January 2020 Agenda VIC
Cherry Willingham Parish Council
The Millennium Hall, 16 High Street, Cherry Willingham, Lincoln LN3 4AQ Chair of the Council: Cllr Sharron Brylewski Clerk: Mrs L Cooper
The next meeting of the Village Improvement Committee will be held in the Millennium Hall on 9th January 2020 at 10am. Any member not able to attend should pass their apologies to either the Chair of the Committee or the Clerk.
1. To resolve to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence
2. Disclosure of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider requests for dispensation and disclosure of any gifts or hospitality.
3. To receive the notes of the Village Improvement Committee meeting held on 28th November 2019 and approve as Minutes
4. Cherry Fields
5. Items in Progress: to consider and agree any action as appropriate:
a. Update on the Emergency Plan
b. Update on Community Speed Watch scheme
i) Review of CSW Risk assessment
c. Update on litter picking
d. To consider grass cutting tenders and resolve to appoint
e. Consider the following Millennium Hall matters and, if applicable, approve expenditure and quotes:
i. replacement carpet
ii. replacement lighting
iii. update of redecoration work
iv. to extend office area
f. Work involving Probation Service
g. Resolution to virement of unspent maintenance budget to the budget for improvement of Millennium Hall
6. Update on barriers at Croft Lane
7. Update Little Cherry noticeboard
8. Holding items:
a. Create footpath from Green Lane to Hawthorn Road
b. Create footpath from Church Lane to Gilbert’s pond
c. Update on extending Xmas lighting on Parade
9. Defibrillators
i) Update of review of existing defibs in the village
ii) WLDC Debit scheme / Installation of new defib in the village
10. Update on bulb planting
11. Matters for report and future agenda items
12. To confirm date for the next meeting
The next meeting of the VIC committee will be 6th February at 10.00am