October 2022 Minutes L&A Cttee
Meeting of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Leisure and Amenities Committee held on Wednesday 12th October 2022 at 7.00pm at the Millennium Hall
Present: Cllrs Traheran (Chair), Angela Burge (Vice-Chair), Brylewski, J.Robinson
Meeting started at 7pm.
No members of the public were present
Following on from concerns that the first six items from the August meeting may have occurred when the meeting was inquorate, the first six items of this agenda are from that meeting
To elect a minute taker
Resolved to elect Cllr A Burge as minute taker.
Apologies, welcomes and attendance, including accepting apologies and the reason for absence where given
Cllr Mellor, Cllr Houghton, and Cllr Bucke
Declarations of interest. To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared. To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.
To receive the minutes of the L & A Committee meeting held on 27th June 2022 and agree for them to be signed as a true record
Minutes of 27th June meeting were accepted and signed as a true record, however as these were not on the agenda, Clerk to check if this is permitted (Action - Clerk)
To receive an update on the Youth and Community Centre
It was reported that the Youth centre will be open soon. In the previous meeting no update was given, it has since been learned that there are outstanding issues over land between LCC and Education, the centre will not be open until this is resolved
To agree that all future site visits should be conducted by a minimum of two committee councillors who then report back to L & A committeeAll
future sites visits to be by a minimum of 2 councillors, Resolved unanimously It was also asked if councillors need DBS as they frequent play parks, Clerk to check if this is a requirement ( Action- Clerk & Assistant Clerk)
To elect a chairman of the L & A committee
Cllr J Robinson explained that she had only taken the chairman role on a temporary basis and wished to resign from this position. Cllr Trahearn was nominated as new chairman Resolved Unanimously.
To receive the minutes of the L & A Committee meeting held on 30th August 2022 and agree for them to be signed as a true record
The minutes were accepted as a true record and duly signed.
Matters relating to Laburnum Drive Playing Field and St Pauls play area to receive a report of maintenance work undertaken since last meeting and agree any further actions as necessary
Items we authorised EKM to do at our meeting on 30th August and current status:
i) Replace bushes and chains on basket swing at Laburnum Drive at a cost of £140 as quoted. Resolved Unanimously.
ii) Bearing on bowl roundabout at St Paul’s at a cost of £80 as quoted. If repair is possible within an additional £100 to do it. Any additional cost greater than £100 must be referred back to the L&A Committee before undertaking the repair. Investigation Resolved Unanimously.
Quote for replacement bearings going before full council for approval on 17th October. (To approve the replacement of all four bearings with new on the whizz bowl at the St Paul’s play park and reassemble it to its foundation at a cost of £560 + VAT)
iii) Investigate self-closer on St Paul’s entrance gate at a cost of £20 as quoted. Resolved Unanimously.
iv) Investigate corrosion on the large slide at Laburnum at a cost of £82. If further work is needed EKM to take photos of findings as evidence and submit photos to the clerk but allowed to carry out additional work at a cost of £260 as quoted. Investigation Resolved Unanimously. Additional work Resolved Unanimously.
v) Tighten cradle seats at Laburnum Drive at a cost of £40 as quoted. Resolved
vi) Adjust self-closer on Laburnum Drive Pedestrian gate to car park, if possible, to a maximum of £20. Resolved Unanimously.
Still awaiting the following quotes:
i) Fill gaps in the tiled safety surface under the small slide at St Paul’s (Intended as a trial to see how well it works)
ii) Sticking down the wet pour safety surface under the large swings at St Paul’s
iii) Repair hole in wet pour safety surface under the large swings at St Paul’s
To consider any quotes that have been received since the last meeting, including for resurfacing basketball court and wet pour repair kit, and agree expenditures as required
i) To repair the bowl at Laburnum at a cost of £560 + VAT, (Action - Take to Full council for approval.)
ii) Bird spikes have been received, (Action Cllr Andy Burge to be asked to fix)
iii) Cllr Andy Burge to be asked to repair the play surface on the basketball court, agreed for up to £50 be spent on spray glue needed for this to be carried out, Resolved unanimously. (Action - Cllr Andy Burge)
iv) It was also noted that wet pour is only guaranteed for 3 years, Wet pour repair for large swing (item 7F3) (Action - Clerk & Assistant Clerk)
c. To review play park inspections and agree on any actions.
August and September reports were reviewed, it is clear that some repair work has been carried out but there are some items that require clarification (Action - Assistant Clerk)
d. To receive an update on the Cricket Club netting.
There is no further update from the Cricket Club. As there has been no request for funding from CWPC the money reserved will now be spent on other village amenities. Letter to be sent to the Cricket Club explaining the above and reiterating that no Cricket will be allowed to be played next season unless the net is in situ, Cllr Trahearn to draft a letter for the Clerk to send. (Action Cllr Trahearn and Clerk)
e. To receive an update on the Poplar tree issue.
The quote received from TJS for the investigative work, this quote has been passed to the neighbour for her to contact TJS for the work to be carried out, Clerk to write to TJS informing them of this and that the work should be carried out as a matter of urgency and that payment will come from the resident. (Action Clerk)
f. To consider any feedback from the Autumn Parish meeting.
Parishioners were in favour of raising the precept to pay for play equipment but also for a mound to be created with tunnels and slides
g. To consider potential future play equipment and agree to any actions required.
Need to set up a Task and Finish group, to create a mound to go in St Pauls play area. Site meeting to take place on 21/10/22 @10am, Cllrs B Robinson, Cllr Andy Burge and Mr Dave Leonard to be invited to attend. A price for a 3 metre tunnel from Sutcliffe play to be obtained (Action - Clerk) It was thought the money no longer being used for the Cricket net could be used to purchase a slide to go on the mound.
h.To agree budget request for 2023/2024
It was agreed that permission be sought from full Council to carry forward some general maintenance budget to next year to allow the purchase of new wet pour surfaces. Resolved Unanimously.
To request a maintenance budget of £6000
To request a project budget of £7500
i) To discuss risk assessments for play areas
To ask LALC if we need a risk assessment for play areas as they are inspected monthly.
10. Burial Ground and the trees in Gilberts Pond area
a. To consider a request from a resident to cut back the trees in the burial ground that are adjacent to Lady Meers Road
A letter has been received from a resident that CWPC trees are overhanging her property, some of these will be cut back when the autumn pruning takes place by Glendale, others will be looked at on 17/10/22
b. To note purchase of bulbs for the burial ground
£65.44 has been spent on bulbs to be planted in the burial ground on 17/10/22
c. Agree plans for volunteer action day on 17/10/22
Cllr J Robinson has a list of tasks to be undertaken, it was agreed that £100 be available for materials and it was recognised that there would also be associated travel/transport costs All in favour
d. To consider any feedback from the Autumn Parish meeting
No feedback was received.
e. To agree budget request for 2023/2024
To request a budget of £750 for the burial ground.
11. To receive and update from the Future Burial Ground Task and Finish Group
Task and Finish group have not met, it was proposed that a meeting take place in the new year (Action Assistant Clerk).
12. General, Any other matters to report for inclusion in the next agendaTo
update the burial ground map.
13. To confirm the date of the next meeting.
DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING 28th November 2022 7pm Millennium Hall.