March 2021 Minutes L&A Cttee

Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Leisure &Amenities Committee held Virtually on Monday 1st March 2021, at 7:00 pm.

Present: Cllr Robinson (Chairman), Cllr Brylewski  (Vice Chairman), Cllr Bates, Cllr Trahearn and Christine Hodgson (RFO) and Gill Shaw (Clerk)

Cllr Burge joined late

There were no members of the public in attendance

1.   Apologies for absence

Cllr Houghton had sent apologies for her absence and Cllr Burge had sent apologies that he would be late.

2.   Councillor Declarations of Interest, Gifts and Hospitality


3.   Minutes of the Leisure and Amenities Committee Meeting held on 4th January 2021 to be agreed and signed as a true record

RESOLVED by all to accept the Minutes as a true record

4.   Laburnum Drive Playing Field and St Paul’s Play area

i.   To receive an update in relation to the project and maintenance expenditure to date (RFO)

The RFO confirmed that the committee finances were in a strong position but there were a number of maintenance payments due in the near future. However it was confirmed that money could still be moved from one budget to another before the end of the financial year. Any unspent funds from this financial year would go into Council Reserves

ii.   To received an update on any work undertaken on either site since the last meeting (Cllr Brylewski and Clerk)

The scheduled work had been done at St Paul’s but it had not been completed to a satisfactory standard. This was disappointing, as previous work by this company had been carried out correctly. However, the company had agreed to rectify any problems, to the Parish Councils satisfaction.  Repairs were completed today but needed to be reinspected to ensure that there is a satisfactory safety surface and damage to the field, verge and curb are repaired.

ACTION: Cllrs Brylewski and Robinson to inspect.

Cllr Burge joined the meeting at 7.09pm

iii.   To received quotes for cleaning and repair of safety surfaces at both sites and agree any actions as required, including accepting a quote (RFO/Clerk)

Two quotes had been received but it was difficult to make a direct comparison as they were not like for like quotes. Following a discussion on the merits of each quote it was agreed to accept the quote from Wolds Home Improvements as it was a more comprehensive quote which included some repairs as well as cleaning. A water supply was needed and Cllr Robinson agreed that she would provide access to water at her home.

It was RESOLVED to accept the quote, subject to Full Council approval, and subject to the water supply being acceptable and to their agreement to do just one of the areas which will enable the council to monitor the quality of the work.

ACTION: The RFO to contact the company and agree the suitability of the water supply and an indication of a possible start date.

iv.   To receive an update on the Cricket Club compound, including grass cuttings, metal left outside compound and rubbish around the score box area, and agree any further actions as required (Clerk)

A letter and a reminder had been sent to the club but no acknowledgement had been received.  A Councillor had recently inspected the area but no progress appears to have been made although there is work being done inside the clubhouse.

ACTION: Clerk to send a reminder early April with a reminder that the work must be completed by the end of April

v.   To receive Mr Morton’s comments concerning the potential hazard with overlapping ropes on the Rope Walk at Laburnum Drive and agree any actions as required (Clerk)

Mr Morton had indicated that in his opinion there is no safety issue.

ACTION: the rope walk to be monitored.

vi.   To receive an update on the format of the monthly inspection reports from Mr Morton and whether to accept or amend (Cllr Robinson)

Mr Morton had been requested to inform the council of the date of his next inspection but there had been no such notification received.

ACTION: Clerk to find out the date of the March inspection and Cllr J. Robinson will attend to discuss the format of the report.

vii.   To receive and update on collecting money from those culpable for the damaged bin and agree to the purchase of a replacement bin. (Cllr Brylewski)

A contribution of £45 had been requested from the 3 families but one of them had left the area.

It was RESOLVED to purchase a new bin, identical to the recently installed bin in the Cherry Tree car park but to include a lock and to send an invoice to the families requesting their contribution.

viii.   To receive any reports from Councillors regarding the emptying of the bins at both sites

It appears that the bins are being emptied on a Friday but they are overflowing after the weekend.

ACTION: Clerk to ask WLDC if the bins could be emptied twice a week.

ix.   To review any quotes received for play equipment at St Paul’s play area for children under 5 to have free unassisted play and agree to bring to the Annual Parish Meeting, if and when held (Clerk)

The quotes indicate that the project would cost between £6,000 and £10,000.

ACTION: To clarify the quote and to take to the Annual Parish Meeting.

x.   To discuss the annual meeting of the Laburnum Drive Regular Users in view of Cocid-19 restrictions and agree actions as required

It was RESOLVED to postpone the meeting until restrictions had been lifted.  The fees were waived last year so the percentage of fees to be charged this year should be considered and a recommendation prepared. 

5.   Burial Ground

i)   To receive an update from the Burial Ground sub-committee and agree any actions concerning the following (Cllr Brylewski)

a.   Update on fees

The fees are relatively cheap in comparison with other nearby villages.  The sub-committee recommended increasing single and double plots by £50, single cremation plots by £25,double and triple plots by £50. The £1 fee for the Deed of Assignment of Exclusive Right of Burial was now to be included. 

b.   Double depth plots

It was agreed that, due to the clay nature of the burial ground, there was not problem to continue with double depth plots

c.   Plot reservations

The committee discussed reinstating the pre-purchase of plots and it was decided that this was not feasible.

It was RESOLVED to accept the suggested price increase, subject to Finance Committees approval, not to offer the pre-selling of plots and to continue offering double depth plots.

ACTION: The  sub-committee to look at how many pre-sold plots are outstanding and to check ownership.

d.   Grave markers

Plot flags are being trialed and their success monitored.

ii)   To review the Procedures document and the Rules and Regulations document for the Burial Ground

The Clerk is to attend a two day Burial Training in the near future and after the training will look at these documents and redraft.

ACTION: The Clerk and the Sub-committee to redraft these documents and also to draft a clearer and more appropriate notice to be displayed at the Burial Ground explaining the rules of expected behaviour, what is allowed to be placed there and to clarify when wreaths will be removed. The drafts to be approved at the next meeting.

ACTION: Clerk and sub-committee to redraft and the rules and appropriate information to go in an issue of The Cherry News.

iii)   To consider terms of reference for the Burial Ground Sub-committee

ACTION: Cllrs Brylewski and Mellor to look at the terms of reference

iv)   To consider recommending to the Full Council that the L and A committee begins work on a feasibility study for establishing the site of a future burial ground in order to assist future planning.

Although a new site will not be required for a few years, it would be an large expenditure and so it would be advisable to pre-plan

It was RESOLVED to put to Full Council 

6.   To discuss the Open Space Policy and agree on any actions (Cllr J. Robinson)

This was devised in 2014 when Gilberts Pond was under the L&A but since then it has been transferred to the Village Improvement Committee. It was agreed that the document meets the L&A current requirements with the exception of the refundable deposit of £20 which should be increased to £50. It was suggested that the document be considered by the Village Improvement Committee and Cherry Fields Management Group. The documents should be amended to: ‘The areas within the village designated as Public Open Spaces, include but are not limited to, the Laburnum Playing Field, St Paul’s play area, Gilberts Pond, the grassed area at the parade, Cherry Fields and Tanfaine.’ There should also be added a clause stating that the Parish Council do not allow any commercial advertising on these sites.

7. General

i.   Any other matters to report or for inclusion in the next agenda


ii.   To Confirm the Date of Next Meeting

Monday 26th April 2021 at 7.00pm on Google Meet