1 September 2023 HR Committee Minutes
Meeting of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s HR Committee held on 1 st September 2023 at 4pm in the Millennium Hall Present: Cllrs Fleetwood, Bucke, Mellor, Palmer & Mrs Burge 1, To elect a minute taker Minute taker Cllr Mrs Burge elected, Resolved 2, Apologies, welcomes and attendance, including accepting apologies and the reason for absence where given None 3, Declarations of interest. To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. None 4, To receive the minutes of the HR meeting of 17/7/23 Minutes agreed and signed a s a true record 5, To review the Data protection /GDPR policy and recommend to Full Council Resolved unanimously 6, Review the equal opportunities policy and recommend to Full Council Resolved unanimously 7, Review Whistle Blowing policy and recommend to Full Council Resolved unanimously 8, Review the Appraisal and Supervision policy and recommend it to Full Council Resolved unanimously 9, Review the Probation policy and recommend to Full Council Resolved unanimously 10, Review Pay policy and recommend to Full Council Resolved unanimously 11, Review the Training policy and recommend to Full Council Resolved unanimously 12, Review Bardney LALC report and consider any implications for CWPC policies Risk management policy needs reviewing to ensure it contains the following: Loss of key personnel Loss of sufficient bank signatories Loss of on-line banking Loss of Parish Office ICT policy must contain “ no personal data to be stored on any Parish Council equipment” All employees to have business insurance on their vehicles Resolved to move to closed session in accordance with the public bodies(admission to meeting) act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed in relation to the following matters 13, To discuss and consider staff training and action accordingly CILCA training to be completed during working hours Resolved unanimously Request for payment of conference for Ass Clerk of £25 per quarter, recommend to Full Council Resolved unanimously 14, Discuss appointment of the RFO Contract, Terms and Conditions and Job Description sent to appointed RFO, start date of 4/9/23 15, To discuss matter of departure of the Clerk Letter sent and P45 16, To discuss succession planning Ass Clerk to be offered 26 hours + 2 hours for CILCA, to recommend to Full Council Resolved unanimously 17, Items for next meeting Review Risk Management policy Review ICT policy Review Sickness Absence policy Review recording or filming of meeting policy 6, To confirm date of next meeting as 8/11/23 6pm in Millennium Hall Signed as a true record …………………………………………….. Cllr Fleetwood Chair