August 2022 Minutes L&A Cttee
Cherry Willingham Parish Council
Meeting of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Leisure and Amenities Committee held on Tuesday 30th August 2022 at 7.00pm at the Millennium Hall
Present at the start: Cllr J Robinson, Cllr V Houghton, Cllr Angela Burge.
Meeting started at 7.00pm.
No members of the public were present.
1. To elect a minute taker.
Resolved to elect Cllr Angela Burge as minute taker.
2. Apologies, welcomes and attendance, including accepting apologies and the reason for absence where given.
Apologies were received from Cllr Trahearn, Cllr Mellor and Cllr Bucke, all agreed to accept these.
3. Declarations of Interest: To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.
Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared.
To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.
No declarations of interest declared.
4. To receive the minutes of the L&A Committee meeting held on 27th June 2022 and agree for them to be signed as a true record.
It was Resolved unanimously to receive the notes and they were duly signed.
5. Update on Youth and Community Centre meeting.
It was reported that the Youth centre will be open soon.
6. To agree that all future site visits can be conducted by a minimum of two committee councillors who then report back to the L&A Committee.
It was Resolved unanimously that all future site visits to be by a minimum of 2 councillors.
Cllr S Brylewski arrived at 7.05pm.
7. To receive an update on the budget and current and expected expenditure.
Laburnum Drive Playing Field and St Paul’s Play Area
a) To receive a report on actions taken as a result of the site visit on 4th July 2022.
Laburnum playing field notes previously circulated. Several actions have already been completed, the Chair thanked all those who attended and have carried out work.
b) To agree to purchasing bird deterrent spikes for the swings.
Cllr Trahearn has found a bird deterrent, made of rubber at a cost of £6.19 per 2m. It was agreed to purchase 4m. Cllr Robinson to send a link to the Clerk. (ACTION – Clerk)
c) To receive quotes for resurfacing and remarking the basketball court and agree accordingly.
Wicksteed still to come to give a quote for resurfacing the basketball court; the alternative could be a cold lay ready mix macadam to repair the cracks.
d) To consider ways of solving problems with tiled safety surfaces, including receiving any quotes and agree accordingly.
EKM has quoted for the worst surface at the roundabout at St Pauls. 3 quotes have been received, one for gap filling, one for NOTTSSPORT, and one for wetpour. It was Resolved unanimously that Cllr Houghton & Cllr Angela Burge check which small area could be gap filled to see the quality and durability and report back to the Chair. EKM to quote for this area; if the quote is less than £460 EKM to be authorised to carry out this work.
To receive quotes for the following and agree accordingly:
i) Replacing bushes and chain for the basket swing.
Proposed to accept quote and replace bushes and chains on basket swing at a cost of £140. Resolved unanimously.
ii) Lubricating bearing on bowl roundabout.
Proposed to investigate bearing on bowl at a cost of £80. If repair is possible within £100 to do it, any additional cost to be referred back to the L&A Committee. Resolved unanimously.
iii) Self-close at St Paul’s gate.
Proposed to investigate self-closer on St Paul’s entrance gate at a cost of £20. Unknown if the gate has an external adjuster. Cllr Fleetwood may be aware. Resolved unanimously.
e) To review any play park inspections.
EKM to continue to do reports, at the same time to quote for any item that needs attention. 2 Cllrs to then check if work is necessary. If it is agreed it is then EKM to do it if the quote is acceptable. Resolved unanimously
f) To agree on any further maintenance required, including arranging for safety surface cleaning & approve quotes.
From inspection report: -
A) corrosion on slide
B) weed killer on St Paul’s path. Question whether a Cllr would be permitted to do this. Clerk to check insurance. (Action – Clerk)
i) Proposed to ask EKM to deal with corrosion at a cost of £82. Resolved unanimously. Resolved unanimously that if further work is needed EKM to take photos of that as evidence. Proposed to carry our additional work at a cost of £260. Resolved unanimously.
ii) EKM reported that no cleaning is necessary as yet. Members agreed.
iii) Proposed to get a quote from Wicksteed for wet pour repair kit for St Paul’s large swing. Resolved unanimously.
iv) Proposed for EKM to tighten cradle seat at a cost of £20. Resolved unanimously.
v) Although not on the report the gate at Laburnum is not closing. Proposed to ask EKM to adjust, if possible, to a maximum of £20. Resolved unanimously.
g) To receive a report on replacement ‘No Dogs’ sign and approve the purchase of any further signs required.
