February 2022 Minutes
Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council held at 7.30pm on Monday 21st February 2022 at The Vine Centre, Cherry Willingham.
Present: Cllrs Jenny Robinson (Chair), Trahearn (Vice-Chair), Bates, Bucke, Brylewski, Andy Burge, Angela Burge, Lacy, Mellor and Barry Robinson
Gill Shaw - Clerk Christine Hodgson - RFO
6 members of the public were present.
District Councillors Welburn and Darcel (Cllr Darcel joined later).
The meeting started at 7.30pm.
The meeting commenced with a member of the public thanking the council for commencing the process of providing allotments and offered help and the use of their machinery which could be used in the construction.
2022-14 Welcome and resolve to accept apologies received by the clerk and accept reasons for absence.
Cllrs Fleetwood and Houghton had sent their apologies as they had other meetings and Cllr Bridgwood was in Covid isolation. District Councillor Hill had sent her apologies.
It was RESOLVED to accept the apologies.
2022-15 Declarations of Interest: To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.
Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared.
To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.
2022-16 To receive any reports from outside bodies, including the Police, District and County Councillors (if any) and agree actions as required.
These had been circulated before the meeting*. County Cllr Fleetwood had attended a meeting with the drainage Board stating his dismay at the lack of repair progress in the village. He had also attended the meeting with Highways which Cllr Andy Burge would mention later in the meeting.
2022-17 Chairman's remarks.
The Chair gave thanks to the RFO, Clerk and all councillors who did a lot of work between meetings. Dates of future committee meetings had been suggested to ease the workload of the clerk and to streamline meetings and this was to be discussed by committees.
Agenda item 10 h) was an update on the Tanfaine allotments and the Chair suggested that this item be discussed after item 5 to enable the members of the public to leave early.
It was RESOLVED to agree to the change.
2022-18 To receive the notes of the Full Council meetings held on 24 January 2022 and to agree for them to be signed as a true record.
It was RESOLVED to receive the notes and they were duly signed.
ACTION: The letter from Nettleham Surgery to go in the Cherry News.
2022-19 - Agenda item 10 h)
A group had been set up to implement allotments and discussions were ongoing with WLDC planning regarding permissions for allotments and also with Highways regarding the carpark and a footpath along the Fiskerton Road to Tanfaine. Prospective allotment holders had been contacted for confirmation of their interest and an article was in the Cherry News offering allotments. The offer of allotments had also been posted on the Cherry, Reepham, Fiskerton Facebook page. The availability of Grants was being explored. Fenland Nursery had offered to swap two gates (10’ and 12’) for a single 15’ gate presently at Tanfaine, which was too large, and had also offered to do the work involved. This would be beneficial to the Parish Council.
It was RESOLVED to accept the offer.
Cllr B Robinson gave thanks to the members of the public who had attended.
6 members of the public left the meeting.
2022-20 Financial Matters - RFO.
To resolve to receive the Schedule of Receipts and Payments for January 2022.
The document had been circulated prior to the meeting.*
It was RESOLVED to accept the schedule.
2022-21To agree on the details of the Jubilee Tree planting ceremony in February including any associated costs.
District Councillor Weburn had obtained a commemorative Whitebeam tree but as it was only 15cm high, it would not be suitable for planting in a public space for 3-4 years. It was suggested that an oak from the stock at Cherry Fields be planted at Gilbert’s Pond and a donated yew tree be planted in the Burial Ground as Platinum Jubilee commemorative trees. The whitebeam could be planted at the Parade when viable.
It was RESOLVED to agree to the oak being planted at Gilbert’s Pond.
The tree was to be planted with a ceremony and it was suggested that residents who were 70 or just about to turn 70 be invited to the planting. It was agreed that this would be on Friday 25th at 11am and an invitation put on Facebook.
It was RESOLVED that Cllrs Brylewski and Andy Burge would agree the planting positions and that the donated Yew tree be planted at the same time in the Burial Ground.
● Cllr J Robinson to send the wording for the Facebook article to Cllr Fleetwood.
● To note that a preservation order on the trees should be investigated in the future.
2022-22 To consider and agree any actions in relation to the letter from the Twinning Association.
Cllrs Trahearn and Bucke declared an interest as members of the Association committee.
The Association had ceased to exist and the council had been offered a large painting of Le Grand Luce chateau, the signed charter together with 3 folding display boards. The painting was not suitable for the Millennium Hall but it may be suitable for Le Grande Luce Court.
It was RESOLVED to accept the offer of the display board (2 abstensions).
It was RESOLVED to suggest offering the painting to Le Grand Luce Court and if not accepted, the parish council would like sight of it before making a decision, (2 abstensions)
It was RESOLVED to accept the offer of the charter.(2 abstensions)
2022-23 To consider appointing a Councillor or Councillors to look at Grant applications.
It was RESOLVED that Cllrs Brylewski and Trahearn be appointed to look at sources of grant funding.
2022-24 To receive reports and recommendations (if any) concerning the business of the Parish Council and its Committees, Sub-Committees etc and agree any actions accordingly (note: queries from minutes, please see the individual chairmen or members outside of the full council meeting in order to expedite the meeting)
a) Village Improvement Committee (VIC) – Chairman: Cllr Andy Burge
i) To receive a report on the meeting held on 7 February 2022 and agree to any actions as necessary.
