April 2021 Minutes L&A Cttee

Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Leisure &Amenities Committee held Virtually on Monday 26th April 2021, at 7:00 pm.

Present: Cllr Robinson (Chairman), Cllr Brylewski  (Vice Chairman), Cllr Bates, Cllr Trahearn, Cllr Houghton and Christine Hodgson (RFO) and Gill Shaw (Clerk)

There were no members of the public in attendance

1.   Apologies for absence

Cllr Burge was absent.

2.   Councillor Declarations of Interest, Gifts and Hospitality


3.   Minutes of the Leisure and Amenities Committee Meeting held on 4th January 2021 to be agreed and signed as a true record

RESOLVED by all to accept the Minutes as a true record

4.   Laburnum Drive Playing Field and St Paul’s Play area

i)   To review the recent work undertaken by Sovereign and agree any actions as required.

The work had been complete as per the specification stated on their quote. The remaining rubbish was to be collected on Wednesday and the Heras fencing was to be dismantled and then collected by the sub contractors.  It was agreed that this could be a hazard if left dismantled on the grass. All future quotes should be carefully examined to ensure that an adequate standard of materials are used and no payments to be made until all work was carried out and rubbish removed.

ACTION: RFO to ring Sovereign to request that the fencing is not dismantled until it was collected. If no satisfactory action is taken, then the CEO of Sovereign was to be contacted directly.

ii)   To review the recent cleaning work on St Paul’s Play Area and resolve on issuing the order for cleaning the Laburnum Drive play area.

The cleaning had been completed to a satisfactory level but there remained pebbles to be removed.  The tarmac and wood should be monitored for future deterioration. Following a discussion about the availability of a water supply to enable the contractors to now clean the surfaces at Laburnum Drive Play Area, it was agreed that councillors would approach the pub and garage with a request to use their water supply. A meter reading could be taken before and after so that the council could reimburse for the water used. 

It was RESOLVED, subject to arranging a suitable water supply, to instruct Wold Home Improvements to clean the surfaces at Laburnum Drive, as soon as possible and thereafter to have both play parks cleaned annually. 

iii)   To receive a verbal report regarding a problem with a manhole cover and agree any further actions as required (Cllrs J. Robinson and Burge)

A member of the bowls club had reported that he had fallen on the manhole cover near the bowls club entrance and sustained a graze to his leg.  It was thought that the cover may have been dislodged by the grass cutting equipment. Cllrs had cordoned off the area, removed the cover which needed straightening and then painted it yellow before it was  replaced.

ACTION: Clerk to write to the Bowls club to request that they monitor the security of the cover and to write to Glendale requesting that they also monitor it and that care be taken when cutting the grass in that area.

iv)   To consider both the annual inspection reports and recent monthly inspection reports and agree any actions as required.

Two councillors had attended the annual inspection which had highlighted only a few minor defects, deemed low risk or very low risk. The inspector also complimented the maintenance/repair work carried out by Ed Morton.

ACTION: Councillors to meet with Ed Morton at the play parks to discuss repairs and then to obtain a quote from him.

v)   To receive an update on the Cricket Compound situation and agree any actions as required.

A letter and a reminder had been sent to Mr Dobson giving him until the end of April to tidy the site but the rubbish had not been cleared.

It was RESOLVED to give them until the 14th May to prove that a skip had been ordered otherwise this will be taken to Full Council with a view to rescinding their permission to use the pitch.

ACTION: Clerk to write an email to this effect.

5.   To receive an update on the new bin for St Paul’s and agree any actions as required.

The bin was in the Millennium Hall and now needed fixing in situ.

ACTION: Clerk to ask Cllr Burge if he could fit it when possible.

6.   To discuss the problems of overflowing bins and agree any actions as required.

A second bin had been installed on the railing at Laburnum Drive but there was still litter on the playing fields which councillors were collecting, when  possible. It was not possible to have a second collection after the weekend by WLDC. Thanks were given to Cllr Trahearn for litter picking this area.

