January 2022 Minutes

Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council held at 7.00pm on Monday 24th January 2022 at The Vine Centre, Cherry Willingham.

Present: Cllrs Jenny Robinson (Chair), Trahearn (Vice-Chair), Bates, Bridgwood, Bucke, Brylewski, Andy Burge, Angela Burge, Lacy, Mellor, Palmer and Barry Robinson  

Gill Shaw - Clerk      Christine Hodgson - RFO 

2 members of the public were present.

The meeting started at 7pm.

2022-01 Welcome and resolve to accept apologies received by the clerk and accept reasons for absence.

Cllrs Fleetwood, Scott and District Councillor Welburn had sent their apologies as they had other meetings.  Cllr Houghton was absent.

The Chair explained that the Clerk could not accept a reason for absence for ‘personal reasons’.

It was RESOLVED to accept the apologies where given, (Cllr Lacy had apologised prior to the meeting that he would have to leave at 8.30pm.)

2022-02 Declarations of Interest: To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. 

Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared. 

To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. 


The Chair noted that item 11. 3f of standing orders allowed a declaration of interest exemption on agenda item 9.a iii and iv.

2022-03 To receive any reports from outside bodies, including the Police, District and County Councillors (if any) and agree actions as required.

These had been circulated before the meeting.*  The Clerk confirmed that the letter from Nettleham Medical practice regarding the staffing of the Cherry Willingham surgery would be made public in the Cherry News.

2022-04 Chairman's remarks 

Councillors were asked not to make assumptions on Agenda items as there was no expectation of any outcome only that the matter should be considered and discussed.

2022-05 To receive the notes of the Full Council meetings held on 15th November and 22nd November 2021 and to agree for them to be signed as a true record.

It was RESOLVED to accept the notes from 15th November (1 abstention)

It was RESOLVED to accept the notes from 22nd November (2 abstentions)

2022-06 Resolve to agree the meeting dates for 2022

There was a discussion on the merits of having meetings in August and December and also on moving the date of the Autumn Parish Meeting due to school holidays.

It was RESOLVED to agree the meeting dates with the amendment of adding a full council meeting on the 15th August and changing the Autumn Parish Meeting to the 10th October.

ACTION: Clerk to send the amended dates to the Cherry News.

2022-07 Financial Matters - RFO.

i)   To resolve to receive the Schedule of Receipts and Payments for November and December 2021.*

It was RESOLVED to accept.

ii)   To resolve to approve the Bank Reconciliation up to the end of December 2021*.

It was RESOLVED to approve the Bank Reconciliation.

Cllr Houghton was the authorised signatory but was absent.  

It was RESOLVED to appoint Cllr Bridgwood as a second authorised signatory and he duly signed the document.

2022-08 To consider the next steps for the development of Tanfaine, including the setting up  of a Tanfaine Land Management Group/Committee and agree any actions.

It was noted that the council had previously agreed to site allotments at Tanfaine and that the Future Burial Ground Group was to prioritise Tanfaine whilst still looking at other feasible sites.The tenancy was due to end in March and thereafter the council would have to maintain the field and to set up the allotments.  It was important that the allotments were provided as soon as possible and urgent discussion was needed with the Planning Dept, Highways and other bodies.

A discussion followed on the merits of creating a Committee or a Task and Finish group.

It was RESOLVED to set up a Task and Finish group (Cllrs Bridgwood, Brylewski, J Robinson, Andy Burge and Angela Burge) to start work on the project and decide what skills would benefit the group and who could be co-opted.

ACTION:  The group to arrange a meeting.

2022-09 To receive reports and recommendations (if any) concerning the business of the Parish Council and its Committees, Sub-Committees etc and agree any actions accordingly (note: queries from minutes, please see the individual chairmen or members outside of the full council meeting in order to expedite the meeting)

a)   Finance and General Purposes Committee - Chairman: Cllr J Robinson                        

i)   To review the Council’s expenditure year to date against the budget.

The document had been circulated and the RFO predicted that only a small amount would be needed to be taken from Balances at the year end.

ii)   To discuss the Grass Cutting Tender and agree to re-appoint contractors for the new grass cutting season.

3 companies had been invited to submit a tender but only one had been received which was from Glendale, the present contractor. 

It was RESOLVED to accept the tender from Glendale.

iii)   To review the final proposed budget for 2022-2023 and agree to any changes accordingly.

The RFO had adjusted the draft budget which had been agreed at the November meeting. The proposed final Budget would be £90,995 with £6895 to be taken from Balances (Reserves) giving a Precept of £84,100. This had resulted in a percentage decrease from 15% to 9.91% resulting in an annual increase in a Band D household from £54.81 to £60.24.

Thanks were given to the RFO for her work.

It was RESOLVED to accept the proposed budget.


●   An article to go in the Cherry News explaining the increase.
●   Next meeting to appoint someone to look at applying for Grants.

iv)   To approve the final Precept request for WLDC

It was RESOLVED to approve the final Precept of £84,100. 

v)   To approve the transfer of a sum of £14,000 from the HSBC current account to the Nationwide savings account by the RFO.

