January 2021 Minutes L&A Cttee
Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Leisure &Amenities Committee held Virtually on Monday 4th January 2021, at 7:00 pm.
Present: Cllr Robinson (Chairman), Cllr Brylewski (Vice Chairman), Cllr Burge, Cllr Bates, Cllr Houghton, Cllr Trahearn and Christine Hodgson (RFO and Gill Shaw (Clerk)
There were no members of the public in attendance
1. Apologies for absence
All in attendance
2. Councillor Declarations of Interest, Gifts and Hospitality
3. Minutes of the Leisure and Amenities Committee Meeting held on 9th November 2020 to be agreed and signed as a true record
RESOLVED by all to accept the Minutes as a true record
4. Laburnum Drive Playing Field and St Paul’s Play area
i. To receive an update in relation to the project and maintenance expenditure to date (RFO)
The RFO highlighted
The total maintenance budget is now £5,500 with £2,147 currently spent. The playpark resurfacing due this week should be within the allocated budget of £5,000.
ii. To receive an update on the project to install some play equipment at St Pauls play area for children under 5 to have free unassisted play and consider amending the budget accordingly
We are awaiting two quotes but it will be a future project as requires substantial funding
Action: To review the quotes in April and bring to the Annual Parish meeting in May.
iii. Update on the emptying of the bins at both sites
The bins are being emptied but still overflow during holiday times.
ACTION: Cllrs to monitor the situation when possible
iv. Update on Cricket club compound including grass cutting, metal left outside compound and rubbish around the score box area
Cllr J Robinson produced photographs of the problem areas. It seemed that no clearing up had taken place which was a concern to all Councillors.
It was RESOLVED that a letter would be sent giving a time limit and what sanctions will be incurred.
ACTION: Clerk to look at all previous correspondence to the Cricket Club and send a Parish Council letter to the organisers giving them until the end of April to clear the site. This includes the rubbish behind the score box, the metal outside the compound gates and the accumulated grass cuttings. Failing compliance, the Parish Council will arrange for this to be done and invoice them accordingly with the possibility of further sanctions until the council is reimbursed. Given problems in the past with people climbing over into the Bowls Club, also to ask that they remove the item leaning against the Bowls Club fence, because it makes it easier to climb over the fence
v. To discuss the results of the inspection of playing surfaces
Cllr J Robinson and Cllr Houghton had inspected the surfaces and provided photographs. In their opinion, the surfaces were slippy with mud which was washed away when it rained. However, the surfaces did have a lot of algae, there were gaps between the tiles and they needed attention to stop further deterioration. After discussion on various cleaning methods it was concluded that a professional company was required to clean and maintain the surfaces
vi. Update on the quotes for cleaning of safety surfaces at both sites and agree any actions as required, including accepting a quote
Of the three companies approached, only one had quoted, which totalled £3,590 for bringing the surface up to standard, the rumble path maintenance, edge coverings, replacing gravel and repairing the tarmac. Annual maintenance was quoted at £760.
Consideration was given to repairing the tiled areas and the damage that could occur from frost.
It was RESOLVED by all that at least one more quote was needed. A meeting would be called to approve the work if the necessary quote was obtained.
ACTION: Clerk to contact the company in Newark to ask for their quote
vii. Update on the repair of the sensory boards at St. Paul
Cllr Burge had inspected the boards and concluded that they were not a safety issue.
ACTION: Councillors to monitor the situation. The boards to be treated in the summer.
viii. Update on Fern Grove gate painting and agree any actions required
The paint has been returned and now awaiting a quote for painting in the Spring
ix. To discuss the new format of the monthly inspection reports from Mr Morton and whether to accept or amend
Following a discussion on the new format it was agreed that there should be a meeting with Mr Morton at the next monthly inspection to agree some compromises in his report format to make it more relevant to our play parks and easier to identify hazards.
x. To discuss the potential hazard with overlapping ropes on the Rope Walk at Laburnum Drive
The potential hazard of overlapping ropes was discussed and in the past the posts had been moved back to make the ropes less slack.
ACTION: Clerk to ask Mr Morton if he could shorten the ropes or move the posts
xi. To review the quotations received for a replacement gate at Laburnum and put forward a recommendation to purchase to Full Council
Two quotes have been received, the more expensive of which gave a lot more detail.
It was RESOLVED by all to request more information in writing, from the second quote and if it is acceptable to Cllr Brylewski and the RFO, the work can be carried out by that company
8.05pm Cllr Houghton left the meeting
xii. To discuss and agree to any action in relation to collecting money from those culpable for the replacement of the damaged bin at St. Pauls
It was RESOLVED by all to charge each of the three families ⅙ of the cost of a new bin upto the value of £50
ACTION: Clerk to find out the cost of the bin and write letters to each family
5. Burial Ground
i. Update from RFO on purchase of Grave Marker
No progress on the research of who supplied the previous markers
ACTION: RFO to investigate what nearby villages use and if suitable, where they were purchased.
ii. To receive a report on work undertaken since the last meeting
Gravel path has been laid on the pond side of the gate. This may be a problem for wheelchair users but it is a small area and could be compacted if necessary
The grass cutters have removed the nettles
iii. To note any further planned work
Any Christmas flowers or wreaths are to be removed on 1st February
ACTION: Clerk to carry this out.
iv. To agree and further maintenance required, including accepting quotes where applicable
6. Review the CW2020: Vision for our Future Community-led plan in respect of its relevance to Leisure and Amenities and agree actions accordingly
Further consideration to be given to:-
a. The creation of childrens raised flower beds at St. Pauls and the possibility of getting the Scouts and Guides to run it. Not viable at present due to Covid restrictions.
ACTION: To bring to the Annual Parish meeting
b. The creation of a Fitness trail /outdoor gym. Awaiting quotes
ACTION: To bring to the Annual Parish meeting to gauge public interest
c. The erection of a youth shelter. Due to the new Youth Centre opening shortly, this may not be needed.
d. A shelter at St Paul's playpark would be a good project for the future.
e. Creation of a skatepark.
ACTION to be discussed at a later date
7. General
i. Any other matters to report or for inclusion in the next agenda
a To consider pre-selling plots as the grave digger recommended not digging double depth graves.
ACTION: Clerk to arrange a meeting of the Burial Ground Committee and this item to go on the next agenda
b. To increase our burial fees
ACTION: Cllr Brylewski to obtain more information to bring to the next meeting. RFO to check if this is a Finance Committee matter or Leisure and Amenities.
ii. To Confirm the Date of Next Meeting
Monday 1st March 2021 at 7.00pm Google Meet