ACTION: Cllr Trahearn to continue litter picking and endeavour to do this on a Sunday when surplus rubbish could be removed and bagged before it was overflowing. Signs to be purchased directing people to ‘use other bins if this bin is full’. Cllr J Robinson to send appropriate wording to the clerk. 

7.   To discuss and resolve on the percentage of the Regular Users’ fees to be charged this year.

As the clubs would be able to use the facilities for this year, it was RESOLVED to charge 100%.

8.   To review any relevant responses to the questionnaire in April Cherry News.

The responses were mixed but there was a demand for climbing equipment and for equipment for older children. Grass covered mounds would be a cheap addition with good play value.

It was agreed that councillors would look at play equipment catalogues for suggestions, including replacement baby swings. To further discuss at the next meeting.

ACTION: Clerk to put on the next Agenda.

9.   To consider recent problems experienced in contacting the company responsible for the Franklin Way Play area and agree any actions.

Following the reporting of an accident at the play area at Franklin Way, the clerk had problems trying to ascertain who had responsibility for this park.  Eventually, David Wilson Homes was contacted and they removed the broken equipment.  

It was RESOLVED that the Clerk  writes to David Wilson Homes and also to whoever is responsible for the play area at Jubilee Way to request that a notice be displayed showing who to contact to report any defects.

ACTION: Clerk to send requests

10.   To discuss and resolve on the project works for this financial year and agree any actions as required.

The RFO confirmed that there was a budget of £5,000 for the replacement of the rubber mulch around the mini roundabout at the Laburnum Play area. The mats also need replacing or relaying as they were a trip hazard. 

ACTION: Cllr Brylewski and the clerk to get quotes

5.   Burial Ground:

i)   To review the Procedures document and the Rules and Regulations document for the Burial Ground and the notice for display at the Burial Ground (Clerk and Cllr Brylewski).

These documents were available to councillors prior to the meeting.

It was RESOLVED to accept the Procedures document and to accept the amended Rules and Regulations document which is to include ‘Christmas wreaths and tributes will be removed on the 1st February and Easter tributes will be removed five weeks following Easter Sunday’. 

It was RESOLVED to accept the amended notice displayed on the Burial ground noticeboard which should include a request to not leave any personal gardening equipment at the burial ground which is to be added also to the Rules and Regulations.

ACTION: Clerk to amend the documents.

ii)   To receive proposed terms of reference for the Burial Ground Sub-committee (Cllr  Brylewski)

It was agreed that it would be more appropriate to call this a support group, members of which should be able to complete all work involved in burials should the clerk not be available.

It was RESOLVED to adopt the terms of reference for the burial support group.

iii)   To discuss and agree the terms of reference for a Future Burial Ground Task and Finish group

The Terms of reference should include; the group consists of at least 3 councillors (not restricted to L&A members). The purpose being to produce a report to L&A before April 2022 which should consist of an evidence based assessment of the time when a new burial ground would be needed, taking into account the growth of the village and the age of residents.

iv)   To discuss the headstones that are leaning and those that need cleaning and agree any necessary action. (Cllr Brlewski) 

The headstones were not dangerous at present and it would be difficult to trace ownership of headstones for permission to clean.

ACTION: to monitor the deterioration of headstones and to notify the clerk if they become dangerous.

v)   To discuss and resolve on any further maintenance works required including replacing the noticeboard.

The noticeboard was in a poor state and needed replacing.

It was agreed that the RFO obtain quotes for a replacement of a similar size and to discuss the purchase at the next meeting. Payment to be from the maintenance budget.

ACTION: RFO to obtain quotes and Clerk to put on the next Agenda.

The Stead Bench was in need of repair and another bench’s legs were rotten.

ACTION: Cllr Bates to assess the two benches.

Clerk to contact Cllr Burge who offered to look at the repair of the Stead bench. 

6.   General

i)   Any other matters to report or for inclusion in the next agenda.


ii)   To confirm the date of the next meeting.

Next meeting on the 7th June 2021 at 7pm. to be held at The Vine Centre.