It was RESOLVED to approve the transfer.

vi)   To note that a report has been received from the new Internal Auditor and the resulting actions.

The report had been circulated* and was very useful  and comprehensive, with  no major problems highlighted.  The required actions were being undertaken by the Clerk and RFO.

Thanks were given to the Clerk and RFO for their work with the Auditor.

b)   Village Improvement Committee (VIC) – Chairman: Cllr Andy Burge

i)   To receive a report on the meeting held on 10th January 2022 and agree to any actions as necessary.

A camera had been agreed for the office for security, the speed signs would be installed in the near future and the key safe was installed with the new lock.

ii)   To receive a report on the meeting with Knights to discuss the Platinum Shelter at the parade.

Knights had recommended putting a shelter over the present circle of seats and a quote was being prepared. A metal structure was preferred and 3 quotes needed.

ACTION: The Clerk to ask West Lindsey if any funding was available for this project. 

iii)   To approve the recommendations of groups or charities to receive the proceeds of the Christmas events.

It was RESOLVED under Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972  to divide the proceeds equally between three groups: Assist, Army Cadets and the Cherry Tree Pubs fund to install a defibrillator on their building. If the payment to the Cherry Tree Pub was not viable, the proceeds would be divided between Assist and the Army Cadets.

ACTION: The RFO would check the procedure to make a payment for the defibrillator.

Cllr Lacy left the meeting at 8.27pm

iv)   Request volunteers to supervise the Probation Service during any visits.

Cllrs Bates, Andy Burge and B Robinson volunteered.

It was RESOLVED that the VIC would liaise with the Probation Service.

c)   Leisure & Amenities Committee (L&A)-Chairman: Cllr Brylewski

i)   To receive an update on the meeting held on the 11th January

Notes from the meeting had been circulated.*

ii)   Report from the Future Burial Ground Task and Finish Group

Notes from the last meeting had been circulated.*

iii)   To approve a payment of £250 to the Church as a contribution to the repair of the water leak at the Burial Ground.

It was RESOLVED to pay £250.

iv)   To approve the recommendation to explore the employment of a handyman for 5 hours per week and agree any actions required.

A list of jobs had been prepared and circulated and it was agreed that a handyman was needed.

ACTION: The Employment Committee to look at employing a handyman, working 5 hours per week, and produce a job description.  Cllr Angela Burge was co-opted onto the committee.

d)   Planning Committee – Chairman: Cllr Bridgwood

To receive an update from the Planning Committee and approve any actions.

●   Planning Application No 144170 - solar farm - variation of original application.
●   Planning Application No 143960 - 86 Hawthorn Road- amended details of the boundary hedge.

The committee had no objections.  It was noted that the Marina Development had now received approval for ‘reserved matters’.

e)   Employment Committee- Chairman: Cllr Bucke

The next meeting was due on the 11th February.

f)   Cherry Fields Committee - Chairman - Cllr J Robinson

To receive an update from the meeting held on 5th January.

The notes from the meeting had been circulated*. 

The 3 donated benches had been paid for.  The dog exercise area had been fenced and had been well received and appreciated.

A Pedestrians Crossing warning sign was needed but local demand had to be proved.  It was agreed to mention this in the editorial of the Cherry News, encouraging residents who wanted to support this to put a request on Fix My Street.

A black and white direction sign had been approved at the entrance on Fiskerton Road.

A local resident had offered to make and maintain a life size model of a deer and a local fabricator had offered to make the support skeleton for it.

g)   Allotment Feasibility Group - Cllr Fleetwood

The group had finished.

h)   Update from the Jubilee Events Group and agree any actions.

There had been problems in finding a venue for the Saturday as Laburnum Drive Playing Field could not be used due to a cricket fixture and The Cherry Tree Pub was not available during Saturday evening. The event may have to be moved to Sunday.

ACTION; The group to meet as soon as possible.

i)   Update from the Jubilee Beacon Group

The group had arranged for a beacon, music and the facilities for allowing BBQs.

2022-10 Website and Technology- Cllr Trahearn

To receive an update.

Finalising the website set up with Pete Langford was progressing.

2022-11 To receive an update on councillors’ administration access to the Facebook page (Cllrs Mellor and Fleetwood)

Cllr Fleetwood was not present and not all nominated people had been given access.

2022-12 Clerks matters to report including any formal correspondence received.

All correspondence had been circulated when received.

●   The Jubilee Tree had been received from District Councillor Welburn and Nigel Hooper was asked to give advice on where to plant it and to look after it until it was planted (which should be during February, with a ceremony).
●   The proposed date of a meeting with Matt Perry from Worth Unlimited was 28th February but this had yet to be agreed with him.
●   The village hall had requested a councillor join their committee and it was RESOLVED to appoint Cllr Fleetwood who had volunteered.

2022-13 The date of the next meeting: 

Monday 21st February 2022 at 7.30pm (Agenda items by noon Friday 11th)

*Additional documents available from the clerk

**Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of Council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting.