May 2020 Agenda VIC


The Millennium Hall, 16 High Street, Cherry Willingham, Lincoln, LN3 4AQ
Tel: 01522 753398

Chairman of the Council: Cllr Sharron Brylewski Responsible Financial Officer: Mrs Christine Hodgson Clerk to the Council: Mrs Cathy Doggett

A remote meeting of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Village Improvement Committee will be held using video conferencing on Friday 29th May 2020,
at 10 am

It is expected that all Members of the Committee will make every effort to attend.  Any member of the Committee who is not able to attend, should pass on their apologies to the Clerk.

Prior to the start of the meeting, a Public Forum of no more than 15 minutes will be held.  The public may address the Parish Council on current matters or issues that may become future agenda items

Members of the Public who wish to attend, should contact the Clerk, who will provide details on joining the meeting via Google Meet.


05/20/1    Apologies for absence

05/20/2    Councillor ’ s declarations of inter est, gif ts and hospitality 

05/20/3    Minutes of the Village Improvement Committee meeting, held on 6th February 2020

To be signed as a true record.

05/20/4    The Oasis/Growing Plot

To consider planning matters and the caravans.

05/20/5    Items for report, or for inclusion in the next Agenda

05/20/6    Date of the next Meeting

To decide the date of the next meeting.