‘No Dogs Allowed’ sign has been purchased. Cllr Andy Burge to be asked to site it to the left of the gate at Laburnum.
h) To receive a report on the replacement of the electric box door.
Cllr B Robinson has created a new door and fitted it to the electricity box at Laburnum playing field. The meter can now be read without opening the door and the existing lock was re-used.
i) To consider and approve the quote for removal of dead wood and sever ivy on Pollard poplar and to dig a hole to investigate roots.
Proposed to write to the resident whose drive has cracked with a quote for investigating the cause, for her to pay for the investigation. Should the cause of the crack be the tree then the cost of the investigation would be reimbursed by the council. It was proposed that no other work be carried out until after the investigation. If the tree is NOT causing the problem it was proposed to accept the quote of £720 to pollard the tree. Resolved unanimously (ACTION – Cllr J Robinson & Clerk)
j) To receive an update on the Cricket Club netting issue.
Cllr Trahearn & Cllr Lacy met with the Cricket Club to advise that they will not be allowed to play next year if the new nets are not in place. The Cricket Club confirmed that 2 quotes for the new nets have been sent to the ECB.
k) To consider potential play equipment for under-fives and the provision of a mound and small humps at St Paul’s and agree to any actions as required.
Catalogues from 2 companies have been requested for discussion at the next meeting. To look at creating a mound in St Paul’s play area, with tunnels through and slide down it.
l) To consider planting some free trees in St Paul’s play area.
It was agreed that trees would not be suitable for play areas other options to be looked into.
Burial Ground
a) To receive a report on actions taken as a result of the site visit on 26th July.
Report previously circulated, in addition the notice board has been completed. The Stead bench is to be removed tomorrow; the plaque is to be retained but the bench will be destroyed.
b) To approve the updated Burial Ground Terms & Conditions.
Updated Terms & Conditions not accepted.
i) The suggestion that the current age restriction for children being accompanied by an adult from 12 being reduced to 9 but under the care of a responsible adult was not accepted and it was agreed that the sentence should be removed completely.
ii) Under item 8 on Headstones/Memorial/Personal Items it should be amended to include ‘and reserve the right to remove items should they not be removed following a request’. Also, it was questioned whether there should be a statement about shrubs and plants on graves.
c) To agree any actions required in relation to the following matters and consider arranging a volunteer work party day:
i) Maintenance work required on benches.
ii) Tidying path edges.
iii) Replacing broken slabs.
iv) Clearing SE and NE corners and playing bulbs
iv) Infilling sunken graves.
v) Removing Ivy.
vi) Hedge Trimming.
A) Proposed to advertise on Facebook for volunteers for a working party to carry out this work at 10am on 17th October. Cllr B Robinson to advertise. Resolved unanimously.
B) Proposed to spend up to £75 on bulbs to plant in the graveyard on 17th October. Cllr Angela Burge to source, Resolved unanimously.
Trees in Gilbert’s Pond Area
a) To agree work on removing small rowans that are either dead or growing under larger trees.
It was proposed to ask TGS to quote for pruning trees near Gilberts Pond. Resolved unanimously.
b) To agree work on trimming hedges and trees around the pond.
To look at trees that need removing during the working party. Resolved unanimously.
Trees on Parade grass area
a) To consider any actions required.
It was agreed that no work is needed to these trees this year.
8. To consider budget for next year.
To be considered at the next L&A meeting.
9. To receive an update from the Future Burial Ground Task and Finish Group.
The Clerk has written to Mr Goode regarding land for a future burial ground but has not received a reply to date.
10. Notice of items to be included in the next agenda.
i) Budget for 2023/24.
ii) Risk assessment for play parks to include extreme weather.
11. To confirm the date of the next meeting
12th October 2022 at 7pm at the Millennium Hall
These are draft notes until they have been approved at the next L&A Committee meeting.
It should be noted that as there are concerns that from 7pm-7.05 the meeting may not have been quorate any decisions made for items 1-6 will be presented at the next L&A meeting for those decisions to be ratified.