Following a meeting with Highways, several roads and pavements in the village were highlighted as in urgent need of repairs including the High Street, Fiskerton Road, Church Lane footpath and Minster Drive. It was a positive meeting but Highways had a shortage of funds. The drainage problems were also discussed as was the crossing and crossing signs near Cherry Fields.
ACTION: An update on the meeting to go into the Cherry News and also to encourage reporting defects on Fix My Street (Cllr Andy Burge)
The camera had been installed at the Millennium Hall but had yet to be connected to the internet.
District Councillor Welburn left the meeting.
Following a discussion on the set up of the camera, it was RESOLVED that it should record vision only i.e. no sound (8 in favour and 4 against).
It was further RESOLVED that it would not be connected to the app but recorded only on the camera card. (8 for, 3 against and 1 abstention).
It was RESOLVED that a sign be displayed giving notice of CCTV coverage.
ACTION: Clerk to put a sign on display.
ii) To approve a Jubilee Quiz on 11 June.
To be held at the Village Hall on Saturday 11th June. The event would be self-funding and any profit to go to a suitable nominated Parish Council project. The upfront costs would be paid from the Jubilee Events Budget but refunded in due course.
It was RESOLVED to agree to the quiz and that the VIC would finalise details (1 abstention).
iii) To approve the moving of the new flag pole to enable the flag to be lit at night.
It was RESOLVED to the pole being moved and to pay all associated costs involved.
iv) To receive an update on the Platinum Shelter at the parade and agree any actions.
The cost of a standard sized shelter was around £8,500 but would require moving the benches. . A larger one (8m across) may be available but would cost around £2,000 to £3,000 more. However, it would be easier to install and would cover the present seating area. A quote was being obtained and once received, Cllrs B Robinson and Trahearn would submit the grant application. Without the funding, the project may not be viable and councillors should consider other projects. To be discussed at the next meeting.
It was RESOLVED that this would be discussed at the next meeting when the quote was available and possibly the outcome of the grant application.
ACTION: Clerk to put on the next agenda
v) To receive an update on the progress of the tree survey.
The survey had been finished and some pruning work was being done in March at St Paul’s play area and Laburnum Drive Playing field.
Highways should be contacted about their trees which have roots pushing up the pavements.
vi) To receive an update on speed signs.
The signs had been installed and software had been obtained to enable the speed display to be altered.
b) Planning Committee – Chairman: Cllr Bridgwood
To receive an update from the Planning Committee and approve any actions.
● Planning Application No 143962 - 16 Fiskerton Road - first floor extension to side, new roof and single storey garage extension.
● Planning Application No 144367 - 39 Larkin Ave - first floor ext
The committee had no comments to make on these applications.
It was RESOLVED to approve the actions of the committee (1 abstention).
c) Employment Committee- Chairman: Cllr Bucke
i) To agree to continuing with the contract with Chris Moses.
In view of the Council's decision to employ a handyman, the committee recommended that the contract continued but be reviewed in 6 months (1 abstention).
It was RESOLVED to continue and review in 6 months.
ii) To receive an update on the job description for a Handyman.
Thanks were given to Cllr Angela Burge for her help. A draft advert was circulated.
It was RESOLVED to approve the advert with the recommendation that the pay be between £12 to £15 dependant upon experience (1 against).
iii) To resolve on the recommendation to employ an assistant clerk and agree details.
It was RESOLVED to ask the employment committee to further investigate the employment of an assistant clerk for 16 hours per week (2 against).
d) Finance and General Purpose Committee - Cllr J Robinson
Nothing to report.
e) Cherry Fields Committee - Chairman - Cllr J Robinson
To receive any updates.
There had been 2 tree planting days.
f) Leisure & Amenities Committee (L&A)-Chairman: Cllr Brylewski
To receive any updates.
Nothing to report as no meeting had been held.
g) To receive an update from the Future Burial Ground Group.
Last week's meeting had been cancelled and would be rearranged.
h) To receive an update from the Allotment/Tanfaine Task and Finish Group.
Previously discussed.
i) To receive an update from the Jubilee Events Group and agree any actions.
Next meeting on Friday 25th February. There was now only one event to be held on the Sunday from 12 onwards at Laburnum Playing Fields. There was to be a Cherry News article encouraging stall holders.
j) To receive an update from the Jubilee Beacon Group
The insurance had been checked, material for the bonfire had been gifted and a portable toilet booked.
ACTION: To consider who would be asked to light the bonfire.
2022-25 Website and Technology- Cllr Trahearn
To receive an update.
The transfer to the website management scheme was ongoing.
2022-26 To receive an update on councillors’ administration access to the Facebook page (Cllrs Mellor and Fleetwood)
Those who had been appointed as administrators were being added.
ACTION: The councillors who had previously been agreed to act in this capacity were asked to make contact with Cllr Fleetwood via Facebook.
2022-27 Clerks matters to report including any formal correspondence received.
All correspondence had been circulated when received.
It was RESOLVED to move into closed session.
The RFO left the meeting.
2022-29 To agree to the recommendation that the RFO be paid an additional 10 hours to cover training and extra hours worked.
It was RESOLVED to agree to the additional payment.
2022-30 The date of the next meeting:
Monday 21 March at 7.30pm (Agenda items by 17 Thursday)
*Additional documents available from the clerk
**Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of Council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting.