December 2022 Minutes L&A Cttee

Meeting of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Leisure and Amenities Committee held on Monday 5th December 2022 at 7:00pm at the Millenium Hall


Present: Cllr Trahearn (Chair), Cllr Angela Burge (Vice-Chair), Cllr Bucke, and Cllr J Robinson.


Meeting Started at 7:00pm.

No members of the public were present.

Non attendees Cllr Brylewski.


  1. To elect a minute taker.

Resolved to elect Cllr Angela Burge as minute taker.


  1. Apologies, welcomes and attendance, including accepting apologies and reasons for their absence were given.

Cllr Mellor and Cllr Houghton


  1. Declarations of interest. To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.

To note dispensations given  to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.



  1. To receive the minutes of the L & A Committee meeting held on the 12th October 2022 and agree for them to be signed as a true record.

Resolved unanimously. Minutes of 12th October 2022 meeting were accepted and signed as a true record.


  1. To receive an update on the Youth and Community Centre.

The outstanding issue over land with LCC and Education is still unresolved, The Centre will not be open.


  1. To consider and approve any action to be taken for a Lincolnshire County Council - funding play equipment grant.

This item to be deferred due to lack of information/ knowledge. If appropriate to be put on the February Meeting Agenda. (Action - Clerk/ Ass Clerk)


  1. To consider the entry of Cherry Willingham in ‘Village in BLoom’ Competition.

Resolved unanimously It was thought that the villages or a village organisation like the gardening group would take responsibility for this, however it was agreed it did not feel appropriate to enter at this time.


  1. Matters relating to Laburnum Drive Playing Field & St Pauls play area.


St Pauls

  1. To receive a report of maintenance work undertaken since the last meeting and agree to any further action as necessary.

Assuming bearings on the bowl have been completed. Gate Closure 


Bird Spikes have been fitted thanks to Cllr Andy Burge.



  1. To receive a report of any maintenance work undertaken since the last meeting and agree to any further actions as necessary.

Gate Closure was due to be carried out on the 2nd November 2022, Clerk to ask EKM what work has been carried out and what is still outstanding. (Action - Clerk/Ass Clerk)


  1. To consider any quotes that have been received since the last meeting, including for resurfacing basketball court and a wet pour repair kit, and agree expenditure as required.

Resolved that the basketball court will not be resurfaced. Instead the basketball court will be repaired and monitored. Cllr Andy Burge will be asked for input on the repair. Still awaiting quote from EKM to repair  wet pour under large slide and provide  a cost for the wet pour repair kit, Assistant to the Clerk to chase (Action - Ass Clerk)


  1. To review any play park inspections and agree on any actions.

Resolved unanimously, reviewed and agreed as above.


  1. To receive any update on the Cricket Club netting.

The offer of £5000.00 is no longer available to the Cricket Club this money is now to be divided between the VIC & L & A, Assistant to the Clerk  to confirm that the Cricket Club has received this notification (Action - Ass Clerk)


  1. To receive an update on the Poplar tree issue and resolve to approve pollarding.

Investigation carried out by TJS, it does appear that the roots of the tree are the cause of damage to the drive, Council need a copy of TJS report confirming this from the house holder, TJS to also be asked what the resolution would be. Resolved unanimously Ass Clerk to obtain three quotations for repairing the house holder's driveway also to investigate the budget available and if this can be done through the council insurance. (Action - Ass Clerk)


  1. To consider potential future play equipment and agree to any actions required, to consider the quotes obtained since last meeting.

No Quotes available.

We have been offered a three metre tunnel, 90cm diameter for use in the mound to be created in St Pauls Play area. Diagram to be drawn of the planned mound with tunnels and slides by Cllr Andy Burge, B Robinson and D Rogers

D Rogers was thanked for the soil delivery to date.

More information on single double slides and the material they are made of is needed  (Action - Ass Clerk)


  1. To discuss risk assessments for the play areas.

It is noted that all play equipment is inspected monthly and and annually by a safety officer Clerk to ask LALC if we need a risk assessment for play areas as they are inspected monthly  (Action - Clerk)


  1. To consider and to resolve maintenance of the rumble footpath.

Rumble footpath has been sprayed with weed killer, Cllr Trahearn and Cllr Bucke to weed, edge it and clear the stones


  1. Matters relating to the Burial Ground and the trees in the Gilbert Pond area.


  1. To consider a request from residents to cut back the trees in the burial ground that are adjacent to Lady Meers Road.

All offending trees have been cut back and hedges have been pruned during the working party day. No further action required.


  1. To resolve to purchase Strimmer Guards for the trees in the Burial Ground. 

It was Resolved unanimously to purchase strimmer guards up to £50 N Hooper to be asked for advice on what to purchase.


It was also noted that there are still some bulbs needed planting in the Burial Ground, it was agreed that w e will meet on the Parade on the 9th December at 1:00pm all councillors to be invited. (Action - Clerk)


  1. To receive and update from the Future Burial Ground Task and Finish Group.

Clerk to arrange a meeting in the New Year. (Action - Clerk)


  1. General: Any other matters to report for inclusion in the next agenda.

To receive an update from the Burial Support Group


  1. To confirm the date for the next meeting.

DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING 6th February 2023 7:00pm Millenium Hall


Signed:..................................................................................Cllr J Trahearn on behalf of Clerk

