difficulties associated with working to Covid 19 regulations and it is not clear if work can commence at this time.
ACTION Cllr Brylewski is continuing to liaise with the Probation Service to find a way forward.
9. Update on railway barriers
The Chairman reported that he has contacted Sir Edward Leigh’s office to arrange a meeting with the MP to publicise the problem. He expected that there would be both a photograph and also a letter being sent from the MP to Network Rail supporting the Parish Council.
ACTION Chairman also ACTION Clerk to find previous correspondence with Network rail requesting additional barriers.
10 Update on Little Cherry Notice Board order
The new board had been ordered. The issue of dismantling the old one and installing the new one was discussed. If no Cllrs were to volunteer the work would be put to Contractors.
11. Christmas Tree Order and Parade Planters
The Tree has been ordered and the suggested delivery date is 26th November. Item to be raised at Full Council to ask for volunteers and to consider if new lights need to be bought.
As regards planters it was Unanimously agreed to spend a maximum of £200 annually on plants from Village Improvement Maintenance budget.
12. Consider additional Litter Bins and Dog Bins
Cllr Brylewski reported that residents were unhappy with the placement of the dog bin at Larkin Avenue. It was suggested that an additional dog bin was needed at the entrance gate to Cherry Fields.
ACTION Clerk to approach WLDC to ask for the bin to be moved from Larkin to Cherry Fields.
The CWPC Litter Bin on the Parade has been missing for some time. Cllr Brylewski had been in contact with the Co-op who are replacing their bins. It was Unanimously agreed that we could purchase a matching bin up to a maximum value of £500.
13. Bunting and Village Celebrations- Cllr Bates
Cllr Bates reported an incident where a villager had suggested that an individual should not be allowed to display a particular flag.
The Chairman clarified that CWPC do not have a policy on displaying flags or bunting and so no action is needed.
14. Holding Items
The footpath between Green Lane and Hawthorn Road. The Government are in the process of writing to County Council’s regarding funding for extending footpaths following on from the current Corona Pandemic. The Chairman said that he had been part of a County Council meeting last November where District Councillor Anne Welburn had presented a case to County Council to expand the current network in this Parish and also neighbouring Parishes of Fiskerton, Reepham, Greetwell and Nettleham. County Council had agreed it might provide an opportunity as a pilot scheme for the County so further investigations would be made. This has been recently highlighted to the Leader of the County Council by the Chairman.
15. Matters for report and future agenda items.
Update on Oasis
16. To confirm a date for the next meeting
10th September 2020