28 June 2023 HR Committee Minutes

Meeting of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s HR Committee held on 28th June 2023 at 6.00pm at the Millennium Hall

Present: Cllrs Fleetwood, Bucke, Mellor, Palmer Angela Burge

1, To elect a minute taker

Minute taker Cllr Mrs Burge elected,                                                      Resolved

2, Apologies, welcomes and attendance, including accepting apologies and the reason for absence where given


3, Declarations of interest. To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.


4, To receive the draft notes from 23rd May and 2nd June and agree them to be signed as true record

Due to discussions about how pink notes are to be stored both sets will need to be reviewed  to be completed for next meeting   

Action Cllr Palmer and Burge   

5,To review and discuss Data protection policy and agree any actions

As this policy is so out of date, copies from other sources to be obtained for guidance, for future review

6, To review and discuss Retirement policy and agree any actions

As we don’t currently have this policy it was agreed to incorporate retirement into a future policy

7, To review and discuss Equal opportunities policy and agree any actions

Again as it is so out of date to source other copies for reference, defer to future meeting

8, To review and discuss all other policies and agree any actions

As there appears to be many policies that the Council does not have, it was agreed to divide up the policies we do have into the various committees then HR will have time to develop the ones we do not have, subject to Full Council approval

Health and Safety at work                        CFC
Risk management and schedule                    CFC
Finance regulations                            F&GP
Councillor & Staff expenses                    F&GP
Grants to External Organisations                    F&GP
Management of assets                         F&GP
Management of Financial Activity                    F&GP
Burial Ground Terms and Conditions                L&A
Exhumation                                L&A
Laburnum Dr Playing Field Regular Use                 L&A
Resilience                                 VIC
Donation of benches by residents                    VIC
Open space                                VIC

9, To review and discuss the staff holidays procedure and agree any actions

As there is no annual leave policy, current requested annual leave is granted, policy to be written for future use