June 2021 Minutes L&A Cttee

Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Leisure &Amenities Committee held at The Vine Centre on Monday 7th June 2021, at 7:00 pm.

Present: Cllr Brylewski (Chairman), CllrTrahearn (Vice Chairman), Cllr Burge, Cllr Lacy and Cllr J. Robinson.

Gill Shaw (Clerk)

Cllr Bucke was present as a member of the public.

1.   Apologies.

Cllr Houghton had sent her apologies

2.   Members' declarations of interest, gifts and hospitality.


3.   To receive the notes of The Leisure and Amenities Committee meeting held on 21st May 2021 and agree for them to be signed as a true record.

It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes of the Leisure and Amenities Committee held on the 21st May 2021 as a true record and they were duly signed.

4.   Task and Finish group

A task and finish group was needed to investigate the necessity of a new burial ground and assess when the present burial ground would be full. The present estimate is 10 years but this needed to be backed by historical research.  The members of the group did not need to be members of the L&A committee. 

It was RESOLVED to submit the Terms of Reference to Full Council for approval and to invite councillors onto the Task and Finish Group.

5.   Laburnum Drive Playing Field and St Paul’s Play area.

To receive an update on the water supply for the surface cleaning at Laburnum Drive and to resolve to agree a compensation payment for the supply.

●   To receive an update on the surface cleaning at Laburnum Drive.

The surface had been cleaned last weekend with a good result.  It was agreed that an annual clean would preserve the surface and could be done after the winter.

ACTION: The Clerk to contact the cleaning company to find out the optimum time of year for such a clean and this would be discussed at the next meeting.

●   To consider the replacement baby swing and roundabout and agree any actions required.

There was a discussion on the purchase of two new seats of a more ‘interesting’ design with a view to putting one new one at St Paul’s and the other at Laburnum Drive and redistributing the best of the present seats.

ACTION: Councillors to get prices for replacement swing seats.

The surface around the spinning bowl was in need of being replaced.  Ed Morton had submitted quotes but a site meeting was required to discuss exact specifications.

ACTION: The Clerk to enquire when the next monthly inspection was to take place and arrange for Cllrs Brylewski and Burge to attend.

●   To receive an update on the cricket ground and agree any actions required.

Not all the rubbish had been removed nor the metal moved into the compound.

ACTION: The Clerk to ask the club to move the metal as a matter of urgency on Health and Safety grounds and Cllrs to check if this has been done.

The score board was to be taken down and re-erected on a concrete base.

The Parish Council had become aware of the problem of cricket balls going into neighbouring properties with the potential of injury to residents. The present netting was 14’ which isn’t high enough and the council needs to look into higher netting.

It was RESOLVED to write to the cricket club to ask them to suspend using the pitch until safety measures were in place.

ACTION: The Clerk to

  • source netting and poles which historically the Parish Council have provided.
  • to arrange for a specialist assessment of the pitch, its suitability, size and safety measures.
  • to notify the Cricket Club that, with regret, cricket can not be played on the pitch until the problem of balls going into adjoining property can be solved.

ACTION: Cllr Brylewski to visit the neighbour who complained and advise them of the council's actions.

●   To consider the play equipment for under 5’s unassisted play at St. Paul’s and to agree any actions required.

To be deferred until the urgent repairs had been completed.

●   To agree the repair list of play areas and agree any actions required.

ACTION: Cllr Brylewski to compile a list of urgent repairs and obtain quotes.

6.   Burial Ground: 

●   To receive an update on bench repairs and to agree any actions required.

Cllr Bates had completed the repairs.

●   To receive an update on the repairs to the noticeboard

The volunteer was completing the repairs.

7.   General

●   Any other matters to report or for inclusion in the next agenda

i.   The padlock at St Paul’s was missing

ACTION: Cllr J Robinson to purchase a combination lock and fit it.

ii.   The bin at St Paul’s had not been emptied last week.

ACTION: The Clerk to check that it will be emptied in future.

iii.   Grass Cutting at the burial ground to go on the next Agenda.

●   To confirm the date of the next meeting.

Thursday 15th July at 7pm